Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip - Page 2 Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip - Page 2


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Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip

Started by rphMedia, December 05, 2004, 05:18:08 PM

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Hein Traag

Thanks for sharing Ron.

Going to use it on to get people to the gallery as wel.

Thanks again and again and again and again  ;D


My problems with this have been solved, well worked around, thanks to Ron.   ;)
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: dgennetten on December 09, 2004, 03:45:33 AM
The sprocket graphics, to me, look a bit dated.  Like things looked everywhere shortly after Alien Skins 1.0 came out.  How about a cleaner flatter look? Or a true photorealistic look?  Would you consider a contribution ?

Hmm, you ain't slammin' me there, that's the very gif that's used throughout CPG filmstrip.  Anyway, sure send me any contrribution you'd like.

Quote from: Rodinou on December 09, 2004, 08:52:06 AM
rphMedia it's interesting ...

So I think you can be my solution :)

Would you be able to create a navigation system in FLASH using CPG database ?

Popup : on the left : thumbs, on the right, the called picture ... people don't know
the url of the pics ('cause inside flash) ...

I don't want to "break" this thread so if you can contact me by msn (if you have it, of course) >

Very nice mod !

Easer said than done, Rodinou.  I'm thinking that the CPG folks really don't want to tackle that one.  I believe they're kinda busy with 1.4.  Would I be able to?  Don't think so.  The integration would be massive.  The one thing that I did want to do was replace / make optional a Flash slideshow at displayimage, but this too is a feat.  When I have a bit more time, I'll eventually figure it out, but time is of the essence here. I do think that using Flash as the images display is an advantage for many reasons (ie, the images are protected and can't be easily pilfered), but there are a few disadvantages too.  A lot of people hate Flash for some reason.  I've used it from Flash 4 and the next release proves to be a more powerful platform.  I thnk it would be great to integrate Flash a bit more in this package, but for now, maybe we'll just stick with some anycontents.  I'll be playing some more in the future  ;D

And you all are welcome!  More to come.


Here's the 715 width requested by hama, but others may want it too.  This just adds another thumbnail to the interface and grabs 3 more random images (total of 15 now).  Makes for a wider scroll that seems to comply with all the theme sets.  The only thing to change from the original files post is below -

Change anycontent*

starttable($CONFIG['picture_table_width'], 'Your text.');


starttable('100%', 'Your text.');

And change the width in the flash code (2 places) to 715.


Works great !

800x600 = ok
1024x768 = ok
Firefox = ok

Thanks to Ron  8)
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!

Pascal YAP

rphMedia :-))))

Wow this mod THE MOD !!!! The best mod of the Year !
But i considere something, your mod catch a lot of memory ! With a System Information Software, your mod are eating 150mo RAM !!!!!
It's not a problem, everybody had at least 200mo free !

Nice² Nice² Nice²



Quote from: PYAP on December 10, 2004, 09:33:26 AM
rphMedia :-))))

Wow this mod THE MOD !!!! The best mod of the Year !
But i considere something, your mod catch a lot of memory ! With a System Information Software, your mod are eating 150mo RAM !!!!!
It's not a problem, everybody had at least 200mo free !

Nice² Nice² Nice²


Thanks Pascal.  I see what you did there, smooth move :)

If you're concerned about the memory thing, here's a recommendation for the Flash code.  Just change the parameter quality to "autolow".  This will check the user's machine for speed render first, if it's OK, then it will automatically revert to high, if it's a slower machine and can't handle it, it will adjust accordingly and there's no degradation in quality of the swf file itself as the anti-aliasing (text and internal graphics) is what affects quality in a flash movie.

Anyway, here's what I'm playing with next.  Don't quite know how I'm going to implement this, but stay tuned.  I think this "effect" is awesome.  Press F11 for a full screen.  The loader is for sound only (for dial-up users) - the flash file itself without sound is only 5K.

*removed old link 

Recommendations / feedback welcome.

Pascal YAP


Opps there's no scroll on my Gallery here , what's appenned ?  (solved since this post)  

aaaaagrhhhhhwwwowwwww your new crazy Mod Next Potential Mod, totally  ???
It's impossible !
who are you ????? You'r absolutly  crazy or not !   ;)
WHat sort of impossible SlideShow is today ?
ah ah so great :))



Oh, I thought you did that on purpose (no scroll), LOL!

If you want it to scroll, point your swf file to "main.swf", right now you're pointing it to "flashthumb.swf".

main.swf loads the flashthumb.swf for the scroll effect.

Pascal YAP

Quotepoint your swf file to "main.swf", right now you're pointing it to "flashthumb.swf".
No it's not that ! I renamed flashthumb.swf to another name.
I can'nt rename this files anyway ?

But your filmstripe fixed on my page is a good effect in fact !



QuoteNext Potential Mod

Recommendations / feedback welcome

You're really crazy! Looks beautiful! I start thinking where I could build in that one ...

Will you connect this next potential mod with random pics of the gallery? If yes, then I just can't wait for the mod and I'm going to faint when it works ...

Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!

Pascal YAP

i All, and in fact rphMedia,

 RPH, Ron, All your Flash MOD are very strongs, and i love to insert our Mods in my Gallery.
But ( excuse me ) each time there's something i did nt like. For exemple, your 100% Kickass Flash FilmStripe (this Topix) is totally perfect but a little detail stop my joice : the borber, who's the defaut Coppermine FilmStripe.

 The best solution for all of us, if possible of course, is when you send us your terrific CPG Mod/Hack, can you also send to us the .FLA Flash MX flie ?
Then your perfects contribution will be more perfect each time.
Then all of us can adapt it with no bad small detail !  ;)
Thanx a lot and again many congratulations.



Hi Ron,

if this is of any help, there are different filmstrips available.  These were done by member b6gm6n, and were posted some time ago.
I have attached them to this post.

It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Hi Ron

QuoteNext Potential Mod

Recommendations / feedback welcome.

An idea could be to build that in an anycontent as a preview with some random coppermine pictures (width = "715", autostart, transparent [or better black?] background / without sound). :)

It's something like a potential mod request.  ;)  Really no problem if you don't have time to do that!


Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!


You mean, something like this?

*removed old link

Towards the bottom.

And thanks Casper, I'm sure I can put those graphics to use in future mods!

And Pascal, I don't think I'm going to continue giving away the fla files unless there's a dire need.  I will modify any of these files upon request, I think that you can tell that by now :) You received one of my first fla's and I have no idea what you did with it.  I'm not hoarding the code, it's pretty advanced stuff for someone that doesn't deal with the software every day.....No, I'm not an expert, but I can get around :)  Conversely, I wouldn't have time to provide support for each and every one.  I hope you understand.  I'm available and online more than most.  It's easier for someone to say, "hey, can you change the color to this, or change the dimension to that" rather than a user trying to do it themselves and somewhere along the line, mucking it up; then we'd have to start over anyway.  Again, I hope you understand in my english, I will help in any way I can.

More to come, I'm still playin'.

PS...BTW, the server here seems to be getting better!!


Thank you ++ for this mod.
But i'm very newbie...
I dont understand where to put anycontent.php ?  ???
Or which code to change to make function on my site
Excuse my very bad english
Thank you for your assistance

Voyagez avant de partir


@claude: Have you read the documentation that comes with Coppermine?
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

Pascal YAP

@Claude (FrenchBodyman ? !)

 Bonjour Claude,

Savez-vous qu'il existe un Forum Copperine en Français ici-même !
Je suis le Modérateur de ce Forum avec Chtito, et nous pouvons vous aider dans notre langue mère !

There's a French Coppermine Forum, you know !

Pascal (south-east France. fr)



QuoteYou mean, something like this?

Yes, almost. I saw that you were playing with three pictures (random pictures, random sizes) ... I don't know if that is a good idea for anycontent? Is it too big?

I think that you're doing a very good job (all of us have to remember it's freelance!) and I'm happy about every mod and every help you post!  :)

Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!