A little bit of help, please! A little bit of help, please!


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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A little bit of help, please!

Started by danieljradcliffe, January 05, 2005, 12:08:06 AM

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Hi, well i have reached to the tutorial part where i just changed the settings to 777. Then I'm not sure that to do next?  :-[ Can anyone help?  ;D


....or how can i find the URL to my gallery? Thanks to whoever helps :)


Do you have a domain name? Where did you put the files? Did you put them in the main folder or in a subfolder?


I uploaded it with an FTP program. So i don't know where. I think its just a regular folder. I did exactly what they did on the tutorial.  :-\\


You need to have a domain name registered and pointing to a web host server for you to be able to access it via http://yourdomain.com


No, i have a domain name



I just don't know how to find it in my HTML editor. I uploaded it on the FTP thing, but i usually use the HTML editor.


If you don't know which folder you put the files into, we would be as clueless as you on where the gallery is. I tried a couple of common names, gallery and cpg132 and didn't find anything. Please go back to your ftp and browse around until you find the folder. Using internet explorer for FTP should be like using regular explorer to find folders on your own computer.


oh, i did save it as photogallery (thats what i renamed it) that might work  :-\\ SHould i redo it in the HTML(ftp online not WS_FTP) if that doesn't work?


http://www.danieljradcliffe.com/photogallery didn't work...

I'm not sure what you are asking in the last sentence.


Sorry. I'm saying, should i just delete all the stuff i uploaded with WS_FTP and go into www.ftp.danieljradcliffe.com and do it all from there?


..and thanks for taking time to help me! ;D


You can use whatever method you are comfortable with as long as it gets files from you computer onto the server. This shouldn't be any different from when you upload any other file/folder to your webhost space.

You are welcome.


But i named it photogallery.... hmmm i can't figure out why i can't get it to show up


But how do you do all of those editing things like changing it to 777 and extracting it  :-\\ I thought you can only do that in the WS_FTP program


Did you put it into the same folder that contains the rest of your site's files?

You would need an FTP app to chmod.


Oh, well, now that i think about it. I'm not sure if i did. here is a screen cap...



It would seem correct except, where's the rest of your files? From looking at your site, there are many more files than the index one. The other ones starting with 'main' are just symlinks, which are like shortcuts in windows.

Joachim Müller

why did you hide the address in the screenshot?



See? Yeah! I don't know where they are!  :-[ I"m so sorry for taking up your time, i just can't figure this out lol

umm, I don't know. I felt llike it! ;)


I'm thinking that you didn't put the photogallery folder into the correct folder for webdocs. Open up mainwebsite_html... it should open up the folder containing your web files. Move the folder there.