Files to delete after Batch Add files Files to delete after Batch Add files


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Files to delete after Batch Add files

Started by twum, January 19, 2005, 03:36:03 PM

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I've managed to install Coppermine successfully and I have added some fotos to the gallery. I used the batch add feature, by creating a subfolder in the album folder and uploading the images there.

When I look now in that folder, I see the original jpegs I uploaded, plus two others of the same image, but different names. Added are the files normal_filename.jpeg and thumb_filename.jpeg. I guess the thumbnail one is used to show the thumbnails, but which of the other two others can I delete? The original one or the one that starts with normal_?

THanks for any help you can give me.


Why delete any of them ? the normal_ version is the resized picture you see on displayimage.php, the original is what you get when you click on the resized version.


Hi Nibbler,

Thanks for the reply.

Well, my initial reason for wanting to delete either the original or the normal_ version is for space reasons. If the original is not really used anymore, then there's no need for it. That was my thinking.

I looked at the source of the display.php page for one of the images, in my browser window and image that is shown is the original, not the normal_ version. And this image is not clickable. Am I missing something here?

Thanks again


If the pic is small then coppermine doesn't make a resized version as the original is small enough to begin with. You can disable the creation of intermediate pics in config if you like, then you will only have thumbs and originals.


Coppermine takes the original image, creates thumb_ (thumbnail) and normal_ (intermediate) images.  Clicking on the thumbnail brings you to the smaller image, then clicking on that images displays the pop-up, full size, original image.  Check your intermediate image settings on your config page.  If your original image dimensions are smaller than the intermediate settings, you get no normal_ image.

If you are worried about storage space, you should resize or lower the quality of your original image before you upload it (which reduces the file size).
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All my files at upload are 500x375 or 375x500 depending on rotation.
The 500x375s normal_ copy is exactly the same, but the 375x500s normal_ is 300x400.

The max width or height of intermediate is set to 400.
It doesnt make sense that it creates the intermediate files with exactly the same dimensions.

If I disable the intermediate creation, can I safely delete the normal_ files?


Then you have 'Use dimension' set to height. Only pics higher than 400 will be resized and the width is ignored. You can safely delete normal_ pics if you disable the option in config, yes.


By "disable the option in config", Nibbler means the create intermediate pictures option.
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Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for the information. Now I understand the way coppermine works. Alls has to do with the pixelsize of the image and what is set in the config options.

Thanks again and till my next question, I wish you all the best.