Coppermine doesn't work when I go online Coppermine doesn't work when I go online


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Coppermine doesn't work when I go online

Started by porcupine, January 24, 2005, 12:41:46 PM

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Though everything is OK in my hard disk when I try to use the Coppermine block I have problems. In details:

-- First of all I have installed the Coppermine standalone project properly.

-- I have installed the Coppermine gallery in my postnuke by using the correct pnCPG module.

-- I use the Coppermine block to show the last uploaded images in the first page of my nuke.

-- In the main page I see the images that I have already uploaded and everything is OK so far. (These images have been uploaded through the standalone Coppermine).

-- When I click on an image I go nowhere. Instead I get an error message.

-- Having the same settings (the default) in my hard disk everything works fine. The Coppemine block works well and when I click in an image I am navigated to the main gallery page inside the postnuke.

I should add here that I can only login to the standalone Coppermine with the database password, not with the postnuke password!! It sounds strange to me, because I can see that all my postnuke users have been properly passed to the Coppermine standalone project.

Where is the problem?

I suppose that something goes wrong with the Coppermine block. Anyone can help?


Can you supply me with a link to your site ?
Also, what are your settings within pnCPG ?



The URL is, but since it is in Greek I don't think you can help me. Furthermore I have removed the block since it doesn't work.

The pnCGP setting are the deafult apart from:

-- language: greek
-- theme: singapore
-- Create Postnuke user in pnCPG: ticked


Don't worry, even can see a lot on a greek site.
One of the most important parts is the location of Coppermine.
What was the error message you got ?



-- The location of Coppermine is inside the htdocs among the other files and folders of postnuke.

-- When I click on an image I go to a blank page. If I have the "Use PostWrap" checked I go to the typical error page of postnuke. The same things happen when I use the {pnCPG} in my block menu.


So is there a link where we can see this happen (looks like all the links have been removed)?
what are the settings of the block ?
What are the settings of pnCPG?
which version of Coppermine are you using ?



I have removed the link from the main menu and the block in order not to confuse my visitors. When I tried to follow the link from the menu or the link from the uploaded image I go nowhere. If I have the "Use PostWrap" checked I go to the typical error page of postnuke.

-- The block settings are the default

-- The module setting are the default apart from:
   -- language: greek
   -- theme: singapore
   -- Create Postnuke user in pnCPG: ticked

I use the cpg1.3.x_pnCPG25 module and the cpg1.3.2 version of Copeprmine.

The main question is: Why everything goes fine in my hard disk and when I do the same things online things don't work?


Possibly online is unix/linux based and then the case does matter, so then check your upper & lower cases.



I checked everything. It doesn't work. Thanks anyaway Cas.


A link together with an admin account is what it takes.

Joachim Müller

Please do not post the admin account publicly, but PM it to Cas.
