New and still trying to figure out all of Coppermine's Capabilities New and still trying to figure out all of Coppermine's Capabilities


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New and still trying to figure out all of Coppermine's Capabilities

Started by WhimandWhimsy, January 25, 2005, 10:38:28 PM

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I've been doing a lot of reading in the documentation and on the forums, and I've answered a lot of my own questions.  For instance, I had hoped to find a nested albums option, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of things when it comes to the catagories/subcatagories/albums relationship.  There are other things, however, that I haven't been able to figure out or find information on.  I'm not looking for full support answers here, but half of the time a simple yes or no is more than half of the solution and a point in the general direction would be amazingly helpful.

Let me explain my project and what I'm hoping to achieve.  I'm putting together a gallery for a scrapbooking page kit website.  From our main splash page you will be able to access the gallery, shopping (OS Commerce), message board (PHPbb, we will be integrating here), About Us, etc.  We offer 10 basic page kit designs, in two sizes, and in multiple colors, with some variations.  In all, there are approximately 360 options to choose from right now, and this number will only grow as we add new kits to our collection.  Each of these kits will be available for sale in the store with a link from the store to the gallery to show customers how the kits can be used.  We will be dividing the gallery into two sub-gallieries: one for the design team without public upload access and one public gallery with upload capability but no individual album access.  (I understand how and where to modify access to these galleries.)

I have begun creating a catagory/subcatagory/album structure in our design team gallery that will allow customers to look up completed layouts made from our page kits by individual kit.  I anticipate that customers will also want to be able to look up layouts by designer.  I supposed that I could create additional subcatagories and albums that would do this for me, but that would mean that I'd be uploading the same image in multiple locations/albums.  Is there a less labor/storage space intensive way to cross reference these images?

The public gallery poses a few more complications.  In our public gallery, I want customers to be able to upload layouts they have made from our kits.  It is my preference that customers layouts/images go into one large album, the most recent upload displayed first. (I understand how to do this.)  Is there a way to make this album searchable by user, by kit, by color, by size, etc?  I would really love for a user to be able to search for all the images made from a specific kit or in a specific size, etc. that have been added by other users.  Again, I can see where I could create multiple albums to accomodate this, but I only want my customers to upload an image once and have it over with.  I definately don't want customers to have to search through a hundred different albums to see all the new layouts/images since they visited.  Can this be done?

I have some slightly off topic questions too:
--I need to modify my breadcrumbs to add a link back to the website's homepage.  Where does file live?
--Does anyone know where we can find a mod that will allow us to create a single login for our Coppermine/PhpBB and OSCommerce accounts?  The Coppermine/PhpBB logins are userid based and the OSCommerce login is email based.  It would be extremely helpful if we could get a single login for all three at once.

Thanks in advance for your help.  I have been very impressed at how helpful these boards are.  I hope I haven't posted anything inappropriate here.  If I need to separate anything out and move it someplace else, please let me know. 



I have been able to find more information and some mods dealing with the search function, but I'm still unclear where (which fields, etc.) the search function is looking when it is sent to find images.

Still wondering if the single image in multiple albums question has been resolved or not.  And I could still use some help with my other questions.

I think if I could move my thread to the support forum at this point, I would (if I had that capability).  But, I'm not exactly sure which forum it belongs in.

Please help.


Joachim Müller

We have a "one question per thread" policy on this board you agreed to repect when you signed up for your account. Posting more than one makes your whole thread hard to track and probably will leave most questions unanswered.

Quote from: WhimandWhimsy on January 25, 2005, 10:38:28 PM
I have begun creating a catagory/subcatagory/album structure in our design team gallery that will allow customers to look up completed layouts made from our page kits by individual kit.  I anticipate that customers will also want to be able to look up layouts by designer.  I supposed that I could create additional subcatagories and albums that would do this for me, but that would mean that I'd be uploading the same image in multiple locations/albums.  Is there a less labor/storage space intensive way to cross reference these images?
CPG1.4.x (the current devel version) will feature "one file in different albums", based on keywords. Clever keywording is the key. Please note that the devel version currently goes unsupported and is meant for testing and evaluation purposes only, not for use in production environment. You are however welcome to test it if it has what you're looking for (and start using it "live" once it get's released as stable).

Quote from: WhimandWhimsy on January 25, 2005, 10:38:28 PMIs there a way to make this album searchable by user, by kit, by color, by size, etc?
User: yes; color: there's a mod that will accomplish this;

Quote from: WhimandWhimsy on January 25, 2005, 10:38:28 PMI have some slightly off topic questions too:
Like I said: one question per thread!
Quote from: WhimandWhimsy on January 25, 2005, 10:38:28 PM--I need to modify my breadcrumbs to add a link back to the website's homepage.  Where does file live?
The breadcrumb is being built in include/, findfunction breadcrumband edit the stuff that comes after it.

Quote from: WhimandWhimsy on January 25, 2005, 10:38:28 PM
--Does anyone know where we can find a mod that will allow us to create a single login for our Coppermine/PhpBB and OSCommerce accounts?  The Coppermine/PhpBB logins are userid based and the OSCommerce login is email based.  It would be extremely helpful if we could get a single login for all three at once.
If you have coppermine already bridged with phpBB, the login/authentification methods of your bbs are in place, not those from coppermine, so this is nothing we could handle. Either search the sites of phpbb or osCommerce, we have no idea about those apps.



A search at the phpbb site showed up lots of results for oscommerce


Thanks so much for your help.  I'm terribly sorry about the more than one question per thread problem.  I thought I had read the posting policy carefully, but somehow I missed that.  :-\\ :P  We haven't bridged Coppermine and PhpBB yet, but we will shortly.  We searched Coppermine for OSCommerce and OSCommerce for Coppermine, but somehow forgot to search PhpBB for OSCommerce.  Thanks for pointing us in the right direction.  There are some threads there that look promising for our needs.

Again, thank you.


Quote from: WhimandWhimsy on January 26, 2005, 06:18:47 AM
I have been able to find more information and some mods dealing with the search function, but I'm still unclear where (which fields, etc.) the search function is looking when it is sent to find images.

Still wondering if the single image in multiple albums question has been resolved or not.  And I could still use some help with my other questions.

I think if I could move my thread to the support forum at this point, I would (if I had that capability).  But, I'm not exactly sure which forum it belongs in.

Please help.


How do I give user the ability to upload to different albums beside the user gallery?llllllllllll

Joachim Müller

don't try to hijack this thread - your question can be answered easily by taking a look into the documentation that comes with coppermine.
