EXIF, IPTC, Keyword & title - a few questions EXIF, IPTC, Keyword & title - a few questions


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EXIF, IPTC, Keyword & title - a few questions

Started by Lara, January 28, 2005, 03:28:58 PM

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Hi I am interested in coppermine but I have a few questions:

EXIF/IPTC support - does this mean full support or are the IPTC / EXIF data just read but not imported to the database?
What I mean with this: if the data are imported to the database it wouldn't be necessary to fill out the keyword, title, data, location etc. manually online but this field would be extracted from the already existing IPTC EXIF data saved within the image. Is that the way it works?

Keywords: it seems just to be possible to assign one word as keyword but not an expression like "Tour de France" - is that true?

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Lara on January 28, 2005, 03:28:58 PM
Keywords: it seems just to be possible to assign one word as keyword but not an expression like "Tour de France" - is that true?
Yes and no: you can fill in more keywords per file, but they are separated by spaces, so "Tour de France" would mean the keywords are "Tour", "de" and "France".
We have a "one question per thread" policy on this forum you agreed to respect when signing up for your account. I hope you can see now why we have this policy.



Keywords are part of IPTC so I thought that's related to each other. Sorry for that. But more important to me is the real integration of IPTC and EXIF but since you don't answer it, it's probably impossible and would mean lots of extra work. That's a pity.

Joachim Müller

There's a lot of "ifs" and "buts" with EXIF data - I'm not exactly an expert on it. EXIF data is being read when the pic is added to the coppermine database, and it is stored within the database. Not all EXFIF tags can be used though - their number increased in cpg1.4.x (the current devel version which goes unsupported), and there's an EXIF manager that goes with cpg1.4 that allows you to select which EXIF info you want to display.. I didn't answer the first part of your question for two reasons: I wasn't fully sure (as I said, I'm not an EXIF expert), and I wanted to remind you of the "One question per thread" policy.



More important than the EXIF support would be real IPTC support. As I said that would be a real benefit. I store my pics offline with iMatch. iMatch allows me to write IPTC data in batchprocessing (image title, keywords, caption etc.) and overtake the exif dato the the iptc date. If Coppermine can use these data to store it in its specific date, title, keyword and caption (description) fields that would help really a lot. Than it wouldn't be necessary to manually insert all the data again - one by one. And the IPTC (EXIF) data would be searchable through the database. Right now there only few image galleries like that have that benefit. E.g. it's not very usefully adding the date of adding pics to the gallery in the date field since the date of a picture is much more important. I like the design of coppermine but without real IPTC support I would have to look for something else. So I would like to know if it supports IPTC like I asked. Thanks.


As you gathered, that level of support is not available 'out of the box' but I don't think it would be too hard to add in.


Quote from: Lara on January 31, 2005, 01:23:25 PM
only few image galleries like that have that benefit. E.g. it's not very usefully adding the date of adding pics to the gallery in the date field since the date of a picture is much more important. I like the design of coppermine but without real IPTC support I would have to look for something else. So I would like to know if it supports IPTC like I asked. Thanks.

Did u checkout the imatch script by "ks"? Just do a search in this forum and u will find it. It is great. I enhanced it a bit to import some iptc fields into the database.
