How 2 deal with blocks & avoid vertical scrollbar? How 2 deal with blocks & avoid vertical scrollbar?


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How 2 deal with blocks & avoid vertical scrollbar?

Started by geewee, November 09, 2003, 09:48:49 PM

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Hi y'all,

just installed 1.2.0rc2 with pnCPG 1.5 under PN 0726. Looks like the best gallery to me!

Integration into PN was no problem, although I did not add a new block - I start CPG from the navigation menu.

:?:  My first question: what is a special block good for? Don't they go on either left or right side within PN? Or would this block contain something additional?

:shock:  Second question: I started to adjust the default theme to match my site's design and just cannot get rid of that nasty additional vertical scrollbar in PN's center block. I could not find any hint so far (even after hours of searching!)... except for: when I set "Show first level album thumbnails in categories" to "No", the scrollbar is gone in the album list - but still not in "Config"...

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!



Question 1:
The special Postnuke block is there to draw attention for your gallery on your home-page. People will notice your gallery and can see the latest changes without going into the gallery and search for it.
It is there for you if you want to use it.

Question 2 :
the scroll bar can be avoided by increasing the length of the frame being used.
Open up index.php in the pnCPG directory and change this line  :
echo "<iframe id='pnCPG' src='$url'  width='100%' height='800' marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 ></iframe>";

to something like this :
echo "<iframe id='pnCPG' src='$url'  width='100%' height='1200' marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 ></iframe>";

Have fun,



Thank you very much, it works.

Unfortunately, the result is not very nice, especially since you do not know the viewer's browser window size.
Is there any way to put coppermine in a table (like PN's OpenTable/CloseTable functions) instead of an iframe?



Since Coppermine is an external program, the only way i found was the iframe. Now the iframe can be placed in a table but do not think that is helping you very much.
Will see if it can be made differently for a future version.



Quote from: "casNuy"Will see if it can be made differently for a future version.

that would really be great, if it were possible.

I've just started using PN and Coppermine, and still am in the learning process... but will also try to find a solution. I think, peaking around helps me to better understand the whole stuff  :)
