Changing thumbnail naming convention Changing thumbnail naming convention


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Changing thumbnail naming convention

Started by tuxhedoh, November 10, 2003, 07:45:17 PM

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I know that it's possible  to change  the prefix for thumbnails, but is it possible to have a suffix instead of a prefix.... i'm currently using Slooze, and it knows it's thumbnails by filename-t.jpg and I've already got a ton of pictures named that way.... does anyone  have any ideas.  I've got shell access to my host, so if anyone knows an easy way to rename a ton of pictures from filename-t.jpg to thumb_filename.jpg without much hassle I'd be more than interested... especially if that will be easier than modifing the coppermine code.

**[size=9]I realize this  is in the wrong forum... sorry. A mod feel free to move it.[/size]

Joachim Müller

I don't have a script ready to copy'n paste, but I'd have a look at the searchnew.php that comes with coppermine: it's normally used to go through all subfolders of the album folder to "hunt" for files that aren't in the database already (batch-add function); it should be fairly easy to modify it to run through the folders renaming files that match to a regex expression, of even easier: delete all thumbs instead of renaming them and let the utility "util.php" ("resize pictures" in the admin menu) batch-create all thumbs anew.



Quote from: "tuxhedoh"I know that it's possible  to change  the prefix for thumbnails, but is it possible to have a suffix instead of a prefix.... i'm currently using Slooze, and it knows it's thumbnails by filename-t.jpg and I've already got a ton of pictures named that way.... does anyone  have any ideas.  I've got shell access to my host, so if anyone knows an easy way to rename a ton of pictures from filename-t.jpg to thumb_filename.jpg without much hassle I'd be more than interested... especially if that will be easier than modifing the coppermine code.

**[size=9]I realize this  is in the wrong forum... sorry. A mod feel free to move it.[/size]

Well, the Unix shell has Mighty Power. If your shell is bash (which most Linux systems default to), you can do the following:

for i in filespec*.jpg; do mv $i thumb_${i/-t/}; done

If your shell is cshell, tcshell, kshell, zshell, or one of the many others, you should be able to temporarily switch over to bash by typing
Then use the commands listed above.

WARNING: Renaming files can delete them in Unix if they clobber each other's names! A typo in the above command could be disastrous!  I have tested this on my own machine, but if your version of bash is different, it may behave differently! Back up your directory before using this command! I take no responsibility for lost files!

Good luck!


In the above example, make sure to replace "filespec*.jpg" in the code with something that will actually match your filenames.

For example, if you're renaming from "picture0000-t.jpg" to "thumb_picture0000.jpg" use "picture*.jpg"

If this is confusing, let me know and I can clarify further.


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