One picture in various albums (keyword reference) One picture in various albums (keyword reference)


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One picture in various albums (keyword reference)

Started by Joachim Müller, July 17, 2004, 12:46:18 PM

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Joachim Müller


I couldn't find the thread on the general dev board, so I'm posting this report here. I was testing your hack/contribution to have pics appear in more than one album by re-using the keyword. Seems I can't manipulate the thumbnail for such a an album that only contains reference to pics in other albums; it shows the generic thumbnail only.

See my test page, the album "Cross reference".


Tarique Sani

yes - you are right - also some of the meta-albums still do not contain the cross referenced images - I am aware of it, the feature is not yet 100% complete
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz

Tarique Sani

This was completed and committed - can someone test it please
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


I updated to the latest files and can't see where the album is represented by a thumbnail period. The only place I see the album is in Search represented as a text link. ???


I still get the same as Joachims first report.
I tested with 3 albums.  When they contain no physical pic, you get the generic icon, and in the properties manager you see 'album is empty', but if you browse it, it has the keyword pics included.

If the album contains a physical pic as well as keyword linked pics, then the album will show the album thumb.

Both the albums shown in these shots contain pics using keywords.  The 'hats' album also contains a pic of its own.

edit.  Checked out cvs at 1930 GMT today and this is the result with the latest files on my server.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


OK, so now I see how this works. Yes, I got the same result as Casper.

I don't know if it's related. If not, I'll start a new thread. Since the album is considered empty, the file count when in album list view shows 0 file count when the album is composed entirely of keyworded files.


Yes, none of the keyword linked files are included in the album pic count, just those that reside in the album.

I suppose it would be difficult to include them at the album level, without mucking up the other stats, total pics etc.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


The problem with that would be if people see a 0 file album they wouldn't care to look. If anything, a good use of this type of album is a best-of/portfolio album containing files from all the other albums and none of its own.

Tarique Sani

OK! I acknowledge the empty album - no thumbnail feature BUT for linked files to be shown in the stats you have to turn that option on in the admin. See for example of what should appear.
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


First, sorry I missed that feature.

But on my setup it only works if the album contains a pic.  See these 2 albums, hats has 1 normal and 1 linked pic, and show this in the stats.
Flowers has only a linked pic, but the stats show the album as empty.  But if you go to the album, you see there is a pic (linked)
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here

Tarique Sani

index.php v 1.70 should fix the problem of no linked file showing in the stats if the album itself does not contain any pictures
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Maybe it has to do with editing the themes... but the linked files stats don't show up when the keyworded album is on the index page. However, if I go to the category that contains the album, the stats will show. Here is a category I have containing a keyword-only album. If you look at the album info on the first page (near the bottom), the linked stats don't show.

I thought maybe the stats for the album wasn't showing because it was in a category. So I created the same album and didn't categorize it. It's the one called "favorites (not in a category)" at the top of the page. The linked file stats don't show up for it.

I see this in various themes.


No, it's not the themes.  I have found another query in index.php that needed changing.  I'm just testing at the moment, but should be able to commit shortly.

Edit.  Fixed and committed
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here

Tarique Sani

SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Album thumbnail is still showing the generic image when the album contains 0 actual files on my install (latest CVS files).  The original post in this thread was referring to the thumbnail, but it looks like the stats were ultimately what was marked fixed in this thread.  Ideally, I'd like rules for the thumbnail to apply to linked files as well - the newest thumbnail displays on the album list.

My dev install is located here, album in question is "Las Vegas".

1.4 looks awesome, good work!


Tarique Sani

Sorry linked files are just that linked and not in albums - can't have that as album thumbnails - atleast not this version
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Quote from: Tarique Sani on February 27, 2005, 06:45:47 AM
Sorry linked files are just that linked and not in albums - can't have that as album thumbnails - atleast not this version

Fair enough, thanks for the followup.
