Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IMagick) - Page 12 Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IMagick) - Page 12


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Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IMagick)

Started by Stramm, March 26, 2005, 06:09:36 PM

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where do you get the error?
Just the watermark mod... that's described in this thread. No premodded files available.


I got that error after you upload... add title and choose album then it trys to place it in that album and thats when i get the error... but its aight now... i just went back to a pre pak setup and ill do the wm mod by hand.. the hard way.. yaaay.. :D
Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.



I have just installed The watermark mod, admin mod, thumbs mod and the re-size mod. Everything was working fine up untill i added the re-size mod. When i am now uploading a photo it lets me select the image, then starts uploading. It then gives me the next screen asking for me to enter the info about the image. After that i then get a message Critical error - There was an error while processing a database query. No other error messages. I then click home (takes me to front page of gallery) and the image looks as though it has uploaded without any problems. It lets me click it and go into into it.

I have searched the boards and found a few issues with regards to corruption, ive repaird the picture table. But still i get he same message comming up. It does exactly the same for all users. I have been able to upload without any problems in the past. 1 posible solution for this problem im getting could be to do with the watermark mod not gone on correctly. If i set the watermark mod to off in the config screen it still runs. So to stop it from showing anything (even when its off) i have to set he image to transparent.

The web site is if you get a few mins.

If you can think of any ideas please PM me and let me know if you need any more info.

Kind regards


Coppermine: 1.33


All fixed now, found the previous post with the email notifications. I think you missed the last } on the delete section. But it was a great help.

Anyway thanks :)


Quote from: sion3000 on October 30, 2005, 03:45:47 AM
All fixed now, found the previous post with the email notifications. I think you missed the last } on the delete section. But it was a great help.

Anyway thanks :)

yes, thanks for mentioning it. I've updated the for that mod to fix a few problems but took a version that already had some more additions in it. This confusion and all the possible combinations are the reason for the mod pack. And that's always up to date ;)

edit: I guess somewhen this weekend I have time to play around a lil bit. Then I check what code needs to be removed in order to make most stuff work together with a bridged coppermine


i've been searching for my the prob i get with the watermark mod, i'm using the updated Mod Package you did a post about stramm. Anywys my error seems to be on like the line numbers?

[function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/updatethumbs.php on line 61

its actually removing the thumnail files?   so i dont know what to do lol


also this error on a different line number...

Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/10026/005_2A.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/updatethumbs.php on line 61

so for some reason multiple pictures are missing when i run the admin tool and update the files to be watermarked.  I'm not sure what i did wrong, i added the SQL, used updated files.. etc? my folders are chmod properly?

and that updatethumbs.php is in the main folder.. not sure why it cant find it?


no, it doesn't remove thumbnail files. And the 'error' you mention is just a cosmetic issue. The 'better admin tools' don't check file types. I could add that if there's need for (maybe to avoid confusion). So I leave it up to the function getimagesize to decie if a file is an image or not. If it's a movie or a document... then no watremark gets applied, the 'image' doesn't get resized etc... and you get your 'error'. So it's expected behaviour.

So I don't know exactly if you have problems with your site cause you only tell me that error message. After looking at it there seems to be indeed a problem with your thumbs. Still it's not related to my mod pack. You can't see the thumbs cause the get displayed 1x1 but when opening the thumb URL directly the thumbs display... means they aren't deleted.

Have seen exactly that problem once before in the support board. However I can't remember the problem. Maybe you ask there again and another dev can remember



hey stramm, i just figured out my problem with my images getting removed, it had to do with the orignal files and the _normal resized files, when i deleted the back up copies, some of the files werent using the _normal image just the orignal copy i guess if it didn't need resized. I still can't resize my thumbnails now from 1x1 to normal size... not sure how, anyways...

So my next question is about the watermark mod, i still can't get it to work?


is my path to my watermark, the logo is a png... I use GD2  , I set the watermark to on, transparancy to 80.. and apply.

members and myself, upload images using the single image upload which i allow 6 images at a time to be uploaded. None get watermarked?

I've been manaully adding watermarks to images i upload, but i'd like my mmember images to get watermarked automaticlly.   

Any reasons why this might not be working? my path is full line path, GD2? trancparancy is set.. I'm not sure what else is wrong? chmod for the logo is 777?


looks like you haven't just deleted the backup but the original as well.... I've viewed a view pics and this is for all so far.
Just tried what may have been gone wrong. And yes... if you delete the backups, then the origs and the MySQL part fails.. then the result is what you have on your site now. Backups and origs gone... but the origs still linked and used as image size reference.

edit: tested even more... check if you have normal images everywhere and only the orig is missing. If you can answer that with yes then make backups of everything (pics +db) and run the admin tools again.
Select the album in question and check 'Delete original size photos'.... this will spit out a lot of errors but if all works well it will rename the normals and use them as original images. This will be then the image size reference too.

For the watermark. Usually it's a wrong absolute path. Set the transparency to 50% to start with. If you use both png background transparency and the transparency setting in config, then there may be problems with GD2. A fix is somewhere in this thread. If you can't get the watermark going then tell me and I'll have a look


yeah thats exactly what i have is normal_ images everywhere and some no longer around. but the majortiy are all normal_ images now lol.. okay yeah i'll give that a shot, what do you mean by making a back of the database? db? 

as for the thumbnails, i just made the config "exact" size for the thumbnails and it everything to 120 x 80 or so, some look off but it is better then 1x1.


Warning: imagecreatefrompng(/public_html/gallery/include.png) [function.imagecreatefrompng]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/include/ on line 363

Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/include/ on line 364

Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/include/ on line 365

Warning: imagecolorat(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/include/ on line 386

Warning: imagecolortransparent(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/include/ on line 386

Warning: imagecopymerge(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/thebeerr/public_html/gallery/include/ on line 387

I get that error now that i changed the path of my logo file, /www/gallery/include/logo.png     

so atleast it is detecting it now?  hmm


nope, it doesn't see the watermark pic. Your old path seemed to be correct


okay.. i set it back to the previous path to the logo, and no errors, just no watermark... I set trancparancy to 50%, and applied, i go back to check on it, and it no longer says 50%? is that normal?  I also tried just 50, without the % sign.. thinking that was the problem, same thing.  Is it normal for it not display the setting i set in the trancparancy when you check config again?


no, not normal.. you just enter '50'
if it doesn't save then the mysql isn't properly applied


okay, i'll play with my sql some more, im pretty sure i added it all, but i'll re do it just in case.


thats what it was! I guess some of the watermark sql info was added, but not the bottom half for some reason. Anyways i fixed the watermark problem! yes! haha thank you!

Now i noticed another problem when the watermark is added, i use a png 24 file with no background set to trancparent background.. and when the watermark mod ads it, it puts a white background on it unless i set the transparancey down? and when i set the tranceparancy down it looks weird? any reasons why that could be?


i guess the png logo only looks weird if i add drop shadow to it, or some type of effect..


Quote from: Stramm on November 09, 2005, 05:52:47 PM
For the watermark. Usually it's a wrong absolute path. Set the transparency to 50% to start with. If you use both png background transparency and the transparency setting in config, then there may be problems with GD2. A fix is somewhere in this thread. If you can't get the watermark going then tell me and I'll have a look