Default Multimedia Thumbs displaying as 0x0 pixels? Default Multimedia Thumbs displaying as 0x0 pixels?


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Default Multimedia Thumbs displaying as 0x0 pixels?

Started by jenepherre, July 26, 2005, 06:20:49 AM

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The gallery is here:

As you can see, the thumb for the image file is fine, but I have a bunch of wav files in there, and the default thumb doesn't display - or if it does, it's 1x1 or 0x0 pixels in size... I can't figure out what's wrong.

I don't know if this is even related, but when I go into File Upload, I get the following errors before I even select a file to upload:

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/inxplic/public_html/friends/upload.php on line 250

Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in /home/inxplic/public_html/friends/upload.php on line 256

Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /home/inxplic/public_html/friends/upload.php on line 256

It will let me upload successfully (or it seems successful anyway), but I get additional error messages at each step along the way... seems like something is completely out of whack here...

What other info do you need from me?  I could post tons of debug info, but what page do you want it from?



Edit:  A few of the wav files show the default thumbnail now.  That's only because I took the default thumbnail image and named it for each media file as a custom thumb and uploaded/imported the renamed images.  Ugh.  (nevermind - even that didn't work)  In addition, when I went into Batch Add Files, I got the following list of errors:

Notice: Undefined index: url_prefix in /home/inxplic/public_html/friends/include/ on line 1225

Notice: Undefined index: in /home/inxplic/public_html/friends/include/ on line 1225

Notice: Undefined variable: fullimagesize in /home/inxplic/public_html/friends/searchnew.php on line 136

Notice: Undefined variable: fullimagesize in /home/inxplic/public_html/friends/searchnew.php on line 137

Only each error was listed multiple times.

Should I tear my hair out or take a Xanax?  haha  
Jen Robertson
I don't want to explain, I just want to dance.

Joachim Müller

the source file path doesn't even exist in the <img> tag, so there's something fishy with your paths. Did you specify any special album paths, or did you change anything in the core code except the theme? Please send me a PM that contains: a link to this very thread and a coppermine admin account, and I will look into this.


Joachim Müller

when logged in with the admin account you PMed me and trying to re-create the thumbs using the admin tools, I get
QuoteERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
ERROR creating:$thumb
, so there's something fishy with your permissions, that's all. You have batch-added pics to the userpics folder, which is a no-no (as suggested in the PM I sent you back), please review the docs and roll back the changes you applied, as they made things worse.



Quote from: GauGau on July 26, 2005, 08:31:16 AM
there's something fishy with your permissions, that's all. You have batch-added pics to the userpics folder, which is a no-no (as suggested in the PM I sent you back), please review the docs and roll back the changes you applied, as they made things worse.


Okay, I did all of that... no more error messages... but there's still the original problem with my default multimedia thumbs.... any ideas on that?

Jen Robertson
I don't want to explain, I just want to dance.


Never mind - I actually figured it out myself!  Yay me!   ;D

In config, I had changed the prefix for thumbs to "t_" instead of "thumb_".  I just changed it back, and it's fine now.  Of course I had to regenerate the image thumbs, but that was easy to do in the admin tools section.

Makes me wonder if it's a good idea to be able to change the prefix though if changing it means CPG won't recognize the default multimedia thumbs.   :-\\

Thanks for all your help with the other stuff though, Joachim.
Jen Robertson
I don't want to explain, I just want to dance.


Did you miss this statement on the config page?

The prefix for thumbnails *

(*) This settings mustn't be changed if you already have files in your database.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

Joachim Müller

Quote from: GauGau
You shouldn't have applied that other mod, as you appear not to have understood the concept of batch-adding: you mustn't FTP-upload to the userpics folder, but to another folder you create within the albums folder first. There appears to be some other things fishy on your setup, PM me you FTP access data as well. If you hesitate to do so (after all I'm a stranger), then re-upload all cpg1.3.3 files and re-apply CHMOD permissions as suggested in the docs.

Quote from: jenepherre
So... the folder I ftp files to should be in the albums folder, but *not* inside the userpics folder?  Is that new to 1.3.3?  Because it worked fine with 1.3.2... although, now that I look, I did it the way you're describing on my 1.3.1 install (I'm talking about 3 different locations/installs here - not upgrades of the same gallery). 
Nope, you were never meant to FTP-upload to userpics, in no coppermine version ever. Since cpg1.3.0, the userpics folder is not being displayed when doing a batch-add, so I find it hard to believe that you claim this has been any different in cpg1.3.2 - you must have fiddled with the core code.

I'm glad you were able to sort this out on your own, please remember to remove the admin access you have set up for me. Remember as well to take your gallery out of offline mode.


Quote from: kegobeer on July 26, 2005, 04:27:25 PM
Did you miss this statement on the config page?

The prefix for thumbnails *

(*) This settings mustn't be changed if you already have files in your database.

Oh I understand that.  At the time I changed the prefix, I didn't have any files in the database yet.  But since the default media thumbs already have a prefix of thumb_ the program no longer linked to those thumbnails once I did add media files to the database.  
Jen Robertson
I don't want to explain, I just want to dance.