[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 2 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 2


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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I will making again the spanish translation.  :)

Si alguien quisiera ayudarme revisando todo el trabajo nuevo y el realizado anteriormente, lo agradecería. Cuatro ojos ven mejor que dos, y seguro que hay cosas que se podrían mejorar, y errores que se podrían solventar.

Saludos (greetings)  ;)
Grumpywolf (Daniel Villoldo)


The Dutch translation is allready done.
(comments are allway wellcome though).


Quote from: GauGau on August 16, 2005, 08:43:08 AM
This is the feedback from the email I sent to the translators:
  • Mits agreed to do Japanese,
  • s55hh agreed to do Slovenian,
  • Adi Stan is doing Romanian,
  • Kaspars is planning to do Latvian,
  • johnwr is busy translating Norwegian,
  • ClairObscur will re-do Dutch (due to many errors in the other contrib),
  • Owen has agreed to do Welsh
Boy, this is very good news. I'm really looking forward to your contributions.

I know the first post lists completed files, but I think it would help translators from doing double work if they knew who is doing what (without having to wade through the posts of this thread). Could a list of in-progress translations be in the first post?

Joachim Müller


I start the italian translation

claudio (aka canelli)


Here's the latest version of the Dutch translation.
(there were some minor bugs in the transaltion).



Basque translation in pregress, i need 4-6 days to finish.

Norbait prest testeatzeko?





(sorry for my shit explanations in english....)

for do the new translation for cpg 1.4.x, is possible obtain the new lines?

for example:
language english.php for cpg 1.3.x there are:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// File theme.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

$lang_main_menu = array(
  'alb_list_title' => 'Go to the album list',
  'alb_list_lnk' => 'Album list',
  'my_gal_title' => 'Go to my personal gallery',
  'my_gal_lnk' => 'My gallery',
  'my_prof_lnk' => 'My profile',

i want obtain the new lines to do easy the translate for 1.4.x,  as this:
file language english.php for cpg 1.4.x for translators:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// File theme.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

$lang_main_menu = array(
  'alb_list_title' => 'Go to the album list',
  'alb_list_lnk' => 'Album list',
  'my_gal_title' => 'Go to my personal gallery',
  'my_gal_lnk' => 'My gallery',
  'my_prof_lnk' => 'My profile',
'edit_my_prof' => 'edit your profile'  //[b] LINE NEW V. 1.4.X[/b]



hey, dvilloldo y kurtsik, habéis entendido lo q dije?

o sea, para hacer la nueva traducción del 1.4.x, nos dan las nuevas líneas? o es otra vez de 0?

no sé como va ahora una nueva version, cómo es? sabéis?


François Keller


The French translation is in progress.

Stefvar an I are working together on this translation.
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


Quote from: Frantz on August 24, 2005, 05:51:43 PM

The French translation is in progress.

Stefvar an I are working together on this translation.
Hello !
The Albanian translation is in progress too. I woud like to have French translation (once finished...) to check (or double check ...) the translation.

François Keller

QuoteI woud like to have French translation (once finished...) to check (or double check ...) the translation.

No problem,

you can see the work in progress here: http://frantzk.free.fr/PorteDocuments/php/login.php

Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Quinti on August 24, 2005, 04:00:42 PM

(sorry for my shit explanations in english....)

for do the new translation for cpg 1.4.x, is possible obtain the new lines?

for example:
language english.php for cpg 1.3.x there are:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// File theme.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

$lang_main_menu = array(
  'alb_list_title' => 'Go to the album list',
  'alb_list_lnk' => 'Album list',
  'my_gal_title' => 'Go to my personal gallery',
  'my_gal_lnk' => 'My gallery',
  'my_prof_lnk' => 'My profile',

i want obtain the new lines to do easy the translate for 1.4.x,  as this:
file language english.php for cpg 1.4.x for translators:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// File theme.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

$lang_main_menu = array(
  'alb_list_title' => 'Go to the album list',
  'alb_list_lnk' => 'Album list',
  'my_gal_title' => 'Go to my personal gallery',
  'my_gal_lnk' => 'My gallery',
  'my_prof_lnk' => 'My profile',
'edit_my_prof' => 'edit your profile'  //[b] LINE NEW V. 1.4.X[/b]

Not sure what you mean: you shouldn't start from a cpg1.3.x language file. Use the english language file from cpg1.4.1 and start translating it to your language from scratch. Use a diff viewer like Winmerge to check your translation for cpg1.3.x, but not as a base for translation, just for reference.



I have done korean translation for coppermine 1.4.1 and tested some functions.

Some of function I could not test (BBS integration, E-card...) due to lack of testing environment.



Quote from: dvilloldo on August 16, 2005, 08:47:02 AM

Si alguien quisiera ayudarme revisando todo el trabajo nuevo y el realizado anteriormente, lo agradecería. Cuatro ojos ven mejor que dos, y seguro que hay cosas que se podrían mejorar, y errores que se podrían solventar.

Saludos (greetings)  ;)

epa, Villoldo

estuve pensando q claro, lo mejor es q yo traduzca desde la tuya,
entonces como lo miraré todo, yo te ayudo

I was thinking, the best thing is that I translate from yours, then like I will look at everything, I help you

François Keller


the French translation is almost finished   :) (only some of the exifs titels are not translate)

you can take a look here http://frantzk.free.fr/PorteDocuments/php/login.php and check the translation

Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog

Joachim Müller

Quote from: mle21 on August 30, 2005, 03:47:23 PM

I have done korean translation for coppermine 1.4.1 and tested some functions.

Some of function I could not test (BBS integration, E-card...) due to lack of testing environment.

Thanks for the contribution. I have a hard time converting your translation from EUC-KR encoding to UTF-8. Could you transfer the encoding for me and attach the converted version please? Thanks in advance.




Quote from: Quinti on August 30, 2005, 09:38:09 PM
estuve pensando q claro, lo mejor es q yo traduzca desde la tuya,
entonces como lo miraré todo, yo te ayudo

Si vas a traducir a español/castellano/spanish, ya estoy yo con ello. Me vendría bien que alguien repasase lo que hay hecho, y sobre todo el tema de traducir siempre los mismos términos de la misma forma, probar que se ve bien todo en pantalla (que "cabe", que queda coherente con lo traducido, etc...).

Ponernos los dos a la vez con la traducción de lo mismo es una pérdida de tiempo. Para los dos. Para coordinarnos, ponte en contacto conmigo en dvilloldo@gmail.com

Grumpywolf (Daniel Villoldo)


Quote from: GauGau on August 31, 2005, 08:11:01 AM
Quote from: mle21 on August 30, 2005, 03:47:23 PM

I have done korean translation for coppermine 1.4.1 and tested some functions.

Some of function I could not test (BBS integration, E-card...) due to lack of testing environment.

Thanks for the contribution. I have a hard time converting your translation from EUC-KR encoding to UTF-8. Could you transfer the encoding for me and attach the converted version please? Thanks in advance.


Hi, Joachim

I do not know what is UTF-8 and how to convert EUC-KR to UTF-8.
So I just read EUC-KR using MS Word and save it with Unicode(UTF-8) File Conversion Encoding.
I am not sure whether this is what you want.
If not, Could you tell me how to convert it to UTF-8.

Thanks and Regards,

Myung-Chan Lee