[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 3 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 3


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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François Keller


The french translation is complete.
In attachement the french.php file. Thank you for checking the translation
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François Keller

I've seen a trouble while testing the French translation:
When clicking on the help icons (in the config page for example) the help popup is in English.
I think we must translate the /docs/index.htm page to have a complete translation.
Is it true ?
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The norwegian file attached.

I haven't testet everything, but the limited parts i've tested in my testinstall seems okay.
I will upgrade my mainsite to 1.4.* soon

The file should already be converted to UTF-8 (or UltraEdit is kidding me).


Joachim Müller

Quote from: Frantz on September 01, 2005, 10:20:30 AM
When clicking on the help icons (in the config page for example) the help popup is in English.
Line 635 in english.php:
Quotearray('Enable help-icons (help available in English only)','enable_help',9, 'f=index.htm&as=admin_general_help&ae=admin_general_help_end'), //cpg1.4

Quote from: Frantz on September 01, 2005, 10:20:30 AM
I think we must translate the /docs/index.htm page to have a complete translation.
Is it true ?


There is the "alpha" ver. of polish lang for CPG 1.4.x: more than 99% of all sentences was translated, but a small part of topics isn't known for me very good (e.g. I didn't use EXIF, so a few terms is still in English; in this moment I haven't possibility to test bridge manager or XP Wizard, so translation in these areas was based strictly on english text from lang).

In next step (during next a few weeks) I will try to:

- find better description and demo of unknown topics (e.g. EXIF) and translate last terms
- install one or two standalone forums/CMS and test Bridge Manager to check, the translated version is correct.

In last step I'm going to polish polish-lang and make it more accurate and friendly. Generally, I'm going to finish it after I'll pass the exam in September.

P.S. I dont know, how to define UTF-8 in file properly - in position lang_charset or by saving the file as UTF-8 file? Actually in attached zip-file there are two files - one with lang_charset setting on ISO-8859-2, second in UTF-8 - please, check, which of them is correct.
P.S.2 What with old data (e.g. comments) from old ver. of CPG, updated to 1.4.x? It will be work properlly with new charset?


Joachim Müller

already added your version to the cvs, see first posting in this thread. Please don't double-post in the future. Thanks for your contribution.


Quote from: GauGau on September 01, 2005, 10:21:22 PM
Quote from: Frantz on September 01, 2005, 10:20:30 AM
When clicking on the help icons (in the config page for example) the help popup is in English. [...]
I think we must translate the /docs/index.htm page to have a complete translation.
Is it true ?

Maybe it's better to generate new file based on index.htm for current language (e.g. index_pl.htm) and translate it; in current lang-file in lang directory there is possible to change the links to the help-file from index.htm to index_lang.htm.



Sorry for double-post - it was changed by me - now in old topic there is the link for this place.

ZIP-File attached today is newer and contains two files with translation - I wrote about it above.

Joachim Müller

I converted the language file from your first contrib to utf-8 already before adding it to the cvs. That's one of the reasons why double-posting is not a good idea.


Yes - you are right.

I found this topic today evening (after a break in the net a part of forum-topics is new for me)... a day after I send my last post. Sorry :(



Don't know if you've commited my contribution to the CVS yet, but this new version is based on 1.280 of the english file instead of 1.279.

A diff told me there was only a few changes in the 'FORGOT_PASSWD_PHP' section, so I did them as well...


François Keller

QuoteMaybe it's better to generate new file based on index.htm for current language (e.g. index_pl.htm) and translate it; in current lang-file in lang directory there is possible to change the links to the help-file from index.htm to index_lang.htm.

Good idea !
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Joachim Müller

François Keller

Quotenot recommended.


How can we do for having the help text en current language for all visitors (French for French lang, Deutch for German lang etc...)
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Joachim Müller

when modifying the coppermine core code as suggested, you might get problems when upgrading. We're not sure yet how the help icons will be handled in the future (will everything go into the language file?). As a first step it'd be great if you translated the documentation. As a workaorund, you could do as suggested, if you can live with future versions going into another direction.

François Keller

QuoteAs a first step it'd be great if you translated the documentation

Ok I will do so  :)

Thank's for the explanations
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There is the slovenian language file for CPG 1.4.x: - utf-8 format (missing is only Bridge function).

V prevodu manjka samo del, ki skrbi za povezavo s forumi, cms.ji itd. (če uporabljaš te funkcije, verjetno veš kako zadeve delujejo...).
Prevod je prilagojen moji spletni strani (http.//prekmurje.info) in ga boš verjetno moral malce prilagoditi svojim potrebam.

73 de s55hh
Napravleno vö Prekmurji

Joachim Müller

François Keller

QuoteAs a first step it'd be great if you translated the documentation

The french translation from the documentation is made (index.php file in attachement)

You can download an archive athttp://frantzk.free.fr/PorteDocuments/ whith "french" screenshot in place to the originals english.
go to the subfolder  /Fichier Language pour 1.4.*/aide and find doc_french.zip. Click it to dowload it
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Joachim Müller

@Frantz and the French translation team: great effort - I have added the frenchs docs to the devel branch of the CVS and to the doc section of the demo. You're really doing an excellent job. Keep up the good work. If you need to make any corrections or additions, please use the checkout, as I have renamed both the French doc file and the graphic resources as suggested before (by adding "fr" to the names).
