[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 8 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 8


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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Joachim Müller

Quote from: Kurt21 on January 07, 2006, 04:53:37 PM
How can i contact translators? I want to offer help to Rebus (Czech transl.)
Send him a personal message by clicking the icon next to his user name or by viewing his profile.

Quote from: bander on January 06, 2006, 10:38:44 PM
russian for cpg 1.4.3
In the future, please rename your file (e.g. from russian.php to russian.php.txt) and attach it to your posting (using "Additional options" when composing your reply). Your translation is incomplete, please review it. For easier handling for others, I have attached your file to this posting.

Joachim Müller

fmben has contributed a language file for simplied chinese (chinese_GB) - here's what he wrote by PM:
Quote from: fmben on January 06, 2006, 07:55:57 PM
I have translate CPG 1.4.x Chinese_simplified language package, providing here
->download url: http://www.smf.cn/bbs/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=233.0;attach=325

It's UTF-8 version, please provide in the download, seems that many chinese user is going to use it. I am SMF Chinese translator, and like CPG too. I will provide Chinese support.
Demo - Download

File committed to stable branch of CVS.


Hello, There were several problems with the italian translations (1.43) so I corrected it.
(Maybe) It's better that you make a backup of your actual translation before to upload this one.

Below the zip file.

Joachim Müller

We appreciate your contributions, however you (or your editor) replaced accented chars by html entities, which is not recommended when using utf-8, so your contributed file is not recommended for use.


is possible what php shows the line of the error in a language file?

galician is 90% translated

Joachim Müller

I don't understand the question, please be more specific.


I'll be glad to make the bulgarian translation.


Quote from: GauGau on January 08, 2006, 11:21:34 AM
Your translation is incomplete, please review it. For easier handling for others, I have attached your file to this posting.
hmm... this is normal FuLL russian translation. may be downloading from rapidshare wos incompleted?
but this translation in 1251 russian cp.
i convert in UTF-8 and attach.


GauGau here is final Russian translation!


Deleted - go here:

Joachim Müller

Quote from: silyashevich on January 20, 2006, 01:24:44 AM
hmm... this is normal FuLL russian translation. may be downloading from rapidshare wos incompleted?
but this translation in 1251 russian cp.
i convert in UTF-8 and attach.
Still incomplete - meaning: not everything from english.php has been translated. I didn't mean to say that the file is corrupt. Thanks for your effort though.

Quote from: Makc666 on January 21, 2006, 04:19:50 AM
This is full Russian transltaion for stable version 1.4.3
Thanks for the contrib, the file is in the demo and the stable branch of the cvs now.

Quote from: Makc666 on January 21, 2006, 04:19:50 AMCan you allow RAR upload on this board. RAR compression is much better!
I won't, as there are issues with rar vulnerabilities that could compromise the webserver's security. Additionally, not everyone has a packing utility that can decompress rar archives, so we go for the agreed standard, which is zip (at least in the windows world). Lunix users should have tools to unpack zip archives as well.


I´m working on Slovak translation.  8)
40% has been done. I hope, I´ll finish next weekend  ???.



spanish translation is in UTF-8

are there any way to translate in ISO-8859-1 automatically?

thank u very much

La traducción al español está en UTF-8

Existe alguna forma de traducirlo o pasarlo automáticamente a ISO-8859-1 ?

muchas gracias


hi friends

here Galician translation:

from http://www.ciberirmandade.org/foros/viewtopic.php?t=251 and me



Quote from: Tarik_90 on January 04, 2006, 02:12:57 AM
I thinks I could do a Ukrainian translation, but that will take me some time because of other thing's i have to do..

Here is the complete Ukrainian translation for the Coppermine version 1.4.3.

Archive contains the versions for cp-1251 and utf-8. Copy the appropriate one to your web site renaming the file to ukrainian.php. For cp-1251 site you'll have to set "Codepage" to "Default (language file)" in the Gallery Preferences.

If you need KOI - convert it using any appropriate converter (i.e. iconv -f cp-1251 -t koi-8 ukrainian-cp1251.php > ukrainian.php) and change the corresponding line in the language file.


Hey GauGau.
I think I would be able to translate Coppermine 1.4.x into danish.

Did I understand this correct; I can take the 1.3.x-danish-language file, and then just put in the lines from the 1.4.x english.php that is followed by "//cpg1.4" into the new 1.4.x danish.php ? If you understand ?  :D
I've been running coppermine for about 2 years now, and it doesn't get any better. Thanks guys :)


Quote from: rmaryan on January 23, 2006, 06:24:39 PM
Here is the complete Ukrainian translation for the Coppermine version 1.4.3.

Archive contains the versions for cp-1251 and utf-8. Copy the appropriate one to your web site renaming the file to ukrainian.php. For cp-1251 site you'll have to set "Codepage" to "Default (language file)" in the Gallery Preferences.

If you need KOI - convert it using any appropriate converter (i.e. iconv -f cp-1251 -t koi-8 ukrainian-cp1251.php > ukrainian.php) and change the corresponding line in the language file.
In file: ukrainian-utf8.php
This line must be:
$lang_charset = 'utf-8';

Coppermine version 1.4.3 doesn't use any other charset than utf-8, so there is no nead for 1251.
Here is the repacked UTF-8 version.

Quote from: webmok on January 23, 2006, 10:15:19 PM
Hey GauGau.
I think I would be able to translate Coppermine 1.4.x into danish.

Did I understand this correct; I can take the 1.3.x-danish-language file, and then just put in the lines from the 1.4.x english.php that is followed by "//cpg1.4" into the new 1.4.x danish.php ? If you understand ?  :D
Yes. You can take 1.3.x and put new lines from 1.4.x English.php.
1-st, not all new lines in 1.4.x are marked with "//cpg1.4"
2-nd, some lines have been changed from 1.3.x also are not marked with "//cpg1.4".
When I was translatin from my 1.3.x to 1.4.x I checked every line.
I am using "Araxis Merge v6.5" to make translations.

John Hjorth


Please read the starting post in this topic, and what Makc666 has written in his post after yours. If You have understood what's written by Makc666 and have the tools avaiable also merntioned by Makc666, please feel free to drop me a PM or email, if it´s not You that already have.
"-Take good care of, and stay focused and present to all Your beloved one´s - otherwise You get jealousy adressed to the Gold Wing - and You - in Your personal Sphere ...!"
- My daughter : "phpBB, CPG & GoldWings - get a life ! - And You end up loosing your reputation as IT Mongol as well !"

Joachim Müller

you shouldn't start with a cpg1.3.x file, but with the cpg1.4.x english language file. Do the translation from scratch, open another editor window to have a look at the cpg1.3.x language file for your language just for comparison.
When starting with a cpg1.3.x language file and trying to insert all cpg1.4.x strings, there is a danger that you forget some strings or you fail to notice that some strings have been moved from one section to the other.

John Hjorth


I'm already working on the danish translation for CPG 1.4.x. I think You also should have asked Webmok to get in contact with me, so I asked Webmok to contact me by PM or email so that I could explain Webmok how to do this translation without filling up this topic with trivial discussions about how to do the work in a proper way.

And I disagree with You on that's not possible to get use of the old existing CPG 1.3.x without loosing lines in the final file, it's only a matter of having the necessary tools available, which is Araxis Merge 6.5 - You can't do it with WinMerge.

Webmok hasn't contacted me yet.
"-Take good care of, and stay focused and present to all Your beloved one´s - otherwise You get jealousy adressed to the Gold Wing - and You - in Your personal Sphere ...!"
- My daughter : "phpBB, CPG & GoldWings - get a life ! - And You end up loosing your reputation as IT Mongol as well !"


Quote from: Makc666 on January 23, 2006, 10:34:08 PM
Coppermine version 1.4.3 doesn't use any other charset than utf-8, so there is no nead for 1251.

This is not exactly true. On our portal we used Coppermine for a really long time, also it is integrated into Mambo portal. Thus at this point I have a large database of data in cp-1251. The simplest way to use cpg 1.4.x was to create cp1251 language file and force CPG working in CP-1251. And actually it works just well.

The alternative approach is to convert all our portal databases, static pages, Mambo etc totally to UTF-8. Unfortunately this will take the amount of time I can't currently afford.

So, if you need to use CPG in non-utf codepage - you'll need no more than the alternative codepage language file. I beleive this alternative could be helpful for some sites with non-utf heritage.