Bridging Across two Domains Bridging Across two Domains


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Bridging Across two Domains

Started by RoaringOasis, August 05, 2005, 11:36:26 PM

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What are the necessary modifications for bridging across two domains?

I have a Coppermine 1.3.3 install and a phpBB 2.0.17 install, same server and db, but different domains.
(""   and    "",   respectively.)
I've set the paramaters in "" and "" as detailed in the documentation,
set the redir file in the forum directory, and hardcoded the redir path in ""
The redirect works, and I have no db problems, but CPG still won't recognize me as logged in. I assume this is a cookie/domain issue... I've searched the pertinant posts in this forum, but still can not resolve. Is there something I am missing?


define('COPPERMINE_VERSION', '1.3.3');
// User database integration
// Uncomment the applicable line if you want to use it
define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'phpbb');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'invisionboard');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin23');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin30');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'yabbse');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'smf');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'woltlab21');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'punbb');
// database configuration
define('PHPBB_DB_NAME', 'laudatef_phpb1'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('PHPBB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('PHPBB_DB_USERNAME', 'laudatef_cpgtobb'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('PHPBB_DB_PASSWORD', '**********'); // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your phpBB directory
// If your URL to your board is for example '',
// you'll have to set the below var to '/phpBB2/'.
define('PHPBB_WEB_PATH', '/phpBB2/');
// Logout Flag
// the value of this boolean constant depends on your phpBB version:
// If your version of phpBB is 2.0.4 or lower - change the value to FALSE;
// if your version of phpBB is 2.0.5 or newer - leave it as TRUE
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// You can keep the default values below if your instalation is standard
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// The prefix for the phpBB cookies
define('PHPBB_COOKIE_PREFIX', 'phpbb2mysql'); // The prefix used for board cookies

// Prefix and names for the database tables
define('PHPBB_TABLE_PREFIX', 'phpbb_'); // The prefix used for the DB tables
define('PHPBB_USER_TABLE', 'users'); // The members table
define('PHPBB_SESSION_TABLE', 'sessions'); // The session table
define('PHPBB_GROUP_TABLE', 'groups'); // The groups table
define('PHPBB_UGROUP_TABLE', 'user_group'); // The group/user table

<... continued ...>

// Redirect
function udb_redirect($target)
    header('Location:' . $target);

PhpBB cookie config:
Cookie Name: phpbb2mysql
Path: /

CPG cookie config:
Cookie Name: cpg133
Path: /



That should be for Coppermine to be able to read it. After changing clear your cookies. If that fails please post a test user account.


lol, that makes sense...

Wonderful  :D
All seems to be working now... Thanks a bunch.



I moved my question to a different thread....;topicseen

My issue was not quite the same.

Joachim Müller
