Uploading Video Uploading Video


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Uploading Video

Started by doomhammer, August 15, 2005, 04:38:34 PM

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I have read all the posts about the 30 second timeout error and have tried all of the suggestions but I am still having no luck.

Here is what I get when viewing the PHPInfo from within coppermine;

max_execution_time 30 30
max_input_time -1 -1
open_basedir no value no value
output_buffering 0 0
output_handler no value no value
post_max_size 8M 8M

But in my php.ini file I have changed those settings to be much higher.  After viewing the PHPInfo in coppermine a few times I noticed it was using the php.ini file in the c:\windows folder and not the one in my php or system32 folders.  I have since made all 3 of the the same with the increased values.

After rebooting the server and going back to PHPInfo in coppermine it still shows the values that I listed above and I still get the 30 second time out when uploading larger files.  This is not a problem for me since I am on the same network as the server, I can just copy my files over, but my random visitors cannot upload any videos larger than 1Mb.  I also think I forgot to mention that I did change all of the settings in coppermine config to increase the file size to 20Mb and max height/width to 2048 pixels.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I would really like to get this up and running properly.

Thank you,


*Posted in wrong area first time and could not find a way to delete or move it...sorry about the double posting.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: doomhammer on August 15, 2005, 04:38:34 PM
*Posted in wrong area first time and could not find a way to delete or move it...sorry about the double posting.
After realizing that you have posted in the wrong section, you're not meant to double-post the identical posting in another sub-board, but to reply to your own posting, asking a moderator to move your posting for you. Moving postings around only takes little effort for moderators, but double-postings often cause several moderators/supporters to look into the same issue twice, moving stuff around several times. Reducing the moderation/maintenance effort to a minimum will make it more likely that a supporter is actually willing to look into your issues.

Quote from: doomhammer on August 15, 2005, 04:38:34 PM
But in my php.ini file I have changed those settings to be much higher. After viewing the PHPInfo in coppermine a few times I noticed it was using the php.ini file in the c:\windows folder and not the one in my php or system32 folders. I have since made all 3 of the the same with the increased values.
Are you self-hosted or web-hosted? When web-hosted, you probably don't have the permission to edit the max_execution_time. When self-hosted, there probably are several php.ini files on your server (but only one is taken into account) - modify the correct one.

However, the whole issue can be avoided easily: you (as coppermine gallery admin) are not meant to use http uploads, but you should FTP-upload and then use coppermine's batch-add functionality. Refer to the docs: http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg13x/docs/index.htm#batch_add_pics


again...sorry about the post.

Anyways...back to the problem, as stated in my first message, there are 3 php.ini files on the server and according to the PHPInfo from coppermine it is using the one in c:\windows.  That file and the 2 others all have the increased max_execution_time as well as other modifications.  All 3 files are identical but according to PHPInfo, even after many reboots, the time is still 30 seconds and file size is 8mb.  It just makes no sense to me and was hoping someone had seen this before and had a suggestion.

Joachim Müller

do as I suggested and use FTP-upload plus batch-add. If you're just curious and want to find out why, I recommend googling for your issue, as there are better places to look for server setup problems.


tried google but no luck there either...oh well

I do love how FTP it is always the response for upload problems that can't be figured out...sure that fixes it for me....but not the other users


Joachim Müller

Quote from: doomhammer on August 16, 2005, 08:58:06 PMbah
well, yours is not a coppermine issue, but a webserver setup issue that can't be solved by us (the coppermine supporters), as we don't have access to your server on administrative level. As you appear to be self-hosted, I can't advice you to ask your webhost for support. I didn't want to sound rude, but self-hosting is not recommended if you don't know your way around in server setup and maintenance. As the server is yours to administer, you should be able to solve this instead of blaming us for not being able to help on a non-coppermine issue.

Quote from: doomhammer on August 16, 2005, 08:58:06 PM
I do love how FTP it is always the response for upload problems that can't be figured out...sure that fixes it for me....but not the other users
"FTP" is the usual response for people who try to upload large files, as both http servers as well as clients (browsers) haven't been built to transfer large files, that's why the recommendation is always the same. The name "FTP" stands for "file transfer protocol", and that's exactly what is has been made for - to transfer files, no matter if they're huge or small. The protocol "http" stands for "hyper text transfer protocol" - it's obvious what it has been made for as well; the fact that you can (ab)use it to also transfer files (to a certain extent) is just a workaround. Although you can use your car to transport wood from the forrest to the mill, it's not what your car has been designed to do, and there are limits on how large the logs can be. If you want to tranport logs of all sizes, you use a truck, don't you?
