Basic Questions about Bridge to vBulletin Basic Questions about Bridge to vBulletin


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Basic Questions about Bridge to vBulletin

Started by cowboy[texas], August 22, 2005, 09:07:35 PM

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OK... after reading many of these threads today I am more confused than I was when I started.

QUESTION 1: - Before bridging, am I supposed to install Coppermine to my exisiting db <or> to a new database ??

QUESTION 2: - Ive tried installing to both a new db and also to my existing db. Same result occurs either way.

PROBLEM: - After bridging... I am not logged into Coppermine... only my forums.

Test account created on the forums:  username = forumuser / password = password
Site link:

//NOTE : Your vBulletin license number is provided at the top of every php file in your vBulletin installation!
define('VB_CUST_NO', '*****'); // Your vBulletin license number (NOT your customer number)
define('VB_DB_NAME', 'prefix_***db***'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('VB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('VB_DB_USERNAME', 'prefix_***user***'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('VB_DB_PASSWORD', '***pw***'); // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your vBulletin Board directory
// In this example
define('VB_WEB_PATH', '/_forum/');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Nothing to edit below this line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //


Please post a link to your gallery. You should install coppermine into the same database as your forum, as stated in the docs.


Quote from: Nibbler on August 22, 2005, 09:35:31 PM
Please post a link to your gallery. You should install coppermine into the same database as your forum, as stated in the docs.

"as stated in the docs" ?? Im not sure where exactly that is stated in the docs... but I sure didnt see it. All I read was that its best to install Coppermine and your forums as standalone first. I thought that meant install into seperate databases. However, reading enough tons of posts here... I have finally reinstalled and used that method. As stated in my first post, it is now bridged although I can't log in to coppermine. I have reviewed ever step to the best of my ability and according to the bridge instructions...I can't determine what is wrong.

Link to the gallery...

Test account - username = user   /   password = password


EDIT: By the way... if I seem confused your right. In this thread:
you deservingly insulted me by telling me that I "dont understand the concept of bridging" and that I should be able to create a test account in the forums. I've posted the test user info for both the forums and for gallery... but the fact that login link only keeps taking me back to the forums confuses me as to why that is of any benefit in the first place. So, heck yeah, Im confused.


5.2.5 Keep Coppermine and bbs tables in the same database

Have you set the cookie prefix ?

define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX', ''); // Leave empty, not supported by vBulletin 2.3

That should be set to 'bb' for your setup.


Sorry.. but none of this is making sense to me.

I'm farily proficient with phpnuke and vbulletin... and have a basic understanding of Coppermine. However, I feel like a 2 year old trying to understand what the hell is wrong with this bridge problem.

1) I added the 'bb' to define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX', ''); // Leave empty, not supported by vBulletin 2.3 although I have no clue why (besides you told me to). So now it appears as define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX', 'bb'); // Leave empty, not supported by vBulletin 2.3  Why is there no mention of this anywhere ? and what is this doing ?

2) When you refer to the "cookie prefix"... im not sure what you mean. vBulletin settings have "cookie path" which i have left as default "/" and also a setting for "cookie domain"... which I have left blank (changing this causes problems logging out).

As far as section 4.10.10 Cookie Settings say, there should be two seperate names for your cookies. If the default for Coppermine is cpg130, then I doubt that my default vBulletin cookie name will be the same... right? However, in all honesty, I don't know where exactly that option is in vBulletin.

So I'm back to square one... again. I cant login to coppermine... what next?


OK, disregard my previous post, I was getting myself confused.

Everything you have posted looks correct to me, so that just leaves the things I can't check like your database details and your license number. Your cookies appear to be setup correctly. If you are happy to PM me an FTP login to your coppermine directory I can take a closer look for you. Otherwise I'm out of suggestions other than to review previous threads.



Table prefix and cookie prefix needed to be set to their correct values.


[//NOTE : Your vBulletin license number is provided at the top of every php file in your vBulletin installation!
define('VB_CUST_NO', '**********'); // Your vBulletin license number (NOT your customer number)
define('VB_DB_NAME', '*****_******'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('VB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('VB_DB_USERNAME', '*********'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('VB_DB_PASSWORD', '******'); // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your vBulletin Board directory
// In this example
define('VB_WEB_PATH', '/forum/');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Nothing to edit below this line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Prefix and names for the database tables
define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX', 'vb3'); // Leave empty, not supported by vBulletin 2.3
define('VB_USER_TABLE', 'user'); // The members table
define('VB_SESSION_TABLE', 'session'); // The sessions table
define('VB_GROUP_TABLE', 'usergroup'); // The groups table
define('VB_COOKIE_PREFIX', 'bb');  // Cookie Prefix, not supported by vBulletin 2

i install both my gallery and my forumn in the same database, but when i have 'bb' as my cookie prefix the gallery shows a error 'Fatal error :
There was an error while processing a database query'

so i leave the cookie prefix empty and when i click login in the gallery it goes to the forum login, i login there but when i then go to the gallery i am not logged in....      this is wat bridging is supposed to do right?  so that u only have to register once and u log in once and ur logged into the forums and gallery?

using vbulletin 3.0.8


can peeps post on this thread

Joachim Müller

Don't try to hijack a solved thread, and don't double post. You already have started a thread of your own.