Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access


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Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access

Started by sigepjedi, August 23, 2005, 12:28:26 AM

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The following setting:
Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access

should allow viewing of index.php, but not drill into albums/categories/images. I believe this is how is functioned in the past versions. I understand now we have the ability to stronger protect on the category level, and based on groups, but it seems to not function the same.

For me, I would like to force login ONLY when a user clicks to view a picture.
Just turning off commenting, or ranking doesnt really help.

If I open it up to allow unlogged users in 1.4, then I get into a bandwidth issue, and it also seems confusing because there is nothing to really force a login prompt for them to join. Where before, as soon as they clicked to view an image, it prompted for a login or registration.

Now, you just dont see the comment box.
How do they know to login to comment?

If anonymouse access is turned off, how do they know what the site is about, or how many images it contains ect.

Please advise.


I don't understand what your post is for. There is no support for 1.4. If this is a bug report please state clearly what the bug is.

Joachim Müller

I guess that sigepjedi is refering to the config option "Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access". In fact, this option is a toggle for only - nothing more, nothing less. If you need more functionality (like telling people "you could rate this pic if you were logged in"), you'll have to add it, it doesn't exist in the core code.
I agree that this is not a valid bug report, but just a support request. Marking as "invalid"


I just dont think the functionality of this is truely what it should do.


I realize this isnt a bug, and is invalid.. BUT, the ability for EVERYONE to browse my gallery is killing me on bandwidth.

I want to force them to login if they want to view the pictures, but still be able to see the homepage & categories, ect.

In three days, following the upgrade, I am knocking on the bandwidth max at my host provider... NOT GOOD!

I WOULD REALLLY appreciate a reply on this.



That would be GREAT if it worked, unfortunatly it does NOT.

Even when you login, it prompts 'You need to register'

BUT, that is EXACTLY what i need.

Joachim Müller

means you did something wrong when applying the hack. Works for everyone else. Locking this thread now.
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