Edit Image-Owners after phpBB-Integration Edit Image-Owners after phpBB-Integration


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Edit Image-Owners after phpBB-Integration

Started by Loewenherz, September 24, 2005, 12:27:18 PM

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the integration from Coppermine in phpBB seems to work fine. I know: "If your coppermine users have already created private albums and uploaded pics to them, they will be lost as well!" But I think, it's not really necessary. The private albums are existing. Only I have to do, is to change the owner of the private album. But how? With phpMyAdmin I found in the table cpg-albums the table "category". Entries are like "10002". If the old uid is "2" and the new phpbb uid is "17", I have to change this entry to "10017"?
And I want to change the user-id from old fotos in the database. Okay, this seems easy: i change the owner-id in cpg-pictures. The owner-names are correct.

Joachim Müller

That's not new, but well known, especially to the devs. Has been discussed before. Needs manual editing though, which means it's only an option for smaller coppermine installs with a small amount of user ids that need to be converted. We chose to not make things more complicated for newbies by simplifying things in the docs, so we said that the users will be lost when bridging. However, thanks for your effort to share your thoughts with others.


I solved the problem on Friday and will post a HowTo on phpbb.de in german language for Newbies.


There's the HowTo: http://www.phpbb.de/viewtopic.php?t=99113 - sorry, but here is no german language area.
Is my warning at the end of the topic really a coppermine-bug? Or not?


It's been asked before. The system is not 10XXX it's 10000 + XXX so the 10000th user will have the category 20000

Joachim Müller

Loewenherz: everything is correct on your detailed explanation except the last section
Hinsichtlich der fünfstelligen Coppermine-Alben frage ich mich, ob hier nicht eine Art "y2k"-Bug lauert. Wer also phpBB's mit mehr als 10000 Usern betreibt (soll es bekanntlich geben), dem rate ich erst einmal vom Einsatz der Bridge ab, bis er das Problem im Coppermine-Forum geklärt hat oder künftige cpg-Versionen das Ganze anders lösen.
- see Nibbler's explanation. There's no "Y2K"-bug there, there can be an infinite number of users (at least in theory), although I doubt that users will go through the modification if they have 10.000 users, as this'd be very hard to accomplish, even with the instructions you provided.
I made this thread a sticky, feel free to translate your posting http://www.phpbb.de/viewtopic.php?t=99113 into English, it's well-written.
You might want to look into the thread/mod migrate / convert users to phpbb as well.


Thanks for the infos. You can feel free to translate my HowTo in any language. Sorry, I'm not really good for german > english.

Joachim Müller

Thanks for granting permissions to translate, I won't - I'm too busy. Maybe someone else wants to take a shot - would be a nice way to give something back to the community.