others see images in a different order than me others see images in a different order than me


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others see images in a different order than me

Started by LWAA, September 28, 2005, 06:50:16 PM

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sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to this....I've set up coppermine so that clients can see images I've shot, but when they reference an image number to me, it's not always the same number when I view the page. I access coppermine as an administrator, they access as registered users. Is there anywhere I can specify an order in which registered users see images, so they see exactly what I see in the same order I see them?

(coppermine 1.3.3)
<i>"I understand everything, except what you're telling me"</i>


First, you have to know that some themes allow to order pictures by name, date... etc. and some others just don't show this option.
As you didn't post a link to your gallery, I can't know how acts your default theme.

Anyway. Go on the Cofnfig page and search for this option : " Default sort order for files". There you can set what order is used by every user (admin or not) if this user doesn't sort manually the pictures by a different order.



thanks, I'm using the classic theme - can't give you a log in (client made me sign an agreement) but the url is http://bluewaterbridgedutyfree.com/gallery/ I don't know if that is of any help.
I set the default order to date ascending, so the latest ones will be at the end (?). But whatever that was set to, shouldn't everyone be seeing the images in the same order?
<i>"I understand everything, except what you're telling me"</i>


Visitors/users can specify thier own sort order, this preference is stored in a cookie on their machine. To refer to pictures reliably, use the absolute url included in the picinfo section under the pic (http://www.yoursite.com/coppermine/displayimage.php?pos=-123). This link will always point to the correct pic no matter what sorting is used.


ah interesting.....can you tell me how/where they would do that - then I can tell them what order to do them in and we'll all be the same.

<i>"I understand everything, except what you're telling me"</i>


Hum, If you're talking about the sort-order options, it's on each album page. See screenshot below with an exemple in hardwired theme.

If you want to know th absolute URL of a pic, as explained by Nibbler (and that IS the more reliable option), go on each image page and - if it's not done - show the detailed pics infos by clicking on the [ i ] button.


Screenshot showing sort order options (theme = hardwired) :


<i>"I understand everything, except what you're telling me"</i>