An Answer that isn't aswered time and time again. An Answer that isn't aswered time and time again.


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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An Answer that isn't aswered time and time again.

Started by JakeSherlock, October 04, 2005, 04:46:25 AM

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I have the same question that everyone else has that hasn't been answered.

Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Unable to fork [""C:/net/ImageMagick-6.2.5-Q16/convert" -quality 100 -geometry 150x112 "c:/inetpub/wwwroot/cpg135/./albums/edit/mHTTP_temp_c172afdb.JPG" "c:/inetpub/wwwroot/cpg135/./albums/edit/preview_65f0d281.JPG""] in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cpg135\include\ on line 159

and you can't say it has nothing to do with you. It has everything. If the code has the ability to use a third party program you better give support for it. Coppermine is great but you know you really should help those who need the help with all aspects of your code. Until you offer your own image editing software supply answers, it's called customer service (GauGau).  Now my server on XP is fine. It is set up properly, image magick is in a directory that does not have spaces and so on and so on. I read it all, searched it all on all websites and have no answers. If you would just answer the question once I think no one would have to look any further.

Thanks for answers if you guys even know.

-Jake Sherlock

PS, This GauGau guy seems like a real jerk from what replies I've read. We just need some help - What do you know??? I am posting in the help section!! WOW :-|


Quote from: JakeSherlock on October 04, 2005, 04:46:25 AM

PS, This GauGau guy seems like a real jerk from what replies I've read. We just need some help - What do you know??? I am posting in the help section!! WOW :-|

You sound like an expert...but I noticed you only have ONE post to your name.  Gaugau has 16,861 in two years.  That's a lot of people he has helped in two short years without being paid for it.  We're all volunteers here.  So, I'd like to know what your contributions have been?  If he's a "jerk" as you imply, the world would be a much much better place if we had more "jerks" like him.

You haven't posted what path you've used on Coppemine for your image magick install, or whether you tested it out with other programs that can confirm, without a doubt,  that it has been installed properly. 

If you really read Gaugau's help in the thousands of other messages you'd see that he doesn't have Windows.. so, why you single him out on this is beyond me.  If you need to gripe.. why not gripe at the hundreds, possibly thousands of windows users who are using image magick for not contributing their free time to help resolve this?  After all it is OPEN Source... it runs by contributions from the public not by one single individual.   

But in all fairness, please feel free to criticise others after you've made your 16,000+ post.


Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.


Well heres and answer for yah, after being the one poster that I am out of how ever many I found the answer.

Most "unable to fork" problems (IE Mine) can be solved by coping the cmd.exe file from your system32 folder to your php.exe home folder.

I imply that GauGau is a jerk only because I am sure with his knowledge of the code and the implication of image magick into the very code that he should know, that he should easily be able to answer this simple quetion. Instead he sent every poster with this problem somewhere else, with no answer to the problem. I hope this answer will help anyone else who gets an error that says unable to fork.

-Jake Sherlock


Quote from: JakeSherlock on October 04, 2005, 05:12:13 AM

Most "unable to fork" problems (IE Mine) can be solved by coping the cmd.exe file from your system32 folder to your php.exe home folder.

-Jake Sherlock

Well there you go.. a SERVER error NOT a Coppermine error.. so why the beef with Coppermine or GauGau who doesn't run a Windows Server?  C'mon be a man and admit it, it was an improperly set up server issue.. has nothing to do with Coppemine as you would have experienced the same issue with other scripts.   

I'm sure many others here appreciate the answer to this issue, but next time, please check your  attitude at the door before posting.


Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.


I think your missing the point. It had everything to do with Comppermine, and why not answer an easy question? I never heard it was hard or that there is no answer. And how could it be a problem with my server if I only have the poblem with Comppermine? I have never come accross this problem until comppermine. It would just be nice if it is an easy question seeming to be related with Comppermine to get answered by the first person who asks it. We're not asking you to post endless amounts of illegal serial numbers. Just a way to get the great code of Comppermine workin'. GauGau should be helping, This guy speaks a different language then english and he just needs help. Not to be given a hard time. I pitty him.

-Jake Sherlock


Quote from: JakeSherlock on October 04, 2005, 05:39:44 AM
I think your missing the point. It had everything to do with Comppermine, and why not answer an easy question?
-Jake Sherlock

I really don't understand your logic here... when it was an issue with your server set up.  You spelled it out, yourself.  I never had to install windows cmd kernel in my local server setup in Windows XP.   I know my webhost doesn't support Imagemagick the way I'd like it, they don't run windows - thank goodness,  and they won't do it just for me, so I have no control over it.. neither would Gaugau or any of the other Devs here.   It's more a Windows XP and Server issue no matter how you look at it.  Like I mentioned earlier, I appreciate your fix for the issue, but most people don't have control over the server that their site is hosted on.  So it's only a fix for self-run servers. 

Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.


If this is how you treat unpaid volunteer supporters of a free product, I shudder to think how you treat paid support representatives for a product that costs hundreds of dollars.


I have found GauGau to be helpful, he pointed out that Image magick does nto document their codes well, and looked over my debug info and made a suggestion.  What I think you are forgetting here is that GauGau works with Coppermine, not Image Magick.  Yes Coppermine can use immage magick, but that does not mean he knows how to fix an Image Magick problem if it was with that program.  Now if Coppermine was send the wrong commands THEN you would expect him to know the solution, but this case it was the Image Magick's problem and there for wiser to ask the Image Magic team what could be wrong since the made the program.  You say that since he has the option to use Image Magick he should know it inside and out even though he did not make the program, but by the same logic you should also know the program inside and out, so there should have been no need for you to ask or complaiin about this....

Tarique Sani

@devs - Repeat after me "I will not feed the trolls" . <- thats a period ;)
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Quote from: JakeSherlock on October 04, 2005, 05:12:13 AM
Well heres and answer for yah, after being the one poster that I am out of how ever many I found the answer.

Most "unable to fork" problems (IE Mine) can be solved by coping the cmd.exe file from your system32 folder to your php.exe home folder.

I imply that GauGau is a jerk only because I am sure with his knowledge of the code and the implication of image magick into the very code that he should know, that he should easily be able to answer this simple quetion. Instead he sent every poster with this problem somewhere else, with no answer to the problem. I hope this answer will help anyone else who gets an error that says unable to fork.

-Jake Sherlock

I received a similar error to this when trying to install Coppermine using ImageMagick. Please understand that I have never worked with PHP before and I'm completely new to this. I don't understand how copying cmd.exe to the PHP directory would help anything, but I tried that and it fixed one of my three errors - the "unable to fork" error, which was the first one, went away. However, I still have two more errors that won't go away and need more direction:

Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/im.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TestFolder\copperminegop\install.php on line 114

Warning: unlink(albums/userpics/im.gif): No such file or directory in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TestFolder\copperminegop\install.php on line 115

Can anyone give me some direction on this.


You should create a new thread instead of posting to an old thread with Flame mark ::)
This is ImageMagick issue on win box , Use GD2 instead And you'll be fine
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: Sami on September 30, 2006, 06:07:31 AM
You should create a new thread instead of posting to an old thread with Flame mark ::)
This is ImageMagick issue on win box , Use GD2 instead And you'll be fine

Sorry didn't realize that was taboo.  :-)   First time poster.

I originally download GD2 to try that first, but the installation instructions were rather convoluted and confusing to my small brain. Using the binary install for ImageMagick seemed so much easier.

I eventually got it working on our test server by changing the folder security settings for the two folders (as indicated in the Coppermine setup instructions) to allow write privileges. However, just changing the permissions for the internet guest, IUSR, as indicated in the instructions wasn't working. I eventually gave write permissions to those two folders to "Everyone" and that fixed it, but that somehow seems not quite as secure as I would expect.

Well, at least it's working.  :-)


Joachim Müller