User Gallery Setup User Gallery Setup


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User Gallery Setup

Started by lia, October 10, 2005, 02:02:09 PM

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Hi Everyone,

I have found coppermine great and full of features. I have read through the forums and had a play with some mods in the DB and havn't brocken anything yet. Rollback is a great savour though :-)

I originally wanted to have 2 gallery that users could upload to themselves with albums. A girls and a boys album and users could then upload to the correct gallery of their gender. It seems I can't do this with Coppermine. Then I planned to have 2 gallery ie. Boys gallery and Girls gallery and then move the albums that the users created in user gallery to the correct gallery but it seems the only way I can do this is through the DB which I did as a test and it worked. It's not the ideal way to do things though on a regular basis twiddling with the DB and I would have to manually do this quite often.

Correct me if I am wrong on any of the above as i'm a newbie.

The only option it seems that can do something close to what I wanted is to have one user gallery for users to upload to as this is the default setupof Coppermine. So boys and girls albums all get created into the one user gallery. Not the ideal of what I was hoping for but that seems the best I can get at present please correct me if I am wrong.

I have setup my gallery as such. The other problem i'm having is that I can't get a thumbnail to show up for the user gallery. It just looks like a text link. If I could get a thumbnail to at least show up users would at least know something was in there to look at. I did try editing the categories in the DB and specify a thumbnail but this still didn't work.

My gallery can be viewed at :

Apart from that I have found coppermine very easy to setup and install with loads of features. If I could get it a little friendlier for user uploads it would be perfect.

I would appreciate any comments or advise on the above.

Many Thanks


yes, there's only one 'users galleries' category. So all albums users create themselves will be here. No matter if male or female. If you have only a few users you can create new groups.. male and female. Then create albums where you need and change permissions of these albums to allow only certain groups to upload

if you want to move an album simply create an new album in the destination category and just move the pictures