Detailed step-by-step installation to integrate SMF and CPG into Joomla Detailed step-by-step installation to integrate SMF and CPG into Joomla


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Detailed step-by-step installation to integrate SMF and CPG into Joomla

Started by EBG, October 15, 2005, 09:33:07 PM

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Hello everybody

Here you will find a detailed step-by-step installation instruction to integrate SMF and CPG into Joomla (embedding) where user

management is located in SMF only (automaticly same users data in all three components).

some notes before:
I was not able to install CPG to Joomla without SMF (user login kept separate). Therefore I installed all three components (this makes

sense anyway).
Installation is very easy since I know what to do. I picked over lots of hints and examples of many forums last weeks which mostly turned out to be wrong, incomplete or obsolete. Most time it took to find out if it was a death-end or not.

Please observe that all components require the (actual) newest releases. These are:
- Joomla 1.0.3 (basic CMS)
- SMF 1.1 RC1 (user forum)
- CPG 1.4.1 beta (picture gallery - newest CSV from 6th of October)

Because I was not using any CMS before this is a bottom up installation which uses a 'clean' database (if required drop all existing Mambo/Joomla,SMF and CPG tables).
If you want to upgrade/update your allready existing CMS there may be many more problems i did not care.

If your webhoster allows only 'SAFE MODE = ON' (i.e. STRATO) you will have a big problem.
In spite of this you principally will be able to install Joomla, but it will be impossible to make all kind of direct installation of components, modules, languages, themes, etc. from the backend.
In addition all workarounds by using an 'SafeModePatch' will fail because all Mambo-SafeModePatches are incompatible to Joomla and a Joomla-SafeModePatch does not exist).
But if the patch would exist it will not work, too (this is i.e. with STRATO), because the rigths of using a 'PHP FTP upload' are disabled, too (a few month ago it was enabled only in PHP5 but now disabled all versions).

Fore hard core freaks there is another way to live with 'SAFE MODE = ON': Develope the complete CMS on a local test server (with 'SAFE MODE = OFF') an then upload all files and database(s) and then debug the system relevant entries. Disadvantage: a fixed system cou can not change (without downloading/changing/uploading again). I can not recommend to try this way (I did first).

The really best way to handle the problem is to change the webhoster (as I will do)!

Anywere I recommand to install your CMS onto a local server first (I have an XAMPP installation there), because it is easier and quicker to handle. Later it will uploaded to the URL.

In the description I use 'server" (in italics) for my local server name, but if want to install directly to your webhoster you may enter your URL here.
All names in italics are depending on your webhosters guideline or on your own decision.

Maybe that there are many ways to install - the discriped is my way only - and it works with my system/webhoster. There is no guaranty that is has to work with yours, too.

OK so far - lets begin!
IMPORTANT: Please read all, before yu start installing !!!


1. If not existing create a new database 'database' on your local server (i.e. use phpMyAdmin)

2. Create a local installation directory 'joomla' on your local working PC (use always lower letters and no special characters - except '_').

3. Download all listed components from net to an separate 'download' directory
- Joomla_1.0.2-Stable-Full_Package.tar (i.e. get all from:
- Joomla_1.0.2_to_1.0.3-Stable-Patch_Package.tar
- (or any other laguage file if required - english is default onboard)
I just learned, that there is a full version 1.0.3 now, too. So there is no need to do the steps of patching any longer!

4. Extract Joomla_1.0.2-Stable-Full_Package.tar to your local 'joomla' and upload the whole directory to your local server with Explorer in local net or if directly to your URL i.e. use FileZilla (as I recommend).

5. Enter your webbrowser and select 'http://server/joomla/index.php' and you will get the standard joomla installation form and continue as usual.
- If SAFE MODE is ON switch is off in your local server configuration and retry (all other recommended setting seems not to be a must).
- If any of the required directory permissions is not 'writeable' please change the rights (CMOD set to 777 - use i.e. FileZilla file/dir properties) and retry.
- Enter the database configuration (with your own parameters) where database is 'database'
- Let the table prefix be 'jos_' and 'install sample table' to YES (default).
- Enter a site name as you like (i.e. 'Test Site'.
- In last form enter any mail address (but not yours !!!, because finally this will not be your admin account - i.e.' and do not forget to enter a new password! Do not change any other default there.
- At last then delete the direction '\\server\joomla\installation'.

6. Extract Joomla_1.0.2_to_1.0.3-Stable-Patch_Package.tar and upload all countaining dirs/files to your Joomla directory on the local server.

7. If you would like to do, you may install another language i.e. from using Joomla backend (but it must be version 1.0.3 !).


1. Create a local installation directory 'smf' on your local working PC (use always lower letters and no special characters - except '_').

2. Download all listed components from net to an separate 'download' directory
- (i.e. get all from:
- smf_1-1-rc1_update.tar
- (or any other laguage file if required - english is default onboard)

3. Extract to your local 'smf' and upload the whole directory to your local server with Explorer in local net or if directly to your URL i.e. use FileZilla (as I recommend).

4. Enter your webbrowser and select 'http://server/smf/install.php' and you will get the standard smf installation form and continue as usual.
- Database name must the same you used with Joomla !!!.
- Enter the database configuration (with your own parameters)
- Let the table prefix be 'smf_' (default as all other parameters).
- Enter a forum name as you like (i.e. 'Test Forum'.
- In last form enter the temporary admin name 'adminsmf' and any mail address (but not yours !!! and not the one you used for Joomla

before !!!, because finally this will not be your admin account - i.e.'
- At last take care that the file 'install.php' is deleted in \\server\smf.

5. If you would like to do, you may install another language (i.e. by extraxting and uploading into your SMF directory on the local server (but it must be version 1-1-rc1 !).

6. Extract smf_1-1-rc1_update.tar and upload all countaining dirs/files to your SMF directory on the local server.

7. Enter your webbrowser and select 'http://server/smf/upgrade.php' and you will get the standard smf upgrade form and continue as usual.
- Let the parameters on the 1st page as default
- On 2nd page select 'Delete this upgrade.php and its data files now'


1. Create a local installation directory 'cpg' on your local working PC (use always lower letters and no special characters - except '_').

2. Download all listed components from net to an separate 'download' directory
- (get from
- german.php (or any other laguage file if required - english is default onboard. Take care that this is a reworked one, get from in forum topic: Working and Supported Languages Here - Until CPG official release)

3. Extract to your local 'cpg'

4. Delete all language files in 'cpg/lang' on your local working PC except 'english.php' !!!

5. If you need foreign languages please copy i.e. german.php to 'cpg/lang'. WARNING: If you are not sure that the language file is not up to date ('my' german.php is!) you must not use it!!! Otherwise you will have some bad problems (i.e. blanc screen or empty


6. Upload the whole CPG installation directory to your local server with Explorer in local net or if directly to your URL i.e. use FileZilla (as I recommend).

7. Check that the folder 'album' and include has CHMOD=777

8. Enter your webbrowser and select 'http://server/cpg/index.php' and you will get the standard CPG installation form and continue as usual.
- Database name must the same you used with Joomla/SMF !!!.
- Enter the database configuration (with your own parameters)
- Let the table prefix be 'cpg_'.
- I did not install/use ImageMagick (I use GD2)
- Enter the temporary admin name 'admincpg' and any mail address (but not yours !!! and not the one you used for Joomla or SMF before

!!!, because finally this will not be your admin account - i.e.'

9. login as  administrator (admincpg) and go to CPG configuration. You must set 'Allow new user registrations' in 'User settings' to YES.

Otherwise user from Joomla/SMF will not be able to login for CPG (later in embedded mode) !!! Then logout again.


1. Download all listed components from net to an separate 'download' directory
- both zip files are located in '' ! (get from:

2. Enter your webbrowser and select our Joomla 'http://server/joomla/index.php' and login at administrator as 'admin'.

3. In the backend install the component (installers/components/search for zip file/upload file & install/continue after success).

4. Select menu item "Components/Joomla-SMF Forum/Configuration"
- There you see some light red remarks - that has to be reworked by the following actions:
  SMF Absolute Path: change '<SMF path here>' to 'smf'
  SMF Database Prefix: 'smf_'
- Then you should save the 1st time and look what is light red any longer.
- Maybe you must make all writeable if there is no write access possible.
- If there is no light red remark then you can patch the Patch mambo 'index.php' file and the SMF 'index.php' and 'Sources/Subs-Post.php' file by mouse click.
- Leave all other params as default.
- Then do not forget to save !!!

5. Install the module (installers/moduls/search for zip file/upload file & install/continue after success).

6. Select menu item "Moduls/Site Moduls"
- publish 'Joomla-SMF Login' and unpublish 'Login Form' for replacing the old Login modul with the new one.

7. Click on the 'Joomla-SMF Login' name to edit the properties:
- Change the titel as you like (i.e. 'User Login').
- save properties (even if you dit not change anything - that fost first initialisation!).

8 Leave administrator mode (logout backend).

Thats it. Click on menu item 'Forum' to open your embedded SMF.


1. Download all listed components from net to an separate 'download' directory
-  (get all from

2. Enter your webbrowser again and select our CPG 'http://server/cpg/index.php' and login at as 'admincpg'.

3. Select 'Admin Tools', goto 'Bridge Manager' and click it, ckick 'Start Bridging Wizard'.
- Check 'Simple Machines (SMF)' as application to bridge.
- Set 'Forum URL' to 'http://[/i]server[/i]/smf'(no '/' at the end !!!).
- Set 'Relative path...' to '../smf/' (with '/' at the end !!!)
- Keep 'Use post-based groups?' on YES (of course!).
- Set 'Enable integration/bridging with Simple Machines (SMF)' to 'enable' and click 'finish'.
- Do NOT start the once again with 'Start Bridging Wizard' (now)!

2. In your webbrowser select our Joomla 'http://server/joomla/index.php' again and login at administrator as 'admin'.

3. In the backend install the component (installers/components/search for zip file/upload file & install/continue after success).

4. Select menu item "Components/CoppermineVis/Configuration"
- Change 'CPG Relative URL to Joomla' to '../cpg/'
- For my Installation I had to set 'Fix picture URLS? (default = no, Only if Image urls are wrong)' to YES because I could not see any picture later in CPG albums.
- Leave the other parameters as default.
- Do not forget to save.

5. Select menu item 'Menu/mainmenu/new' for creating a menue item to CPG.
- Select 'Components/Component'
- Enter a Titel for the menu entry (i.e. 'Gallery')
- Select the Component 'CoppermineVis' and save it.
- Then logout administration (backend).

Thats it. Click on menu item 'Gallery' to open your embedded CPG.


I suppose, that you would like to have an administator account who is responsible for all three components the same?
To do this please manage the following steps:

1. Enter your webbrowser and select our Joomla 'http://server/joomla/index.php' and login as 'adminsmf'. Then goto 'Forum' item.

2. Enter the administration center with button 'admin'.

3. Click members registration and create a new account with: user name = 'MyAdmin' (your choice), email address= your real address now, Primary Membergroup = Administrator. Then press button 'register'.

4. Logout, goto Joomla, login as 'MyAdmin'. Then goto 'Main Menu' and login at 'Administrator' as 'admin' (backend).

5. Select the User Manager and click on 'MyAdmin' and change the Group to 'Super Administrator' and save it.

6 As a final step you should tryout, if 'MyAdmin' works for all three components before you may delete or disable the old temporary users.


At the end there remains a little (simple?) problem that I could not fix until now:
When a new user registers himself ('register' there will not be any entry at the 'position' field in the users profile (SMF) which descibes the user group.

In this case the new user is not accepted for CPG when logging in (no matter from where). In the CPG users list this user is still not to be found.

Only just if I enter i.e. a 'Global Moderator' in the 'Position', I will find the user in CPG and he can login at CPG, too.

I hope that there is anybody, who can fix it ?!

Good Luck
EBG (Germany)

[edit GauGau 2005-11-28]
CoppermineVis is a commercial product. The coppermine dev team is not affiliated with the creators of it.
The coppermine dev team recommends using the mambo bridge that comes with the coppermine package to integrate coppermine with mambo/joomla. If you want a closer integration, you're free to check the CoppermineVis package, however the coppermine dev team does not support it.


[edit GauGau 2006-01-11]
It appears that CoppermineVis failed to upgrade their product to work with cpg1.4.3 (the most recent stable release to date). Not a good way to promote a commercial product. I currently don't recommend using it.

[edit Thu 2006-05-11]
Removed faq tag.


 :) Thank you for your excellent tutorial on installation.

  :-[  Unfortunately it appears the component, "CoppermineVis" is now only available as a commercial product. 

Does anyone have a open-source, free bridge that works?  I tried the one built into the 1.4.2 Coppermine but could not get it to work.  The instructions / docs for Coppermine do not describe the steps adquately (specifically) enough to make it useful.



Joachim Müller

Thanks for your notification. I added a remark to the bottom of the first posting in this thread
Quote[edit GauGau 2005-11-28]
CoppermineVis is a commercial product. The coppermine dev team is not affiliated with the creators of it.
The coppermine dev team recommends using the mambo bridge that comes with the coppermine package to integrate coppermine with mambo/joomla. If you want a closer integration, you're free to check the CoppermineVis package, however the coppermine dev team does not support it.


Joachim Müller

I edited the first posting in this thread another time:
Quote from: EBG on October 15, 2005, 09:33:07 PM
[edit GauGau 2006-01-11]
It appears that CoppermineVis failed to upgrade their product to work with cpg1.4.3 (the most recent stable release to date). Not a good way to promote a commercial product. I currently don't recommend using it.


The only published differences between version 1.4.2 which CoppermineVis is based on and version 1.4.3 are:

The old package contained a file named relocate_server.php that poses a security risk. CPG1.4.3 doesn't contain this file anymore and contains a routine to remove the potentially dangerous file from existing installs.

Leftover language files from cpg1.3.x have been removed from the package

I personally liked relocate_server.php. It was incredibly useful last year when I switched servers once a month as my site grew.

But point is...1.4.3 is simply a maintenance release. There were no major code changes.

Joachim Müller

that's of course not true - do a simple diff on the files of the different coppermine releases and you'll realize that this is not the only difference. There are a lot of smaller bugfixes that went into cpg1.4.3, and even some more bug fixes that went into cpg1.4.4. This is being covered on the testing/bugs board and can be read in the changelog and the cvs comments, so your statement
Quote from: trippinsweet on February 25, 2006, 09:56:44 PM
The only published differences between version 1.4.2 which CoppermineVis [...]
But point is...1.4.3 is simply a maintenance release. There were no major code changes.
simply is wrong. If the removal of relocate_server.php would have been the only difference, then there would be no reason that cpg1.4.2 works with CoppermineVis, while cpg1.4.3 doesn't. Apparently, the newer coppermine version doesn't work with CoppermineVis, so there must have been other changes, don't you agree ;)?


Where in the heck do you get at these days?

If this thread and how-to is tooooo outdated someone delete it for the sake of all newcomers please.

Joachim Müller

we never delete threads, they stay for reference (that's the whole point of having a support forum). The thread starter explained pretty well what versions his hack is meant to be used for. If you read through the thread, you should have noted that things changed. This used to be an outdated thread that just made it to the first page of the thread view on this sub-board just because you replied to it. For the benfit of all others, I repeat: this is an outdated thread. Don't use it as a reference on how to bridge Coppermine and Joomla. In fact, there's currently no actual bridge between Coppermine and Joomla (might change in the future), so you could try bridging Coppermine with an SMF install wrapped into Joomla. Using CoppermineVis is not an option, we do not recommend it and discourage users to buy it. Please use the forum's search for other threads that deal with Coppermine/Joomla, this one is outdated and locked.