Uploading Images -- Doesn't Work Uploading Images -- Doesn't Work


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Uploading Images -- Doesn't Work

Started by Craig Walsh, October 22, 2005, 01:47:02 AM

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Craig Walsh

We have a dedicated Linux server at a hosting company, and have three Coppermine sites working on this server without problems (for example, www.bark.ch).  I have just managed to install a fourth Coppermine site myself --- I was amazed that I got it to work.  It's located at www.hccw-vs.com/copper

I've been able to create categories, albums, etc. --- but when I go to upload an image, I browse to the image I want, click "upload," and the file name just goes blank.  And the image doesn't upload.  I've checked and re-checked, to no avail.  I have checked and double-checked the permssions on the album folder and the album/edit and album/userpics folders, and they are set to 777.  But when I change the two sub-folders to 777, it changes the album folder from 777 to 775.

I've checked the settings, etc., in the three other Coppermine sites, running on the same server, and they're the same as the new Coppermine site.

I have, as indicated in the thread, set up for error reporting, and have set up a test account --- user name test and password is password

I've looked through the various postings, etc., but can't find one that addresses this problem.  Your assistance would be appreciated!


Craig Walsh
CPG Photo Gallery - www.bark.ch
Member of the Association of Photographers (AOP)


Hello Craig.  How have you been?

Permissions aren't correct:

Quote from: websiteWarning: MkDir failed (Permission denied) in /var/www/hccw-vs.com/copper/db_input.php on line 228

Check your other sites' permissions for the /albums directory, and make this new one match.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

Joachim Müller

...and while you're at it, check ownership as well.

Craig Walsh

Hi, Dave ---

Are you in the path of another hurricane??

I've checked the permissions on /albums --- it should be 777 (that's what works on the other Coppermine sites on the same server).  When I change to 777, it changes the two subfolders to 775 ( albums/edit and albums/userpics ) --- when I change them, it changes the /albums folder itself.  So it's like chasing my tail.  How can I change the /albums folder and keep the two sub-folders also 777?  (I am using WS_FTP to change the permissions.)

GauGau ---

How to I check ownership....?  Your message just in (thank you) so I will now go and search the forum under "ownership" to see if I can find the answer myself. 

BTW, when I changed /albums to 777 just now and tried to upload an image, I got these error messages:

QuoteWarning: Unable to create './albums/edit/mHTTP_temp_7331a79f.jpg': Permission denied in /var/www/hccw-vs.com/copper/upload.php on line 1197

Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpvi1OTm' to './albums/edit/mHTTP_temp_7331a79f.jpg' in /var/www/hccw-vs.com/copper/upload.php on line 1197

Thanks for your help....

Craig Walsh
CPG Photo Gallery - www.bark.ch
Member of the Association of Photographers (AOP)

Craig Walsh

OK, I've searched the forum and the documentation for informatioin on "ownership."  I couldn't connect what I found with this problem, and (in many cases, sadly) I couldn't understand what I read.  Installing a Coppermine site on our server is really in the outer limits of my computer knowledge --- a bit like sending a probe to Pluto.

A bit more guidance would be great.  Thanks for the help.
Craig Walsh
CPG Photo Gallery - www.bark.ch
Member of the Association of Photographers (AOP)

Joachim Müller

ownership on Lunix systems (and that's probably the OS your server is running) is determined with the CHOWN command. If the webserver is running under another user context than your FTP user, there are differences in ownership and therefor in permissions as well. The downside is: if you have a "regular" webhosting package on a shared (virtual) host, you probably don't have permissions to view/change ownership (you usually need shell access). So my suggestion is to ask your webhost for support.

Craig Walsh

We have a dedicated server, not shared, and we do have "uber" passwords and access.  But ours is a managed hosting account, so if we have problems, need a new MySQL database, etc., we ask the support people to please assist.

I've asked them to help troubleshoot this.  They have changed permissions, as per the earlier posts.  The strange thing is that they can upload an image using the test / password account, so we thought the problem was solved.  But when I logged in as the administrator and tried to do so a few minutes later, the same thing happened.

The hosting support people have asked for my administrator user name and password, and I've forwarded it on to them.  I will also send them a link to this topic.

The search for the solution continues.  Thanks again for your help.
Craig Walsh
CPG Photo Gallery - www.bark.ch
Member of the Association of Photographers (AOP)

Craig Walsh

Our hosting company has replied:

QuoteOwnership can apply to a dedicated server as well, there is the apache user and the root user as well as any new accounts that you create become users and can have their own groups and those users and groups can be restricted to not access each others files, directories and partitions.

Check the file and group permissions, to make sure your users have the ability to ready and write to those folders.

I have checked and double-checked all of this within Coppermine, and have compared with the four other Coppermine sites that we run, without this problem, on the same dedicated Linux server.

I've e-mailed our hosting company to ask for a bit more of the managed server support that we happily pay them to provide.
Craig Walsh
CPG Photo Gallery - www.bark.ch
Member of the Association of Photographers (AOP)

Craig Walsh


The gentleman at our hosting company reported:

QuoteAs administrator, I was successful in uploading two images to your coppermine gallery after giving /var/www/hccw-vs.com/copper/albums/userpics group www-data ownership. 

The files within the directory did have this permission, but the root directory also needs this.

I think I have a vague idea of what he's saying, but this is something that we needed them to change for us.  Beyond my limited technical knowledge, I'm afraid.

I'll keep a note of this, and if I need to upload another Coppermine photo gallery, I'll be sure to ask the hosting company to do this.  Whatever it is...

Thanks for all of your assistance on this.  Enjoy the rest of your week-end.
Craig Walsh
CPG Photo Gallery - www.bark.ch
Member of the Association of Photographers (AOP)

Joachim Müller

Glad you were able to solve this - thanks for reporting back.