User can upload in only one Category User can upload in only one Category


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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User can upload in only one Category

Started by Marvick, October 26, 2005, 09:38:40 PM

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at first excuse my bad english! I am new to the Coppermine Software but it works fone already.

But there is one problem i cant find any answer:
Wehn i log in as a "registered user" i onbly can upload my pictures in one Categoriy - i cannont choose the diffrent categories i made before..

Can someone tell me where to set that a user can upload in every caregorie?

Thanks MArv

Joachim Müller

you can't upload into categories - only albums can hold files/pics, while categories can only hold sub-categories and albums. You change permissions to enable uploads to various albums by going to the album properties (next to the album thumbnail when in logged in as admin).



I didnt notice that under that button hide some more permissions to set ...

Now it Works - but now there is an other question:

Does "Visitor" mean All groups an their special rights or does visitor mean only unregistred visitors (argghh hope u understand that!)



Joachim Müller

visitor means "everyone who is allowed to upload to public albums as set in the groups page". Please keep in mind that we have a "one question per thread" policy you agreed to respect when signing up. Read the documentation that comes with coppermine and that is available online as well (link at top of page) - it's all explained in it.