Screwed up the configuration Screwed up the configuration


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Screwed up the configuration

Started by Liz, November 12, 2005, 09:08:45 PM

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I was just fooling around abit with the configuration, and I set 'Width of the main table (pixels or %)' too 500%
i didn't know exactly what it would do, i just figured a horizontal scrollbar would come.
but it didn't.. and now, i have in my 'last addition' and 'random files' --box only 1 picture there, and so i wanted to fix that, and i
went back to the configuration, but there's no thing to edit it with anymore.. there's just all the options you have.
i took a screencap, 'cause it's kinda hard to explain:

how do i fix this??


Ok 2 possible options.

A quick way which sounds opposite but works most times: shrink your IE view to force a horizontal scoll bar after this you can fill in the 100% again.

Official way:

* Go into your coppermine database with for instance phpmyadmin
* Open you cpgxxx_config table (xxx is your version)
* Click on browse above
* go to the vaulue you changed (I guess main table width and change is to 100%

This could also be done by running  a sql command in phpmyadmin:

UPDATE `cpgxxx_config` SET `value` = '100%' WHERE CONVERT( `name` USING utf8 ) = 'main_table_width' LIMIT 1 ;

Or similar
Don't ask me: Can you do this .... or Give me that...or I need Quick help in PM's. I'm not Santaclaus so post your questions on the board so it will be in the benefit for everyone.


I seemed have done the same thing - set my main table width to over 100%. I read the reply but still can't seem to fix the problem. Not familiar with phpmyadmin or my SQL; though, I did try to tool around with it quite a bit. I found config.php in my ftp files but couldn't find the code for the table width (if that was even the right approach) - besides it wouldn't let me edit. any further help on the issue would be much appreciated. thanks.


You can't really adjust the table width in your files directly trough FTP.

Values are stored in databases not hardcoded in the files.

* Go to your webiste
* log in as administrator
* goto config
* adjust table width

If you can't see the config link do the resize window trick in internet explorer for example, so you see a scrollbar
Don't ask me: Can you do this .... or Give me that...or I need Quick help in PM's. I'm not Santaclaus so post your questions on the board so it will be in the benefit for everyone.