fatal error after upgrading from 1.3.5. fatal error after upgrading from 1.3.5.


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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fatal error after upgrading from 1.3.5.

Started by François Keller, November 24, 2005, 01:36:15 PM

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François Keller


I'm trying to upgrade my 1.3.5 gallery and have some problem:
I have upload all the files on my server
I'have erase the install.php file
I have replace my old /include/confing.inc.php file
I have run the update.php file without problem
When i try to go to my index page i have : fatal error:

You can see it here:http://f.keller.free.fr
My webhost is free.fr. Is there a special config for this webhost?
Thank's for help
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Enable debug mode and post the actual SQL message.
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François Keller

Here the error message whith debug mode:
QuoteWhile executing query "delete from `f.keller`.cpg135_sessions where time<1132840271 and remember=0;" on Resource id #5

mySQL error: Incorrect table name 'cpg135_sessions'
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Use phpMyAdmin and verify there is a table called cpg135_sessions.  Also post what version of MySQL you are running.
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

François Keller

Quote from: kegobeer on November 24, 2005, 04:04:01 PM
Use phpMyAdmin and verify there is a table called cpg135_sessions. Also post what version of MySQL you are running.
Yes the tabe cpg135_sessions exist
Mysql vesrion is 4.1.13
QuoteI think the problem is your database name.  It appears to have a dot (.) in it.  That isn't allowed in MySQL.
Yes, what can i do, i can't change this name. My galery works fine with the coppermine 1.3.5 version on the same server, with the same database name.
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Joachim Müller

Quote from: Frantz on November 25, 2005, 07:40:53 AM
QuoteI think the problem is your database name.  It appears to have a dot (.) in it.  That isn't allowed in MySQL.
Yes, what can i do, i can't change this name. My galery works fine with the coppermine 1.3.5 version on the same server, with the same database name.
Why can't you? You have to - you never were meant to have a dot in a database name, in no mysql version ever.

François Keller

QuoteWhy can't you?
Its not me who has given this name, but the webhost. The databasename is the same as the site adress:
exemple: my site is" f.keller.free.fr" so the database name is "f.keller".
I will ask my webhost if its possible to change this, but it's a free webhost and i don't know if it's possible...
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Joachim Müller

tell them that according to mySQL specifications the database name mustn't contain a dot. From the mySQL documentation:
QuoteDatabase: Any character that is allowed in a directory name, except '/', '\', or '.'
A webhost should know this, even a free one. However, your setup is a bit funny: actually, the subdomain must be "keller", with another sub-sub domain named "a". Couldn't you get the subdomain "keller"?
However, I wonder how you were able to run cpg1.3.x all the time, with your "exotic", illegal database name.

François Keller

QuoteHowever, I wonder how you were able to run cpg1.3.x all the time, with your "exotic", illegal database name.
I don't know, I have another coppermine Gallery on this database and others scripts withaut problems  ???

Thanks for your help
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Joachim Müller

well, as you can see: improper database setups can work, but they're bound to result in troubles sooner or later. That's why you should "play by the rules", i.e. when the creators of mySQL say that you mustn't use a dot in a database name, you really shouldn't.
CPG1.4.x "plays by the rules" (or at least we tried to build it that way), so it is coded in a way that makes it mandatory to respect the "no dot in database name" policy set up by mySQL, what else could I possibly say? If you really can't change the database name at all, and you insist on free webhosting with the webhost you have troubles with, then you'll have to downgrade to cpg1.3.5 again, I'm afraid (if this version worked for you). However, even cpg1.3.x was never designed to work with dots in database names, not sure why you were able to use it in the first place.




1.3 didn't specify the db name in queries, but the new session handling code in 1.4 does specify the full db name in its queries. I suppose you could remove the db name from the code as a workaround, but the real solution is to fix your setup.

François Keller

Ok, proble is now fixed.
I have seen that the real database name was f_keller instead f.keller. but the connection was possible with both name  ???
I've changes my config.inc.php and all works fine
Thanks for your help
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