ECards for everyone ECards for everyone


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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ECards for everyone

Started by Joshua, November 24, 2005, 09:28:10 PM

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I've tried configuring the settings but I cannot set it up so anyone, without registering can send ecards?

Is this possible?


Modify permissions in Group manager.



Quote from: TranzNDance on November 24, 2005, 09:31:13 PM
Modify permissions in Group manager.

Where do I find that in CPG 1.4.3?
(Seeing my Karma going deeper and deeper...)

Thanks for helping


Login as admin and click on the button that says 'Groups'

Joachim Müller

Quote from: SonjaSt on February 02, 2006, 06:01:32 PM
(Seeing my Karma going deeper and deeper...)
You can get negative karma when asking questions that are most obviously answered in the docs. Read the docs before posting - you can even search them ([Ctrl]+[F] is your friend) for terms like "group manager"...
When using another language than English, you should look up the terms on an english coppermine page (your own, that is); temporarily switching to English for you as admin only will help as well, by just adding lang=english to the url in the browser's address bar and going back to your mother tongue by adding lang=xxx again. Example: will send you to the demo in spanish, will let you see it in the language your browser is set to or the default language (if your browser language goes untranslated).


A Spam reply to this thread (Reported by FRANTZ) removed
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Joachim Müller

User freelinkss has been banned, as the sole purpose of his registration on this board appears to be dumping board spam. After having been told that he mustn't post spam, the guy added his spam links to his signature. I edited out his signature as well as banning him.

@freelinkss: We won't tolerate this, don't return. This is a moderated board, go spamming somewhere else, or better still: find yourself an actual honest job instead of being the pest of the www.

This were the links in his signature (crippled to disable them from being spidered):
Quotew w w . p e s y a n i . n e t
w w w . s e k s h o p s . c o m
w w w . h a y l a z l a r . net
w w w . s a h r a g r u p . o r g
w w w . g u r e s c i l e r . c o m
w w w . e g l e n c e . w e b . t r
w w w . p r o d o w n . o r g
w w w . f u l l w a r e z . o r g
w w w . k r a l - o y u n . u s
w w w . m p 3 t u r k i y e . o r g