User Groups not synced correctly with PHPbb 2.0.18 User Groups not synced correctly with PHPbb 2.0.18


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User Groups not synced correctly with PHPbb 2.0.18

Started by XSTence, November 29, 2005, 03:49:49 AM

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I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and PHPbb V2.0.18:
We have 11 non-post based user groups in PHPbb which were under V1.3.3 always correctly listed/working, but now after bridging we get only 4 usergroups (and differently named groups from PHPbb). Strange though is the admin rights are OK as the admin account is working, so part of the bridging/group(s) must be working though...

Maybe it's got something to do with it or not, but clicking on a category results in a page not found error. This last line has been solved: the Friendly-URL's sample plugin caused this - prob. some safe mode issue or so. So only the usergroups which aren't recognized is the major problem for us.
Since we run the largest semi-commercial organ music community with content creators and moderators (all having different rights), we have this many usergroups defined - but as said - it did run fine under V1.3.3... What am I overlooking?


Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.2
Forum version: PHPbb V2.0.18
Test user account: test  pw: testCM

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../../forumorgel/
Use post-based groups?:  0 


I am having the same problem.  My usergroups don't synchronize!

Joachim Müller

Quote from: XSTence on November 29, 2005, 03:49:49 AM
This last line has been solved: the Friendly-URL's sample plugin caused this
The SEF plugin is experimental. Temporarily disable it to solve the bridging issue first.


sorry to sound dumb but how do I disable the plugin?

Joachim Müller

at the same place where you enabled it in the first place. Go to http://yoursite.tld/your_coppermine_folder/pluginmgr.php after being logged in as admin, then click on the "x" icon underneath "installed plugins" next to the SEF plugin.


Ok, I didn't have it enabled, but I still am having the issues with the groups not syncronizing.

The only groups I see are the 4 that coppermine creates. admin, registered, guests and banned.

I have some other groups in my phpbb that are not showing up!


If you want phpbb groups to be imported you need to enable 'Use post-based groups'. Read the manual.


Hi Nibbler - sorry to see "noworyz" is hijacking my first thread/topic on this :( - please be so kind to start your own thread or reply if you have a solution in stead of adding your own problems !

ANyways - Of course I did try to use post-based groups (we don't have post-base groups by the way - we just use user groups for access rights - users do not migrate to a different group based on the number posts) - but - if I enable post-based groups I loose ALL admin rights and can only enter admin mode in CM using its own admin account (and not with the PHPbb admin account)

ANy other suggestions Nibbler ?


Hi Nibbler,

I read and implemented the suggestion you've mentioned in (commenting out the line in the groupmanager) - re-run the bridge wizzard and now trying both post-based groups enabled or disabled.

The following:

selecting post-based groups ON and AFTER commenting the line out as suggested, WORKS OK and admin rights are granted including all 11 user groups we can now see as expected.!

For your understanding to trace the error: before commenting the line out, selecting post-based groups did NOT work (tested this of course, nut just saying something) and resulted in loosing all admin rights as posted earlier.

Let me know if I can be of any assistance in testing/trying stuff for your guys - I'll be closely following the topics on this and although we are a demanding site with over 1 million hits/120K unique visitors/month, I don't mind sticking a helping hand out to you guys and am reasonably comfortable in PHP/HTML/SQL - CM is after all of major importance to us and we consider it best suited to our needs.

Thanks for the continued support !



I am sorry for "hijacking" your thread.  I usually get in trouble for starting a new thread on the same subject of someone else so I figured I would chime in.  When I start a new thread on something everyone always says, do a search, you'll find you answer.

Once again I am sorry!