Can't login after upgrade Can't login after upgrade


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Can't login after upgrade

Started by St. Anger, December 16, 2005, 04:24:07 AM

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St. Anger

I upgraded from CPG 1.3.x to 1.4.2 and now when I go to my gallery I can't login. All pictures and albums are intact, but I can't login. It says:

Quote*** Couldn't log in. Try again ***

I did have my gallery bridged with IPB 2.1 before I upgraded. I *think* the problem may be there.

My gallery's URL is:
I'm using 1.4.2's default Classic theme, so it's not a matter of theme problems.

What can I do? ???


Are you using the same theme that you previously used for 1.3?
If so, you will have to modify that theme to work under 1.4x before the login/logout functions work properly.

try loggin in using the following to see if that is indeed the case:

Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.

St. Anger

Yes, I was already using CPG 1.4.2's Classic theme; I've made no modifications to it.


You need to login with the original coppermine admin account you created during installation and then re-enable the bridge with the bridge manager.

St. Anger

Do I do the "Start Bridging Wizard" option? I thought I read somewhere in the installation manual that any current pictures would be deleted? I can't afford that to happen...


It doesn't say that. If you were bridged before then you can just rebridge using the bridge manager.

St. Anger

Ok, you're right, I got it bridged again. ;)

However, I now have a new problem. My old user groups from IPB weren't imported, so my Admin user group doesn't have admin properties for the gallery, so when I click Logout and click Login again to login with my default admin CPG account, it takes me to my forum to login, but I can't login using my default CPG admin account on the forum. Do you know how I can get around that?

Joachim Müller

once you have enabled bridging, you need to log in using the admin account from your bbs - that's the point of bridging, that's what it's about. Hasn't changed from cpg1.3.x to cpg1.4.x

St. Anger

There's a problem though -- after I'm logged in as the root admin on my forum and then go to my gallery, there's no gallery admin options, just user options.

St. Anger

In this topic there was a similar problem with the admin mode not showing up after CPG was bridged with a forum:

St. Anger

It doesn't give me any admin menu links, just user links, but if I go to the /admin.php page (while I'm logged in as admin at my forum) I get this error:

QuoteYou don't have permission to access this page.
File: /home/metcover/public_html/gallery/admin.php - Line: 45

St. Anger

I'll pay someone via PayPal or donate to Coppermine if they can help me get this problem fixed.

I have to get it fixed asap, it needs to be fixed by the 24th and have a new theme and I can't start on the new theme until this is fixed.


I can't login too :(
I didn't understand why

RaZor Edge

Hi St. Anger

If you have access to phpMyAdmin on your server, look at your coppermine database in table "usergroups".

Look if there's a row with group_id=1

Mine was deleted when I used a bridge with my vbulletin forum.

If there is no group_id=1, insert a new row with group_id=1 , group_name=Administrator and has_admin_access=1.

Hope this will work for you!  ;)

St. Anger

I have a group_id row. Same thing or not?

Here's a screenshot of the usergroups table:


I don't have any bridges and I can't login :(

St. Anger

Thanks for your help, it didn't fix my problem but it helped me to figure out that there is already an Administrators group with ID 1, so that's not what my problem is. Any other suggestions? :(


If you can PM me FTP and phpmyadmin access to your gallery I can take a look at it for you.

St. Anger

I PMed you. Thanks a lot for helping me fix this problem, I really appreciate it. :)