Bridged with phpBB 2.0.18, only the first admin can upload through XP Publisher Bridged with phpBB 2.0.18, only the first admin can upload through XP Publisher


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Bridged with phpBB 2.0.18, only the first admin can upload through XP Publisher

Started by csa, December 26, 2005, 04:46:19 AM

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Hi there,

I have run into a problem with the integration between cpg 1.4.2 and phpBB 2.0.18 when using the XP Web Publishing Wizard. I am uncertain whether this issue should be raised here in the "integration / bridging" forum, or in the "upload" forum, but decided to place it here as the problem seem to be related specificly to the integration with phpBB 2.0.18.

After upgrading from phpBB 2.0.17 to 2.0.18 (for security reasons) and from cpg 1.3.5 to cpg 1.4.2 (due to bridging issues with 2.0.18) I had problems uploading files with the XP Web Publishing Wizard. I followed the recomendations in the XP Publish Upload problem thread, but ended up with a situation where I can upload just fine, but my fellow admin has the same problem as the guy who made this post in the previously referenced thread.

In order to rule out possible problems due to leftovers from earlier versions of CPG or phpBB I setup a test area with a fresh install of CPG and phpBB. The problem turned out to be easily reproduced (now if I only knew how to rectify it, I would be a happy camper). Here's how I reproduced it:

  • Installed phpBB 2.0.18 (admin account created during setup named "bbadm1").
  • Created a new account (named "bbadm2").
  • Loged in as bbadm1 and granted admin rights to the bbadm2 account (Administration Panel -> User Admin -> Permissions -> Look up User (bbadm2) -> Set "User Level" to "Administrator").
  • Verified that bbadm2 had admin rights by accessing the "Administration Panel" loged in as bbadm2.
  • Installed Coppermine 1.4.2 (admin account created during setup named "cpgadm1").
  • Replaced xp_publish.php, bridge/ and bridge/ with latest versions from CVS (xp_publish.php rev. 1.13, rev. 1.8, rev. 1.13) per recomendations in the XP Publish Upload problem thread.
  • Created a new admin user in Coppermine named "cpgadm2".
  • Verified that cpgadm2 had admin rights by accessing the config section loged in as cpgadm2.
  • Opened the xp_publish.php page and imported the XP publisher data from the generated .reg file.
  • Created a couple of categories with a couple of albums in each (loged in as cpgadm1).
  • Successfully uploaded an image into an existing album using the "Web Publishing Wizard" while loged in as cpgadm1.

  • Successfully uploaded an image into an existing album using the "Web Publishing Wizard" while loged in as cpgadm2.

  • Ran the Bridge Managers "Bridge Wizard", chose "phpBB version 2.0.18 or better" and set the "Use post-based groups" to "No".
     My bridge settings are:

  • Successfully uploaded an image into an existing album using the "Web Publishing Wizard" while loged in as bbadm1.

  • Loged on as bbadm2 and tried uploading using the "Web Publishing Wizard" to upload an image, but was unable to select any of the existing albums. Only option was to create a new (personal) album.

So why is it that bbadm2 is only able to upload pics to a personal album when bbadm2 is indeed an admin? When in admin mode bbadm2 is able to upload pics to any album using the web form on the "Upload file" page (the pics linked to in this post where uploaded by bbadm2 that way). The "User manager" does show that bbadm2 is an admin, but it would appear that the xp_publish.php script somehow does not recognize that fact.

Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.2
Forum version: phpBB 2.0.18
Test user account: Issue only relating to admin accounts. I will be happy to provide admin accounts to dev-people over PM if required.

Any assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated - please let me know if you need me to provide additional info :)

Puzzled regards,



Kein Support über PN. Bitte im Forum posten, dann ist anderen auch geholfen.

Testuser: Test23 PW: 123456


Are you logging into the publisher directly or are you already recognised by an existing cookie ?


Hi Nibbler,

I'm already logged in with a cookie.
Loging in through the publisher does not seem to work at all when bridged.



Let me know if you need passwords for my test setup Nibbler - I'll be happy to provide it :)


OK, please PM me the relevent details. I don't run windows though, so I can't promise you a fix.


Joachim Müller


I do understand the nature of this board GauGau.

My post was merely meant as an indication of my willingness to assist in solving this issue any way I can. And that still goes - if there's anything you need me to do I'll be happy to assist.


Thank you ever so much for your excellent support (after reproducing the problem Nibbler spent most of an hour on my server debugging and fixing the problem).

I have downloaded bridge/ from CVS and verified that it solves the problem in my production setup as well.

Thanks again Nib :D