Cannot login after bridging Cannot login after bridging


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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Cannot login after bridging

Started by bino, December 23, 2005, 08:31:28 PM

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Note, I did some reading before posting this thread.

After having some problems with my gallery I upgraded to the newest version. All of a sudden I couldn´t login. I did some reading on this forum and I found a post that told to edit groupmgr, upload new files,... run bridge manager and revert editing groumrg. However I did all as told but I was unable to run the bridge manager. When I type bridgemgr.php it tells me I don´t have permission and when I login I get redirected to the indexpage without being logged in.

(my picture db is in another then phpbb)

Any ideas how to solve this?


Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.2
Forum version: currently 2.0.15 will upgrade to phpBB2.0.18

BridgeManager settings:
I believe I have none since I haven´t been able to go to the bridgemaster. I had these settings in my file but that file is overwritten with the newest.

I also noticed this problem when I wanted to see a picture:
Template error
Failed to find block 'report_file_button'(#(<!-- BEGIN report_file_button -->)(.*?)(<!-- END report_file_button -->)#s) in :


You are not bridged. Login using the original coppermine admin account and enable the bridge with the bridge manager.


Quote from: Nibbler on December 24, 2005, 03:34:22 PM
You are not bridged. Login using the original coppermine admin account and enable the bridge with the bridge manager.
My guess aswell but I can´t access the admin functions. Whenever I login I get redirected to the homepage without being logged in.


Here´s what I did:

- Edited the groupmgr.php file as being said.
- Went to that page and saw the usergroups as I´m using on my forum (even clicked on the submit changes button).
- Downloaded the files and uploaded them to the right location
- Went back to the homepage but wasn´t logged in. Went to login.php, entered username and pass and was redirected to the homepage. But I still wasn´t logged in.
- Went to bridgemgr.php but there I got the message I didnt have permission.

Is there anything I forgot the do or have done wrong?
Any ideas how to solve my problem?


You have some blank lines at the start or end of some of your files. Check and any other files you have modified and make sure there are no stray lines. This is preventing cookies from working properly in your gallery.


OK, I got my bridg working but I still have some issues:

- I can´t access the general options menu, in my list it aint there. I got upload permissions, a blank line(???), albums,...
- When I view a pic I have this error :Template error
Failed to find block 'ecard_button'(#(<!-- BEGIN ecard_button -->)(.*?)(<!-- END ecard_button -->)#s) in : (shows template)

Any ideas?

Joachim Müller

did you upgrade your custom theme from cpg1.3.x to work with cpg1.4.x as suggested in the theme upgrade guide?


My problem's solved; thanks to the volunteers for their time :)