close to goal... close to goal...


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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close to goal...

Started by mato, December 28, 2005, 06:59:48 PM

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I have really troubled times to integrate smf mambo and cpg,but I think now is close to an end.
I bridged smf1.1rc1 and mambo 4.5.1a,unwrapped,bridge reg.It all works ok,now I want to add cpg 1.4.2.,run bridge manager(cpg) link it to mambo,all is ok but when I log in as admin in mambo and go to cpg and want to click on "users" button to see users I get msg."There was an error while processing a database query."
While executing query "SELECT id as user_id, username as user_name, email as user_email, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(registerDate) as user_regdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastvisitDate) as user_lastvisit, 1-block as user_active, COUNT(pid) as pic_count, ROUND(SUM(total_filesize)/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota FROM `fouionli_mam`.mos_users AS u INNER JOIN cpg_usergroups AS g ON u.gid+100 = g.group_id LEFT JOIN cpg_pictures AS p ON p.owner_id = GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 25;" on Resource id #17

mySQL error: Table 'fouionli_mam.cpg_usergroups' doesn't exist
as last line says, table is missing,I think I need to sync databases(or tables),but don't know how,total newbie,please help
P.S.I used all your fixes for bridge and it helped,now I have to do one last thing,I hope.

Joachim Müller


if it will help...
but I must says that my main problem is logging as admin to cpg "can't see members,but you can click on memberslist button,it is same msg.that I get when clicking on it as admin.
and my goal is to just share user data between these 3.,must be stand-alone to exp.when one user registers,I can change permission for every component(cpg,mambo,smf) so that same user is just member on mambo and cpg,but moderator on smf.this is my goal.



Please update to the latest stable version of the software before seeking support. Currently this is 1.4.3


now I'm little less close to goal,installed 1.4.3 version put bridge up with mambo but with or without your bridge fixes I get fatal error msg. when I want to open coppermine


Enable debug mode and post the mysql error message you receive.


Quote from: mato on December 28, 2005, 09:58:04 PM
now I'm little less close to goal,installed 1.4.3 version put bridge up with mambo but with or without your bridge fixes I get fatal error msg. when I want to open coppermine
test user is same:U can use bridgemgr.php to enable disable bridge


While executing query "insert into `fouionli_mam`.mos_session (session_id, username, guest, time, gid) values ("f90a555d726f78eae6a232cbe69e3093", "", 1, "1135803824",0)" on 0

mySQL error:



// insert the guest session


// insert the guest session
        cpg_db_query($sql, $this->link_id);


my is configured like in post already
I will try to delete test user in mambo and smf,which were added pre bridging


ok got it working now I'm where I was before this fatal error,same spot as 1.4.2
pre-registered users were problem


Now I get this msg.(same as before),only I changed name of database
While executing query "SELECT id as user_id, username as user_name, email as user_email, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(registerDate) as user_regdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastvisitDate) as user_lastvisit, 1-block as user_active, COUNT(pid) as pic_count, ROUND(SUM(total_filesize)/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota FROM `fouionli_mam`.mos_users AS u INNER JOIN cpg143_usergroups AS g ON u.gid+100 = g.group_id LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures AS p ON p.owner_id = GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 25;" on Resource id #17

mySQL error: Table 'fouionli_mam.cpg143_usergroups' doesn't exist

fouionli_mam is mambo database,and cpg143_usergroups is cpg table,as I said I need to sync user data,but don't know how


tried ro experiment with copy cpg_usergroups table to mambo database and then it asks me that cpg_pictures are missing so I copyed them to mambo database,I've no longer get error msg,but in "users" window there is nobody
I think that I need to sync user data and member groups


I done much testing with transfering tables in phpmyadmin and I think cpg needs cpg_usergroups in mambo database,but problem is that I think cpg is using user data from mambo(database) table and needs it tu put in cpg_usergroups table,but these two aren't compatible,that is my opinion


do you know what does this meen "While executing query "SELECT id as user_id, username as user_name, email as user_email, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(registerDate) as user_regdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastvisitDate) as user_lastvisit, 1-block as user_active, COUNT(pid) as pic_count, ROUND(SUM(total_filesize)/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota FROM `fouionli_mam`.mos_users AS u INNER JOIN cpg143_usergroups AS g ON u.gid+100 = g.group_id LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures AS p ON p.owner_id = GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 25;" on Resource id #17

mySQL error: Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous"


There is no facility in the mambo bridge to show the memberlist when you have cpg and mambo in different databases. You can either put them both in the same db or add a redirect instead, change this function:

function view_users() {}


function view_users() {


Quote from: Nibbler on December 28, 2005, 11:07:29 PM
There is no facility in the mambo bridge to show the memberlist when you have cpg and mambo in different databases. You can either put them both in the same db or add a redirect instead, change this function:

function view_users() {}


function view_users() {

so "user" option in cpg won't work,but how can I administrate users in cpg then,set permissions,ban...


You can use the other pages like the groups page. Banning has its own page.


do you think cpg will work "normally"if I use same database as mambo couse my problem is that when somebody registers in bridge to have ability to change user premission and status on every component independantly


I don't know enough about mambo to be able to answer that.