At a lost here?Users can't upload in the catagories that were created for them. At a lost here?Users can't upload in the catagories that were created for them.


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At a lost here?Users can't upload in the catagories that were created for them.

Started by rescueorg, January 12, 2006, 06:38:30 AM

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How can i make it where users can upload and create their albums in the catagories that i created for them by state?Is it possible for them to have albums in other catagories other than User galleries.Thank You
(  Jade / ADOPTED!
We provide a free public service that will one day ensure a lifetime, loving homes, for these adorable Pets. 
(Rescue Volunteer )

Joachim Müller

no, users can't create albums in public categories. You have to create albums for them and allow uploads in the album properties screen (after having made the necessary settings in coppermine's groups page). Please read the coppermine docs, this is explained there.