"Who is online" plugin (onlinestats) - Page 7 "Who is online" plugin (onlinestats) - Page 7


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"Who is online" plugin (onlinestats)

Started by Joachim Müller, January 16, 2006, 02:34:00 PM

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Hein Traag

Added the dutch language version of the OnlineStats plugin codebase.php with changed code so it will not provide the usernames mentioned as links but as static text (mod suggested earlier in this thread).

p.s. Added a newer codebase.php which says "Geregistreerde gebruikers online:" instead of "Geregistreerde gebruikers"



Quote from: natrlhy on September 28, 2006, 08:24:41 PM
I LOVE this plugin and thank you for providing it! I couldn't live without it.

However, I have always noticed that when users that have AOL login to my coppermine gallery, it shows an invalid number of users logged in.  For instance, I am logged in and it shows:

In total there are 2 users online :: 1 Registered, and 1 Guest

Once users the users that have AOL login(they utilize proxy servers, etc) it shows something like this:

In total there are 15 users online :: 14 Registered, and 1 Guest

When there really are only 2 Registered users logged in.

I'm just wondering if there is something that can be done to reflect the correct number of users logged in with these types of services like AOL.

I have the same problem. We have one AOL user and when he ist logged in the same happens. Some ideas how to fix this ?



My gallery is at: http://anagallery.ifastnet.com/coppermine/index.php
My FTP Server is: Smart FTP

I got the pluging and it shows on my site, but the date wrong it says "Most users ever online: 1 on Jan 01, 1970 at 12:00 AM"
Also if i log out and back in again, they online stats is not there!
What can i do?

Many Thanks

***It working properly now really sorry!***


a question:
i can call the $num_user var for place in the template?, i try it but i don't get good results, there is some way to do it?

François Keller


I've made an "international" version with langage files for this plugin. (see attached archive)
This pack comes with english.php and french.php langage files. Feel free to share your awn langage file  ;)

italian.php file added (thank's Lontano)
german.php file added (thank's Mbarlet)
dutch.php file added (Thank's Hein)
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Davide Renda

Italian translation attached, unzip and copy in the plugin lang directory.

François Keller

Thank's Lontano,
italian.php file added to the pack attached on my previous post.
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Mon Blog

Hein Traag

Added dutch.php as zip

Is it 1.3 or 1.5 or even 1.6 (at it is mentioned on the plugin manager page ;)




added german.php. To show propper grammatics I changed inside the codebase.php some code. The configuration text, is not translated.

Original Code:
       starttable("100%", $lang_plugin_onlinestats['name']);

        echo '<tr><td class="tableb">';
        echo ($num_users == 1) ? $lang_plugin_onlinestats['have']."<b>1</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_member']."<br>" : $lang_plugin_onlinestats['have']."<b>".$num_users."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_members']."<br>";
        echo $lang_plugin_onlinestats['most_recent']."<a href=\"profile.php?uid={$newest_user_id}\">{$newest_user_name}</a><br>";
        echo ($num_online == 1) ? $lang_plugin_onlinestats['is']."<b>1</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['user'] : $lang_plugin_onlinestats['are']."<b>".$num_online."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['users'];
        echo " :: <b>".$num_reg_online."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_members'].$lang_plugin_onlinestats['and'];
        echo ($num_guests == 1) ? "<b>1</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['guest']."<br>" : "<b>".$num_guests."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['guests']."<br>";
        echo $lang_plugin_onlinestats['record']."<b>". $CONFIG['record_online_users']."</b>" .$lang_plugin_onlinestats['on']."<b>". localised_date($CONFIG['record_online_date'], $lang_plugin_onlinestats_date_fmt ) ."</b><br>";
        echo $lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_members'].$lang_plugin_onlinestats['since'].$CONFIG['mod_updates_duration'].$lang_plugin_onlinestats_config['minute']." :". $logged_in_names."</td></tr>";


Changed Code:
        starttable("100%", $lang_plugin_onlinestats['name']);

        echo '<tr><td class="tableb">';
        echo ($num_users == 1) ? $lang_plugin_onlinestats['have']."<b>1</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_member']."<br>" : $lang_plugin_onlinestats['have']."<b>".$num_users."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_members']."<br>";
        echo $lang_plugin_onlinestats['most_recent']."<a href=\"profile.php?uid={$newest_user_id}\">{$newest_user_name}</a><br>";
        echo ($num_online == 1) ? $lang_plugin_onlinestats['is']."<b>1</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['user'] : $lang_plugin_onlinestats['are']."<b>".$num_online."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['users'];
        echo ($num_reg_online == 1) ? ": <b>1</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_member'].$lang_plugin_onlinestats['and'] : ": <b>".$num_reg_online."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_members'].$lang_plugin_onlinestats['and'];
        echo ($num_guests == 1) ? "<b>1</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['guest']."<br>" : "<b>".$num_guests."</b>".$lang_plugin_onlinestats['guests']."<br>";
        echo $lang_plugin_onlinestats['record']."<b>". $CONFIG['record_online_users']."</b>" .$lang_plugin_onlinestats['on']."<b>". localised_date($CONFIG['record_online_date'], $lang_plugin_onlinestats_date_fmt ) ."</b><br>";
        echo $lang_plugin_onlinestats['reg_members'].$lang_plugin_onlinestats['since'].$CONFIG['mod_updates_duration'].$lang_plugin_onlinestats_config['minute'].": ". $logged_in_names."</td></tr>";




François Keller

German and Dutch langage files added in the pack in this post.
Mbarlet's correction in codebase added
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Joachim Müller

Updated initial posting with an updated version (v1.7) and modified the text of the posting as well as the subject line.

François Keller

Quote from: GauGau on December 04, 2006, 08:35:44 AM
Updated initial posting with an updated version (v1.7) and modified the text of the posting as well as the subject line.
Thank's GauGau. I had a mistake with the version number  :-\
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Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


Ok, I am confused about this plug in. I did what it said, but when I go to add it to the breadcrumb listing, after first up, etc, it does not come up. But when I remove all of that, and put in the onlineusers after albumlist, the online users box shows up, BUT the most log in history shows the date from 1970. I would like for the box to show up after my last uploads and random uploads, but it does not do that. And I would like the date to read properly. Can someone please tell me what I have done wrong????



François Keller

QuoteBUT the most log in history shows the date from 1970
Yes it's normal for the first use. Refresh your page, you will see the proper date
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Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


How do I get it to show up when I have my last up, and random parts of the gallery?? It does not show up when I have those two parts configured in the breadcrumb portion of the gallery. How can I get it to show up with that kind of configuration. This is how I have it...


And it does not show up in that setting. Only when I put it after the ablist part of the settings. How can I get it to show up in this configuration??



Nevermind. I got it. Thanks for your help. : )



Great Plugin!


I made a modification based on v1.7.
Sorry, I don't have time to list changes properly atm, but I don't want to withhold this from you.
Please refer to attached Screenshots.

Modified files:

  • codebase.php
  • german.php
  • english.php

Since I added three new fields to the $lang_plugin_onlinestats array, only German and English language available atm.
Source code comments in German.
All original files included.



i upgraded to 1.7 from the last post. i uninstalled 1.2, deleted it from the directory and deleted the table, then installed 1.7. The only problem now is that it shows 2 tables on the index page. They both show the same stats on top of each other. can anyone please help?


happy holidays!


Fixed. Apprently, moving the plugin up over the other plugins in plugin manager fixed it.


Logged in as admin, maybe you added "onlinestats" twice to
Config // Album list view // The content of the main page  ?!
Should "only" look like "breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2/onlinestats" ...



I am having a problem with the index.php not displaying after I installed onlinestats plugin cpg1 ].4.x_plugin_onlinestats_v1.7.zip.
Ater the plugin installed I was redirected to the home page index.php and nothing loaded, I just get a blank screen, no errors nothing at all.
I went back to the admin.php to get access gain and logged out.
I went back to the home page and everthing was fine including the plugin.
I logged back in and the home page was blank again. This happens for every type of login.
I am using the Kubrick Theme I dont know if this has anything to do with it.
can anyone please help?
