"Who is online" plugin (onlinestats) - Page 10 "Who is online" plugin (onlinestats) - Page 10


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"Who is online" plugin (onlinestats)

Started by Joachim Müller, January 16, 2006, 02:34:00 PM

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Quote from: Nibbler on March 15, 2007, 03:41:29 PM

so no way to do with that ? I want to have that one in my gallery page  :(


Read through the original thread, I think it has the code changes posted.


i saw that changes code post at page 4 and i did it . No error now . Thanks :)


i installed the latest version 1.7
it seemed to install ok without any errors but when a user is logged in, the main page of my gallery pages are blank. but if you load the page without logging in, then the pages load just fine, showing the onlinestats just fine.

can you please assist?



I don't get in what file I have to modify to get work this plugin. :| Tried to read docs, but didn't understood how to make everything work :( Can I get more eplaination about it? (I have installed 1.7 plugin).

Hein Traag

You forgot to mention what exactly is not working of this plugin. Just saying it does not work does not give us something to work with :). Explain what is not working, provide a link to the site, and you stand a better chance of getting an answer.


it is great plugin

I attest it offline / locally on my PC, it is working very well.

but when i uploaded on my site PICSnCLIPS.net, it is not working on my live site.

= during installation, i was not face any problem or error
= where i can do mistake (i implemented successfully offline)
= how can i confirm/ check required features/ services are running properly on my site/hosting server

for the plugin
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
*Image Removed*

François Keller

have you added onlinestats in config=> Album list view=>The content of the main page ?
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog

Hein Traag

In the 1.7 version i need this line
        echo $lang_plugin_onlinestats['most_recent']."<a href=\"profile.php?uid={$newest_user_id}\">{$newest_user_name}</a><br />";

Changed so it only displays a link to a new username to a registered users and guest users only see a name but can not click through to the profile page.
I'm crap with coding so if someone could lend a digital hand that be great  ;)


François Keller

QuoteChanged so it only displays a link to a new username to a registered users and guest users only see a name but can not click through to the profile page.
I'm crap with coding so if someone could lend a digital hand that be great

Hey Hein, it's time you learn coding  :D :D :D :D
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Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog

Hein Traag

Quote from: Frantz on April 18, 2007, 06:31:25 PM
Hey Hein, it's time you learn coding  :D :D :D :D

Tell me about it. I did try though.. keep bumping my head into a wall :(. It would make life easier if i could insert extra modules into my brain  ;D


Quote from: Frantz on April 17, 2007, 06:42:37 PM
have you added onlinestats in config=> Album list view=>The content of the main page ?

in offline, it was configured automatically/itself. after that i manually configured in my live site as u wrote.

nothing happened after configuring in content of the main page...

i need more help to use this plugin in my site....
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
*Image Removed*

Hein Traag

Quote from: qayyom on April 19, 2007, 07:19:00 AM
in offline, it was configured automatically/itself. after that i manually configured in my live site as u wrote.

nothing happened after configuring in content of the main page...

i need more help to use this plugin in my site....

As Frantz says :
Quotehave you added onlinestats in config=> Album list view=>The content of the main page ?

Just onlinestats.. not onlinestats,2

François Keller

QuoteJust onlinestats.. not onlinestats,2
Yes and not onlinetoday as on your scrennshot  ;) (if your using the onlinestats plugin of course)
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Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog



this plugin is extremely great.

having said that I'd really like to put the online stats on other pages (all of them) other than index.php

is there any way to achieve this? i can't make sense of it... any help, as always would be appreciated...



Quote from: Frantz on April 19, 2007, 06:43:41 PM
Yes and not onlinetoday as on your scrennshot  ;) (if your using the onlinestats plugin of course)

Unfortunately my web server has been hacked, therefor i'll check it soon as the problem solved on my hosting server.

thanks to all for your cooperation, i really appreciate it.

(I checked it offline, it works very well, after checking online i'll inform here the positive result)
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
*Image Removed*


I'm having trouble getting it to work, I uploaded the plugin via FTP and I have this under "Config" > "Album list view" > "The content of the main page": breadcrumb/lastalb/catlist/alblist/random/lastup/onlinestats

However, when I check the gallery index, there's nothing there. It's absolutely blank. Can someone help? I have no clue what what I'm doing wrong...

François Keller

Quote'm having trouble getting it to work, I uploaded the plugin via FTP and I have this under "Config" > "Album list view" > "The content of the main page": breadcrumb/lastalb/catlist/alblist/random/lastup/onlinestats
did you install the plugin ? (by clicking the i icon in the plugin manager)
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Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog
