ANNOUNCING: Digibug Pro Photo Commerce Plug-in for CPG - Page 2 ANNOUNCING: Digibug Pro Photo Commerce Plug-in for CPG - Page 2


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ANNOUNCING: Digibug Pro Photo Commerce Plug-in for CPG

Started by thenetimp, January 18, 2006, 07:26:14 AM

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Digibug now has its new corporate website set up with our own forums.  You can continue to ask questions about the coppermine plugin here, but you can also ask them on our forums.  We do ask that questions about Digibug, our products, and those questions not relating to the coppermine pluggin be asked in our forums as they are not related to coppermine, and those in our community who do not use coppermine may also have interests in the answers.

I am working on a couple updates to the coppermine pluggin.  I hope to put those out at the end of the week.



I have installed this plugin and it does not work. I click on the little cart icon under the thumbnails and nothing happens. Nothing is added to the cart.

I did set up a digibug account and an event and put the id's in the config file. Tried a couple of themes.

Any ideas?



Quote from: ayoungblood on March 31, 2006, 01:45:29 PM
I have installed this plugin and it does not work. I click on the little cart icon under the thumbnails and nothing happens. Nothing is added to the cart.

I did set up a digibug account and an event and put the id's in the config file. Tried a couple of themes.

Any ideas?


Hi Alan,

Do you have sessions enabled in your php configuration?  Our plugin requires php sessions, and if they are not turned on this will happen, also can you provide a URL so we can see the broken functionality?




Quote from: ayoungblood on March 31, 2006, 08:19:22 PM
Hi James,

The URL is

How would I enable sessions?


Hi Alan,

I actually see what your problem is.  Our plugin works using AJAX.  One of the security features of AJAX is it doesn't allow cross-site execution.  The way you have Coppermine set up makes it seem like you are doing cross-site execution.

Here's the example.
You coppermine gallery is set up to think the site is  The URL you are going too is

To javascript it sees as being a different site as because of the full host name.

If you visit the first URL you'll notice that the plugin is working just fine, but when you go to the second one, it doesn't that's because we feed off of configuration information inside of coppermine to build the URLs that we use to identify where the plugin's files are.

My recommendation to fix this is as follows.  I would set to redirect to  That way  it always works off the config information inside of gallery.

Let me know if you have any questions.


All users of the Digibug plugin for Coppermine are encouraged to add their sites to our user Showcase.  Post your site information, including URL, information on your site, etc. to our forums at,com_smf/Itemid,77/board,13.0.

After we confirm that it is valid we will put it on our main site Showcase page at



Hi Gang,

The api was working using the fix mentioned above but now it is not. I can't add things to the cart.

Since the last post however, I upgraded to 1.4.4 of Coppermine.

Any ideas?

The gallery url is




This plugin seems to conflict with the Master Template plugin. Is there a way around this?

I had first installed DigiBug, then installed the master template, it doesn't work properlly:

Basically, when you click on cart, nothing happens, the box is also gone from around "+Cart".
Also, at the top of the page there are four lines present that look like they have something to do with the digibug cart.

httpRemoved site reference - no longer avaialable
Login: Guest
Password: guest467

It seems that the sample section of the master template is what was conflciting with digibug (the Google Analytics section). I removed the google analytics section from the master template plugin and reinstalled it,
it now works.


Quote from: thenetimp on February 08, 2006, 04:02:21 PM
In your config for Coppermine under "General settings" --> "URL of your coppermine gallery folder (no 'index.php' or similar at the end)"  you have but your redirect sends it to which is where your site redirects too.  We pull from this config setting to set the path to our files so our XMLHttpRequests for our AJAX code can find the correct path to the files that return the needed XML for the plugin.  Part of the security for AJAX is to disallow "cross-domain" scripting, so we are making our calls from to  causing the security error in the javascript.  So to resolve this the config should be set to what the final domain of the server really is which is "". 

Hi James,

First, let me express how glad I am that you posted this information here.  I've been fighting with my digibugAPI for several days and now I can see there is hope.

In the redirect instructions above, I understand the need to go into config>general and set the URL of your coppermine gallery folder to "", but I can't figure out what sort of redirect changes I can make.  I've tried navigating to my gallery via its real URL ( and it works great, but the subdomain redirect uses and messes everything up.  I'll have a look and see if I can solve this problem and post back.



Quote from: thenetimp on March 31, 2006, 08:48:10 PM
My recommendation to fix this is as follows.  I would set to redirect to  That way  it always works off the config information inside of gallery.


I got to tooling around with it and used your approach as stated above and it is working great!  Thanks so much for seeing this thread through.  Now I'll have to check out the digibug forum to see if I can get the +cart buttons on my intermediate images.




I just found this plugin and installed it on the latest Coppermine (1.4.19).  I am using the Grey-Style-20 theme for my gallery.

When I install this, my theme has problems - instead of the thumbnails appearing in 2 rows, they have appeared on the far right side of the screen (1 in each row).  In the Random Photos area, they appear scattered.  Also, I do not see the + cart link below the thumbnails, so I cannot select images to purchase.  Maybe a DIV statement is misplaced?

However, I believe the plugin is working because on the right sidebar, I see the (0) items in the cart and checkout links.

Now a problem with getting support on the Digibug site.  I have been a registered user of Digibug for some time.  I can login to my account and view events, etc.  When I go to the homepage and click SUPPORT for the forums, I am asked to login first, but there is no login form on the main page...only when I login to my account.  When I am logged in to my account and try to access the forums, it again asks me to login first.  ???

Thank you for any help with these!

PS:  My gallery is at    (I disabled this plugin for now)


Dear MikeFL:

I saw your posting here about DigiBug support. I am the VP of Product Development working on DigiBug.

First, please accept my sincere apologies for the lack of response on the DigiBug boards. Internally, we've been setting up a better process to handle DigiBug issues. The Forums had fallen through the proverbial cracks, so to speak. We're working hard to resolve that.

Recently, I updated the DigiBug Forum boards with new Topic headers and have begun to respond to user queries. We've set up a new internal bug system to push any issues up to our developers. On minor issues, response times will be 24 to 48 hours. On larger issues, we can't guarantee a response time, because we may need to determine whether or not we hold a major bug for the next release, and there is some coordination between stakeholders to make a determination.

What I can tell you is that we are going to improve the DigiBug front end to add a user login, which will pop up in a new browser window or a new tab your specific admin panel. We know this is an issue that was not incorporated into the launch of the new corp site. A huge oversight, but one that we are certainly aware of and are working to fix. We had depended on a third party to build the corp site and they didn't manage to integrate the corp site with the application. Not very smart...we know...we're fixing  ::)

The changes to will be coming in early January. This will include user login from the home page, request user/pass, request admin url, FAQ information and some changes to the general site UI. I don't have a specific date, but we have the requests in now to our development team and are starting down the road to resolve these important issues.

Plug-in dev will commence in February. The goal is to work on plug-ins for Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal first. Advancements to the DigiBug ordering system will be interspersed over the next few months.

I'll reach out to the Coppermine folks and see if they have a list of features they'd like to see. If there's anything we can do with the API to enhance integration, we will try our best to fit it in.

Thanks for your patience while we work out these issues and thanks for standing by DigiBug regardless. We're working hard to make things better.


Tony Zeoli
VP of Product Development


Hello Tony,

Thank you for the response.  I was unable to get on the Digibug forums, as mentioned previously.  Now I realize that the message which read "ask questions in our (Digibug) forums" was posted in 2006.  ;D

One comment I would like to make regarding future development, and this is only my opinion:  When I think of online photo galleries and software, I look at gallery software such as Coppermine, JAlbum and Menalto.  I use blogging software for blogging.  Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal are very capable packages for content management, but when I post my photos I tend to use a dedicated gallery package.  Unless I read the response incorrectly, it appears Digibug will develop and support CMS plugins first, then support gallery software at a later date.  (?)

Thanks again,


Hi Mike:

Thanks for your note.

Actually, we'll continue to support Gallery2, Coppermine and a few other gallery specific plugins with the API we released. I'm not sure if Coppermine has adopted any of the latest API changes or not, but I'm looking into it.

As far as dev for CMS goes, we believe both CMS and standalone galleries are equally important and want to ensure that we support both efforts equally. There is no one or the other, we're going to be working on both as we do.

NextGenGallery for Wordpress is a pretty sweet gallery tool that I'm working on speaking to the creator to get DigiBug into Wordpress through that back channel. While also focusing on Wordpress plug-in integration for one-off photos, or somehow linking DigiBug plugin to Next Gen in some way through Wordpress.

Because of the transition in acquiring DigiBug, we fell short on some things over the last few months. However, I've been doing some research and we're very excited about the adoption of DigiBug in environments we didn't even know existed. That being said, we're doing some clean-up, looking at the product from a variety of perspectives and starting a road map for development.

Lot's of fun stuff to do!

Hope this helps clarify my last statement. I don't want you to think that we would abandon our efforts to be integrated directly into the gallery's themselves. It's those galleries that are plug-ins to Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal that are critically important to us.


Tony Zeoli



One more thing, our company, Online Photo Products, acquired DigiBug. The Forum moderator I see here is no longer with DigiBug. It's a whole new crew, so to speak. We're just catching up now on all of these postings out there and working hard to resolve them.

Thanks for your patience in the transition.


Tony Zeoli
VP of Product Development