Help in spanish Please! Help in spanish Please!


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Help in spanish Please!

Started by fanart, June 15, 2004, 05:30:35 AM

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hi! im from spanish, i cant understand good the english, if you can speak spanish, please help me whit the coppermine !


Joachim Müller

Your english is OK as far as I can tell. You could post your question both in Spanish and in English (don't worry, nobody will laugh at you). You'll probably get an answer in English only, but you could try using some translation tools (like Google's language tools) There is no coppermine support board in Spanish as far as I know.



I think I've read somewhere that only English is allowed here but this user needs some help so let me give him my email.

Also I sugguest creating  a 'posts in languages other than English' category. In Spain and other places we are enthusiastic about open source projects but many people are left in the absolute dark since a lot fewer people  speak English in Southern Europe than English speakers tend to think

No sé donde he leido que en este forum hay que escribir en inglés
Escribe a y di cuál es el problema, a ver si puedo ayudarte.


There are several reasons for having the board open to one main language only, and that does not mean we are not trying, or willing to help those that have trouble with English.
We understand that the majority of users do not speak English as a first language, if at all. This includes the dev team.
We cannot help someone if we don't understand the question.
We want the lessons learned to be available to all.
If we split into different language support areas, how are Spanish users going to learn the lessons learnt by the German, or French users.
If you someone has trouble with this, we simply ask they post in both languages, as best they can.  Then,  even if their English translation is hard to understand, someone who understands Spanish may help with the translation, and someone else may then give the answer.  And if the answer is given in English, there may be someone who translates it for you.
This way, all users get a chance to see both the problem, which they also may have, and the answer.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here