Error in settings for FAQ in english.php Error in settings for FAQ in english.php


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Error in settings for FAQ in english.php

Started by Makc666, January 21, 2006, 05:06:20 AM

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There was already a talk about a part of these questions here:

There was a good reply by TranzNDance in that topic here:

So. I thought a little and understood that.
These parts of code:
Quotearray('How do I create, rename or delete an album in &quot;My Gallery&quot;?', 'You should already be in &quot;Admin-Mode&quot;<br />Go to &quot;Create/Order My Albums&quot;and click &quot;New&quot;. Change &quot;New Album&quot; to your desired name.<br />You can also rename any of the albums in your gallery.<br />Click &quot;Apply Modifications&quot;.', 'allow_private_albums', 0),
  array('How can I modify and restrict users from viewing my albums?', 'You should already be in &quot;Admin Mode&quot;<br />Go to &quot;Modify My Albums. On the &quot;Update Album&quot; bar, select the album that you want to modify.<br />Here, you can change the name, description, thumbnail picture, restrict viewing and comment/rating permissions.<br />Click &quot;Update Album&quot;.', 'allow_private_albums', 0),
  array('How can I view other users\' galleries?', 'Go to &quot;Album List&quot; and select &quot;User Galleries&quot;.', 'allow_private_albums', 0),

Quotearray('What\'s the difference between &quot;Admin Mode&quot; and &quot;User Mode&quot;?', 'This feature, when in admin-mode, allows a user to modify their gallery (as well as others if allowed by the administrator).', 'allow_private_albums', 0),

Quotearray('How do I upload a file?', 'Go to &quot;Upload&quot;and select the album that you want to upload to. Click &quot;Browse,&quot; find the file to upload, and click &quot;open.&quot; Add a title and description if you want. Click &quot;Submit&quot;.<br /><br />Alternatively, for those users using <b>Windows XP</b>, you can upload multiple files directly to your own private albums using the XP Publishing wizard.<br />For instructions on how, and to get the required registry file, click <a href="xp_publish.php">here.</a>', 'allow_private_albums', 1), //cpg1.4

must have not 'allow_private_albums' but 'allow_user_registration'.
and they must be set to 1
Like this: 'allow_user_registration', 1 or 'allow_user_registration', '1' (don't know what it the correct one - with '1' or with out them.

The code:
Quotearray('Where do I upload a picture to?', 'You will be able to upload a file to one of your albums in &quot;My Gallery&quot;. The Administrator may also allow you to upload a file to one or more of the albums in the Main Gallery.', 'allow_private_albums', 0),

Must be changed to:
Quotearray('Where do I upload a picture to?', 'You will be able to upload a file to one of your albums in &quot;My Gallery&quot;. The Administrator may also allow you to upload a file to one or more of the albums in the Main Gallery.', 'allow_private_albums', 1),

Joachim Müller

You're right in some aspects and wrong in others. Basically, I removed   array('What\'s the difference between &quot;Admin Mode&quot; and &quot;User Mode&quot;?', 'This feature, when in admin-mode, allows a user to modify their gallery (as well as others if allowed by the administrator).', 'allow_private_albums', 0),, as it doesn't apply to cpg1.4.0 or better any more. Marking as fixed.


Quote from: GauGau on January 25, 2006, 09:24:46 AM
You're right in some aspects and wrong in others. Basically, I removed   array('What\'s the difference between &quot;Admin Mode&quot; and &quot;User Mode&quot;?', 'This feature, when in admin-mode, allows a user to modify their gallery (as well as others if allowed by the administrator).', 'allow_private_albums', 0),, as it doesn't apply to cpg1.4.0 or better any more. Marking as fixed.

I'd like to comment on this:

I have a board where allow_private_albums is set to 1. Users are able to upload only to their personal galleries. My users can read noting about uploading and managing albums in the FAQ but they are able to that kind of stuff in their personal galleries.

I think the upload and album-management specific topics in the faq should be matched against the user right to upload or to do album management, not on the right to have a personal gallery.


Maybe I may suggest a modification to the FAQ system that involves the principle I mentioned in the post above: check if the FAQ item is applicable to the person using it and decide on that check to display the item or not. This modification involves modding each and every lang file so I make the the proposition here first to see what you think of it:

faq.php: if ($CONFIG[$element[2]] == $element[3]) ==> if ($element[2] == $element[3]):

foreach($lang_faq_data as $element) {
  if ((is_array($element))) {
// Mod Start: pass the right variable by reference
//     if ($CONFIG[$element[2]] == $element[3]) {
     if ($element[2] == $element[3]) {
// Mod End: pass the right variable by reference
       $anchorName = createAnchorName($element[0]);
       $faqHeading .= '<ul style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px"><li><a href="#'.$anchorName.'">'.$element[0].'</a></li></ul>';
       $faqContent .= '<tr><td class="tablef"><i>'.$lang_faq_php['question'].'</i><a name="'.$anchorName.'"></a><b>'.$element[0].'</b></td></tr><tr><td class="tableb"><i>'.$lang_faq_php['answer'].'</i>'.$element[1].'<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br /></td></tr>';
  else {
      $anchorName = createAnchorName($element);
      $faqHeading .=  '<h2><a href="#'.$anchorName.'">'.$element.'</a></h2>';
      $faqContent .=  '<tr><td class="tableh1"><a name="'.$anchorName.'"></a><h2>'.$element.'</h2></td></tr>';
$faqHeading .= '';


if (defined('FAQ_PHP')) $lang_faq_data = array(
  'General FAQ',
  array('Why do I need to register?', 'Registration may or may not be required by the administrator. Registration gives a member additional features such as uploading, having a favorite list, rating pictures and posting comments etc.', &$CONFIG['allow_user_registration'], '1'),
  array('How do I register?', 'Go to &quot;Register&quot; and fill out the required fields (and the optional ones if you want to).<br />If the Administrator has Email Activation enabled, then after submitting your information you should recieve an email message at the address that you have submitted while registering, giving you instructions on how to activate your membership. Your membership must be activated in order for you to login.', &$CONFIG['allow_user_registration'], '1'), //cpg1.4
  array('How Do I login?', 'Go to &quot;Login&quot;, submit your username and password and check &quot;Remember Me&quot; so you will be logged in on the site if you should leave it.<br /><b>IMPORTANT:Cookies must be enabled and the cookie from this site must not be deleted in order to use &quot;Remember Me&quot;.</b>', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('Why can I not login?', 'Did you register and click the link that was sent to you via email?. The link will activate your account. For other login problems contact the site administrator.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('What if I forgot my password?', 'If this site has a &quot;Forgot password&quot; link then use it. Other than that contact the site administrator for a new password.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  //array('What if I changed my email address?', 'Just simply login and change your email address through &quot;Profile&quot;', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('How do I save a picture to &quot;My Favorites&quot;?', 'Click on a picture and click on the &quot;picture info&quot; link (<img src="images/info.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Picture information" />); scroll down to the picture information set and click &quot;Add to fav&quot;.<br />The administrator may have the &quot;picture information&quot; on by default.<br />IMPORTANT:Cookies must be enabled and the cookie from this site must not be deleted.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('How do I rate a file?', 'Click on a thumbnail and go to the bottom and choose a rating.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('How do I post a comment for a picture?', 'Click on a thumbnail and go to the bottom and post a comment.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('How do I upload a file?', 'Go to &quot;Upload&quot;and select the album that you want to upload to. Click &quot;Browse,&quot; find the file to upload, and click &quot;open.&quot; Add a title and description if you want. Click &quot;Submit&quot;.<br /><br />Alternatively, for those users using <b>Windows XP</b>, you can upload multiple files directly to your own private albums using the XP Publishing wizard.<br />For instructions on how, and to get the required registry file, click <a href="xp_publish.php">here.</a>', &$USER_DATA['can_upload_pictures'], 1), //cpg1.4
  array('Where do I upload a picture to?', 'You will be able to upload a file to one of your albums in &quot;My Gallery&quot;. The Administrator may also allow you to upload a file to one or more of the albums in the Main Gallery.', &$USER_DATA['can_upload_pictures'], 1),
  array('What type and size of a file can I upload?', 'The size and type (jpg, png, etc.) is up to the administrator.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('How do I create, rename or delete an album in &quot;My Gallery&quot;?', 'You should already be in &quot;Admin-Mode&quot;<br />Go to &quot;Create/Order My Albums&quot;and click &quot;New&quot;. Change &quot;New Album&quot; to your desired name.<br />You can also rename any of the albums in your gallery.<br />Click &quot;Apply Modifications&quot;.', &$USER_DATA['can_create_albums'], 1),
  array('How can I modify and restrict users from viewing my albums?', 'You should already be in &quot;Admin Mode&quot;<br />Go to &quot;Modify My Albums. On the &quot;Update Album&quot; bar, select the album that you want to modify.<br />Here, you can change the name, description, thumbnail picture, restrict viewing and comment/rating permissions.<br />Click &quot;Update Album&quot;.', &$USER_DATA['can_create_albums'], 1),
  array('How can I view other users\' galleries?', 'Go to &quot;Album List&quot; and select &quot;User Galleries&quot;.', &$CONFIG['allow_private_albums'], 1),
  array('What are cookies?', 'Cookies are a plain text piece of data that is sent from a website and is put on to your computer.<br />Cookies usually allow a user to leave and return to the site without having to login again and other various chores.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('Where can I get this program for my site?', 'Coppermine is a free Multimedia Gallery, released under GNU GPL. It is full of features and has been ported to various platforms. Visit the <a href="">Coppermine Home Page</a> to find out more or download it.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),

  'Navigating the Site',
  array('What\'s &quot;Album List&quot;?', 'This will show you the entire category you are currently in, with a link to each album. If you are not in a category, it will show you the entire gallery with a link to each category. Thumbnails may be a link to the category.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('What\'s &quot;My Gallery&quot;?', 'This feature lets users create their own galleries and add, delete or modify albums as well as upload to them.', &$CONFIG['allow_private_albums'], 1), //cpg1.4
  array('What\'s the difference between &quot;Admin Mode&quot; and &quot;User Mode&quot;?', 'This feature, when in admin-mode, allows a user to modify their gallery (as well as others if allowed by the administrator).', &$USER_DATA['has_admin_access'], 1),
  array('What\'s &quot;Upload Picture&quot;?', 'This feature allows a user to upload a file (size and type is set by the site administrator) to a gallery selected by either you or the administrator.', &$USER_DATA['can_upload_pictures'], 1),
  array('What\'s &quot;Last Uploads&quot;?', 'This feature shows the last uploads to the site.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('What\'s &quot;Last Comments&quot;?', 'This feature shows the last comments along with the files posted by users.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('What\'s &quot;Most Viewed&quot;?', 'This feature shows the most viewed files by all users (whether logged in or not).', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('What\'s &quot;Top Rated&quot;?', 'This feature shows the top rated files rated by the users, showing the average rating (e.g: five users each gave a <img src="images/rating3.gif" width="65" height="14" border="0" alt="" />: the file would have an average rating of <img src="images/rating3.gif" width="65" height="14" border="0" alt="" /> ;Five users rated the file from 1 to 5 (1,2,3,4,5) would result in an average <img src="images/rating3.gif" width="65" height="14" border="0" alt="" /> .)<br />The ratings go from <img src="images/rating5.gif" width="65" height="14" border="0" alt="best" /> (best) to <img src="images/rating0.gif" width="65" height="14" border="0" alt="worst" /> (worst).', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),
  array('What\'s &quot;My Favorites&quot;?', 'This feature will let a user store a favorite file in the cookie that was sent to your computer.', &$CONFIG['offline'], 0),

I use referencing because it resembles the original method the most but I think you can also just use the appropriate variable instead of refences.

If you great & mighty devs agree with me I can make the change to each and every lang file if you wish (but that would take some days).