Final_Extract - Removing blocks & items like menu buttons - Page 2 Final_Extract - Removing blocks & items like menu buttons - Page 2


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Final_Extract - Removing blocks & items like menu buttons

Started by Paver, January 24, 2006, 05:40:37 PM

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Cymon Sez

When the plug in is installed it will not let me modify the codebase.php file is this normal?

Joachim Müller

what do you mean? You can't edit the source code of the file directly on the server - you download it, modify it and upload it. Who should keep you from that?


As codebase.php was uploaded via HTTP and then extracted on the server it may not be owned by you (depends on server setup). If you need to edit the code then I would suggest uninstalling it and then uploading the plugin's folder into Copermine's plugins folder via FTP. You can then install it without needing to do the HTTP upload step.


hello dear board developers !

it seems im much to stupid to understand how to use the suggested "master_template"
which i have downloaded and installed, and activated.

OK all i can see after i have done that is the big coppermine banner at the bottom of all my pages.

and now .... what ?? what could this plugin do now for me ?
how to remove buttons or links from
SYS_MENU or SUB_MENU ?? without to copy the code from templates/sample/ into my amost empty themes/mytheme

i have read the thread allready often,
but sorry ... what could this plugin do for a php-html newbie ???

let me say ... i love your programm a lot, but since cpg14x everything for me becomes much more complictated
regarding to modify something on the design. (i can imagine ... for guys which are very firm with php everything becomes better)
and it not your fault that im a green newbie.
pls. dont understand me wrong ...for programmes like you ... most of all to modify is very easy, but belive me
i spent much much hours to search the forums to get a hint how to do theses or that, but it seems ...
im realy to stupid, and i have to learn still a lot regarding php.

so im afraid ... to must copy from themes/sample   the necessary code for my SYS_MENU or SUB_MENU
and must // it what i dont like to showed up , and i stupid guy thaught ... with this master_template_plugin whic i have installed
shows up kinda console or form, where its easy to add, hide, point to custom URLS within SYS_MENU or SUB_MENU , dosnt matter
which template i use.

Whenever cpg gets such a feature .... a newbie like me would become crazy (because of joy) about this feature.

anyway ... cpg is my absolute fav. from all online picture gallerie programms  !!!!

but perhaps ... anyone can explain in basic words how this plugins works  ::)

thank you very much, i realy appreciate what you guys offer for a great proggy and thats for FREE !!!!

regrads ... manfred

take care.... thank you


Quote from: Paver on January 24, 2006, 05:40:37 PM
donnoman posted a handy plugin in this thread:

I have just installed and started playing with coppermine today and can i just say THANK YOU for this plug in - it is simply brilliant and I would never have mangaged to have come up with a solution like this.

Thanks to people who develop things like this - much good karma upon you. ;D


Where can i find all of abbreviations that Cappermine gallery use for buttons?

François Keller


I have modified donoman's final_extract plugin so you can chose the blocks you will remouve according to user group
in attachement the zip file from the modified plugin
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


I'm not quite understanding how to do all of this.. Specially since reading another thread.

Anyway, in the codebase.php I'd like to remove the links top rated and most viewed.

What I can't figure out is HOW to add it in the codebase.php

Like this?
final_extract_block($html, 'top rated');
final_extract_block($html, 'most viewed');

Or this?
final_extract_block($html, 'top_rated');
final_extract_block($html, 'most_viewed');

Oups edited an error.


You need to use the "BLOCK_ID" to remove those links.  For a theme based on the new 1.4 theme system, you'll find something like this in themes/yourtheme/theme.php:
    // HTML template for template sub_menu buttons

As the comment says, the BLOCK_ID is the 4th string.  So for "top rated", the BLOCK_ID is 'toprated' and for "most viewed", it's 'topn'.

However, if you are using a theme that doesn't use this new "addbutton" method of adding the links, "top rated" and "most viewed" may not be marked properly.  Looking at the themes that ship with 1.4 like hardwired and mac_osx, they do not mark these links properly.  I mentioned this earlier in this thread.

Hardwired has this for "top rated":
                                        <td><img name="buttonright1" src="themes/hardwired/images/buttonright1.gif" width="7" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
                                        <td><img name="spacer" src="images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
                                        <td><img name="buttonleft1" src="themes/hardwired/images/buttonleft1.gif" width="7" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
                                        <td style="background: url(themes/hardwired/images/buttoncenter.gif);">
                                                <a href="{TOPRATED_TGT}" title="{TOPRATED_LNK}">{TOPRATED_LNK}</a>

It should instead have this (to be properly marked):
<!-- BEGIN toprated -->
                                        <td><img name="buttonright1" src="themes/hardwired/images/buttonright1.gif" width="7" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
                                        <td><img name="spacer" src="images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
                                        <td><img name="buttonleft1" src="themes/hardwired/images/buttonleft1.gif" width="7" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
                                        <td style="background: url(themes/hardwired/images/buttoncenter.gif);">
                                                <a href="{TOPRATED_TGT}" title="{TOPRATED_LNK}">{TOPRATED_LNK}</a>
<!-- END toprated -->

So the final_extract plugin cannot remove the "top rated" link from the hardwired theme unless you add the two comments I showed above.

As I said previously in this thread, you should either remove the links manually in your theme or add the comments in and use the final_extract plugin.


Quote from: Paver on July 27, 2006, 02:44:30 PM
You need to use the "BLOCK_ID" to remove those links.  For a theme based on the new 1.4 theme system, you'll find something like this in themes/yourtheme/theme.php:
  // HTML template for template sub_menu buttons

That is why it's so confusing, this theme doesn't have that.
I've looked over serveral threads to try to understand it.
Like this one, and it makes no sense to me..No matter how hard I try to understand and how many times I read it. (Which is about 12 by now.)

This theme has HTML links.
But in the theme.html is nothing either.

This is the only code I can find in the theme.php
    $param = array(
        '{ALB_LIST_TGT}' => "index.php$cat_l",
        '{ALB_LIST_TITLE}' => $lang_main_menu['alb_list_title'],
        '{ALB_LIST_LNK}' => $lang_main_menu['alb_list_lnk'],
        '{CUSTOM_LNK_TGT}' => $CONFIG['custom_lnk_url'],
        '{CUSTOM_LNK_TITLE}' => $CONFIG['custom_lnk_name'],
        '{CUSTOM_LNK_LNK}' => $CONFIG['custom_lnk_name'],
        '{LASTUP_TGT}' => "thumbnails.php?album=lastup$cat_l2",
        '{LASTUP_TITLE}' => $lang_main_menu['lastup_title'],
        '{LASTUP_LNK}' => $lang_main_menu['lastup_lnk'],
        '{LASTCOM_TGT}' => "thumbnails.php?album=lastcom$cat_l2",
        '{LASTCOM_TITLE}' => $lang_main_menu['lastcom_title'],
        '{LASTCOM_LNK}' => $lang_main_menu['lastcom_lnk'],
        '{TOPN_TGT}' => "thumbnails.php?album=topn$cat_l2",
        '{TOPN_TITLE}' => $lang_main_menu['topn_title'],
        '{TOPN_LNK}' => $lang_main_menu['topn_lnk'],
        '{TOPRATED_TGT}' => "thumbnails.php?album=toprated$cat_l2",
        '{TOPRATED_TITLE}' => $lang_main_menu['toprated_title'],
        '{TOPRATED_LNK}' => $lang_main_menu['toprated_lnk'],
        '{FAV_TGT}' => "thumbnails.php?album=favpics",
        '{FAV_TITLE}' => $lang_main_menu['fav_title'],
        '{FAV_LNK}' => $lang_main_menu['fav_lnk'],
        '{SEARCH_TGT}' => "search.php",
        '{SEARCH_TITLE}' => $lang_main_menu['search_title'],
        '{SEARCH_LNK}' => $lang_main_menu['search_lnk'],
    $sub_menu = template_eval($template_sub_menu, $param);

I tried commenting it out with //.
But then it left this in the menu instead:

Edit: I'm using the Blix theme.


if you don't have the code on your theme.php then copy it from themes/sample/theme.php to your theme.php
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: bmossavari on July 27, 2006, 02:59:30 PM
if you don't have the code on your theme.php then copy it from themes/sample/theme.php to your theme.php

Ah..yes..but this creates more problems, no errors, but the top links here
should be looking like the ones here

Now that I added the code that I copied from themes/sample/theme.php it makes it only text.

I'm not sure weather or not to continue this thread here or make a new topic in the themes support.


If your themes/yourtheme/theme.php doesn't have the menu customizations, then it is using the default Coppermine one which uses the addbutton method, which means that 'topn' and 'toprated' are marked correctly.

So . . . use the final_extract plugin with the BLOCK_IDs 'topn' and 'toprated' and you should be all set.

There is no need to copy the code from the sample theme unless you want to customize the menus manually.  The final_extract plugin eliminates the need for manual customizations in theme.php.  Yes, the plugin does require manually changing its codebase.php, but that's a separate issue (and will hopefully be removed in the future with a nice web panel configuration).


Quote from: Paver on July 27, 2006, 03:41:39 PM
There is no need to copy the code from the sample theme unless you want to customize the menus manually.  The final_extract plugin eliminates the need for manual customizations in theme.php.  Yes, the plugin does require manually changing its codebase.php, but that's a separate issue (and will hopefully be removed in the future with a nice web panel configuration).

How do I remove them manually? It was so much easier in the early versions.
I've used the search but it all comes back to the final_extract.

Maybe someone who can help, can PM me so I stop cluttering the thread. :o


You're not cluttering the thread.  Support is kept on the public boards so others can learn from your questions.

If you only want to remove the "most viewed" and "top rated" links, I would still recommend the final_extract plugin.

Modify the plugins/final_extract/codebase.php so that the main function looks like this:
function final_extract_page_html($html)
    //repeat the next line for each block you would like removed
    final_extract_block($html, 'topn');
    final_extract_block($html, 'toprated');
return $html;

Then make sure the final_extract plugin is installed (on the plugin manager page).

I just tried this with the Blix theme on my test gallery and it does what you want: remove the "most viewed" and "top rated" links.

If you want to do something different than just remove the links, then learning the theme system is required.  But for just removing blocks, the final_extract plugin is the simplest way to do so.


Quote from: Paver on July 27, 2006, 05:57:22 PM
You're not cluttering the thread.  Support is kept on the public boards so others can learn from your questions.

If you only want to remove the "most viewed" and "top rated" links, I would still recommend the final_extract plugin.

Modify the plugins/final_extract/codebase.php so that the main function looks like this:
function final_extract_page_html($html)
    //repeat the next line for each block you would like removed
    final_extract_block($html, 'topn');
    final_extract_block($html, 'toprated');
return $html;

Then make sure the final_extract plugin is installed (on the plugin manager page).

I just tried this with the Blix theme on my test gallery and it does what you want: remove the "most viewed" and "top rated" links.

If you want to do something different than just remove the links, then learning the theme system is required.  But for just removing blocks, the final_extract plugin is the simplest way to do so.

Works like a charm! Thanks alot for all the help! :D


I am playing around with this as well. I am using a copy of the sample theme at the moment while I am learning how to do this in Copperminer 1.4.9 after upgrading from 1.3.5.

My theme.php has this

// HTML template for template sys_menu buttons
    // Login and Logout don't have a spacer as only one is shown, and either would be the last option.

and the plugin works a treat to remove a number of these buttons. However, I would also like to remove the My Profile button.

Am I right in assuming that the way to do that is to change this section in my theme.php

// HTML template for gallery admin menu
$template_gallery_admin_menu = <<<EOT

                <div align="center">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<!-- BEGIN admin_approval -->
                                <td class="admin_menu" id="admin_menu_anim"><a href="editpics.php?mode=upload_approval" title="{UPL_APP_TITLE}">{UPL_APP_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- END admin_approval -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="admin.php" title="{ADMIN_TITLE}">{ADMIN_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="catmgr.php" title="{CATEGORIES_TITLE}">{CATEGORIES_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="albmgr.php{CATL}" title="{ALBUMS_TITLE}">{ALBUMS_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="groupmgr.php" title="{GROUPS_TITLE}">{GROUPS_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="usermgr.php" title="{USERS_TITLE}">{USERS_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="banning.php" title="{BAN_TITLE}">{BAN_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="reviewcom.php" title="{COMMENTS_TITLE}">{COMMENTS_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- BEGIN log_ecards -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="db_ecard.php" title="{DB_ECARD_TITLE}">{DB_ECARD_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- END log_ecards -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="picmgr.php" title="{PICTURES_TITLE}">{PICTURES_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="searchnew.php" title="{SEARCHNEW_TITLE}">{SEARCHNEW_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="util.php" title="{UTIL_TITLE}">{UTIL_LNK}</a></td>
<!--                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="profile.php?op=edit_profile" title="{MY_PROF_TITLE}">{MY_PROF_LNK}</a></td>-->
<!-- BEGIN documentation -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="{DOCUMENTATION_HREF}" title="{DOCUMENTATION_TITLE}" target="cpg_documentation">{DOCUMENTATION_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- END documentation -->


// HTML template for user admin menu
$template_user_admin_menu = <<<EOT

                <div align="center">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="albmgr.php" title="{ALBMGR_TITLE}">{ALBMGR_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="modifyalb.php" title="{MODIFYALB_TITLE}">{MODIFYALB_LNK}</a></td>
<!--                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="profile.php?op=edit_profile" title="{MY_PROF_TITLE}">{MY_PROF_LNK}</a></td>-->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="picmgr.php" title="{PICTURES_TITLE}">{PICTURES_LNK}</a></td>


and comment the My Profile link out as I have done it? It does work, but I am just unsure whether the plugin would have been able to handle it as well.
Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I might remember
But involve me and I will understand


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: bmossavari on September 13, 2006, 01:30:27 PM
New version of this plugin has an option to remove that

well, after installing the new version ...

it does not remove the logout button and it does not on my screen have an option to remove the My Profile button.

I am using basically the sample theme with very few modifications
Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I might remember
But involve me and I will understand


- oops ! sorry I should confess that I don't read your first post completely
- You need to use this code instead of yours

// HTML template for gallery admin menu
$template_gallery_admin_menu = <<<EOT

                <div align="center">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<!-- BEGIN admin_approval -->
                                <td class="admin_menu" id="admin_menu_anim"><a href="editpics.php?mode=upload_approval" title="{UPL_APP_TITLE}">{UPL_APP_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- END admin_approval -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="admin.php" title="{ADMIN_TITLE}">{ADMIN_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="catmgr.php" title="{CATEGORIES_TITLE}">{CATEGORIES_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="albmgr.php{CATL}" title="{ALBUMS_TITLE}">{ALBUMS_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="groupmgr.php" title="{GROUPS_TITLE}">{GROUPS_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="usermgr.php" title="{USERS_TITLE}">{USERS_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="banning.php" title="{BAN_TITLE}">{BAN_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="reviewcom.php" title="{COMMENTS_TITLE}">{COMMENTS_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- BEGIN log_ecards -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="db_ecard.php" title="{DB_ECARD_TITLE}">{DB_ECARD_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- END log_ecards -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="picmgr.php" title="{PICTURES_TITLE}">{PICTURES_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="searchnew.php" title="{SEARCHNEW_TITLE}">{SEARCHNEW_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="util.php" title="{UTIL_TITLE}">{UTIL_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- BEGIN profile -->
                              <td class="admin_menu"><a href="profile.php?op=edit_profile" title="{MY_PROF_TITLE}">{MY_PROF_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- End profile -->
<!-- BEGIN documentation -->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="{DOCUMENTATION_HREF}" title="{DOCUMENTATION_TITLE}" target="cpg_documentation">{DOCUMENTATION_LNK}</a></td>
<!-- END documentation -->


// HTML template for user admin menu
$template_user_admin_menu = <<<EOT

                <div align="center">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="albmgr.php" title="{ALBMGR_TITLE}">{ALBMGR_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="modifyalb.php" title="{MODIFYALB_TITLE}">{MODIFYALB_LNK}</a></td>
<!--                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="profile.php?op=edit_profile" title="{MY_PROF_TITLE}">{MY_PROF_LNK}</a></td>-->
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="picmgr.php" title="{PICTURES_TITLE}">{PICTURES_LNK}</a></td>


and then add this to codebase.php

final_extract_block($html, 'profile');
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board