Slim theme... Slim theme...


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Slim theme...

Started by crion, January 28, 2006, 02:52:47 AM

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My primary photogallery is "fotopholder", but it is lacking user rating and user comments. So I thought of implementing it there, but gave Coppermine a try before. Now I've muddled around with the water_drop template a little, and the result you can find here: [2]
I did not like the big header, but did not want to fully remove it. So I first tried to put all the menus down below the image, but that did not work. So now I use this CSS-hover-mouseover to hide the user menu, because my users mostly won't need it - it may be a little annoying popping around this way, but it saves lots of space. I also cut most margins down to 0, so you can see most of the 1024 images at a 1024 resolution this way. I need to say that most of my target audience uses more than 1024x768, so its ok like it is. Using 1280x1024 you even can see the movie "strip" below if you use FireFox in FullScreen-Mode (F11). Not perfect, but sufficient for a first try. It would be nice to have a combined breadcrumb and imagenav-bar in one, but that was too much for now. If you like it, take it, and I also may post a zip if wanted.
Is there already a better solution for that slim-theme-thing? And where can I find a theme download-area? That would be great to see what others are doing...

Oh, and I found a little disturbance in EXIF mode when using pictures of the 300D: I have to activate DateTimeOriginal and DateTimeDigitized to get at least one DateTime displayed, if I turn off one of the two, I'll get nothing. Also have a look here: [3].




Theme contributions are located in the sub-board of this board.  If you would like to contribute yours (you are very welcome to do so), you can attach it to your post here and an admin will move it into the contributions board.  Some of the theme contributions are available in the demo linked at the top of the page and on the downloads site.  Please search for the EXIF issue; I'm pretty sure it's been discussed before.

Personally, for popup menus I prefer something that doesn't push other content around.  A few of the default themes in 1.4 have user hover menus - in case you haven't seen these yet - for example the eyeball theme.  I do agree with the concept of saving space, and I like the idea of a slim theme.  Besides the push-down menu, I like what you've done.

By the way, there is a policy of 1 question per thread.  I know your EXIF statement wasn't really a question, but I thought I'd bring it up with this being your 1st post.   :)

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Paver on January 28, 2006, 03:10:38 AM
Some of the theme contributions are available in the demo linked at the top of the page and on the downloads site.
Not quite correct: instead of "Some of the theme contributions are available in the demo", it should read "All of the theme contributions are available in the demo" ;)


Thanks for your hints and sorry for the 1 1/2 questions ;)
I've played around with the modified theme a little more and you are right, pushing the content down is annoying. Maybe I'll try to some z-index games to let the menu hover without moving the content - but I'd like to do that without Javascript, so this won't be that easy.
I tried this mod in Internet Explorer 6 now, and it does not work - could anybody else please also try this in IE and give me a hint what IE does not understand here? All the selfhtml-examples using hover are working correctly for me...
If these issues are fixed I'll post the modified theme in that sub-board you mentioned. Is there something like a special policy for modified themes?

Thank you!


Quote from: crion on January 28, 2006, 03:50:56 AM
I tried this mod in Internet Explorer 6 now, and it does not work - could anybody else please also try this in IE and give me a hint what IE does not understand here? All the selfhtml-examples using hover are working correctly for me...
Heh - that's a really really small font!  I've never seen anything like that before.  I don't have anything to add off the top of my head.  I would search for stuff online - I don't have any suggestions off-hand either.

If these issues are fixed I'll post the modified theme in that sub-board you mentioned. Is there something like a special policy for modified themes?
No special policy.  Pick a name you like.  Zip up all the theme files including the theme folder in the zip so when you unzip it in the themes/, it creates the theme folder for you.  Make sure since you are modifying a default theme that you look in template.html and theme.php for any links to the original theme and point them to your files, even if they are identical to the original theme's files; i.e. make your theme self-referentially complete. 

You cannot post on the sub-board.  An admin will move your thread from here into that board once you submit a theme here.


Just a note: doesn't work in Opera 8, either.  :(

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.


Thanks, the problem is that I am using the pseudoclass "hover" on a div-element, not on an a-tag. Works fine in Mozilla* (I think), but nowhere else ;(
I am trying to find a solution - in the worst case I've got to touch the template.(inc).php-file, but thats *so* big that I fear of doing so.


Best of luck to ya getting this done with CSS! I had that bright idea for a CSS "disappearing" menu in a theme I was working on, and the bruises on my forehead from beating my head on the monitor still haven't faded.

Have you seen this site? He does some fascinating things with CSS, and you might find some inspiration there for your menu. I'll be interested to know if you get this working for all browsers.

Me? I'm resorting to javascript for my menu.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.