Meta Tag Meta Tag


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Meta Tag

Started by World-Charmed, January 29, 2006, 07:51:00 PM

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if I go on the initial page of my gallery, stand above as a page name at browser: " Galerie - Microsoft Internet Explorer ". I have " Gallery" adapted in the general settings. How I get this "Galerie" since still away now?

Here the link to my gallery:

Thanks and Greetings



I don't see the Galerie. I see: - Gallery - Home

Do you speak French? We have a French board if it will be easier for you.

Joachim Müller

Post a screenshot of your coppermine config, with the general settings section expanded. My guess is that you have filled in the word "Gallery" into "Gallery description". Remove it and you should be fine.
HTML's <title> tag is not a meta tag.

@Thu: "de" is the top level country domain for Germany (because "de" is short for "Deutschland", the German name for the country), so I guess World-Charmed doesn't speak French but German as native language.

@World-Charmed: it seems that you're using an auto-translator like babelfish or google to post here. You shouldn't, a machine actually can't translate whole sentences. Try writing in English, even if you think your English is bad. It certainly will be better than a machine translation.


Quote from: GauGau on January 29, 2006, 10:37:47 PM
HTML's <title> tag is not a meta tag.

If we wanted to input <title> tag manually, without going through the config, which file would it go into?  I couldn't find it on the template.php, index.php, nor the style.ccs. 

On my site the title tag doesn't match what I have input on the coppermine config:
General settings:
Gallery name:   Aim English Canada
Gallery description:   Learn English in Canada
URL of your home page:   index.php

If I could force it to something a little more appealing it would be nice :)



Yes,you are right. There stands "Gallery" in the setting, because "Galerie" only stands on the main page of the gallery and when i write "Gallery" it stands in every Titel Tag. That is what I want. So, how can I remove "Galerie" from the Titel Tag?

PS: I can't upload a picture because all my pictures are to big. ;D


Quote from: World-Charmed on January 31, 2006, 08:21:20 PM
So, how can I remove "Galerie" from the Titel Tag?

Maybe someone can confirm this.. but your photos are also kept in the directory called "gallery".  Every time the page changes,  the <Title> automaticly updates itself. Because your photos are in the "/gallery" section, the gallery will always be there.  BUT you can change that...I'm just not certain how...
"<title> - Gallery - Alyssa Milano/Phoebe Halliwell/Alyssa @ Teen Choice Award 2003</title>"

Notice how the Title tag follows your directories?

Joachim Müller

Quote from: AimEnglish on February 01, 2006, 07:52:58 AM
Maybe someone can confirm this.. but your photos are also kept in the directory called "gallery".  Every time the page changes,  the <Title> automaticly updates itself. Because your photos are in the "/gallery" section, the gallery will always be there.  BUT you can change that...I'm just not certain how...
AimEnglish: the folder that holds the file is not relevant unless you have custom modifications.

Quote from: World-Charmed on January 31, 2006, 08:21:20 PM
Yes,you are right. There stands "Gallery" in the setting, because "Galerie" only stands on the main page of the gallery and when i write "Gallery" it stands in every Titel Tag. That is what I want. So, how can I remove "Galerie" from the Titel Tag?
Do as I suggested and remove the word "Galerie" in "Gallery description" (coppermine config), leaving the field empty.

Quote from: World-Charmed on January 31, 2006, 08:21:20 PM
PS: I can't upload a picture because all my pictures are to big. ;D
We have a "one question per thread" policy you agreed to respect when signing up. Post your uploading issues on the "uploads" sub-board after having read the docs, the sticky thread there and after having searched the board, providing the needed details.

Quote from: AimEnglish on January 31, 2006, 04:02:50 PM
URL of your home page:   index.php
That's wrong - it should be the actual URL of your gallery folder without the traling "index.php". Read the docs.

Quote from: AimEnglish on January 31, 2006, 04:02:50 PM
If we wanted to input <title> tag manually, without going through the config, which file would it go into?
I understand that you're trying to help, but please try not adding to the confusion here by asking unrelated questions.

Guys, this thread is very confusing, as you post about different issues in this single thread. That's why we have the "one issue per thread" policy. Not respecting it makes it very hard to keep track of all those issues if you're mashing into one.


Quote from: GauGau on February 01, 2006, 08:14:01 AM
AimEnglish: the folder that holds the file is not relevant unless you have custom modifications.
Do as I suggested and remove the word "Galerie" in "Gallery description" (coppermine config), leaving the field empty.
We have a "one question per thread" policy you agreed to respect when signing up. Post your uploading issues on the "uploads" sub-board after having read the docs, the sticky thread there and after having searched the board, providing the needed details.
That's wrong - it should be the actual URL of your gallery folder without the traling "index.php". Read the docs.
I understand that you're trying to help, but please try not adding to the confusion here by asking unrelated questions.

Guys, this thread is very confusing, as you post about different issues in this single thread. That's why we have the "one issue per thread" policy. Not respecting it makes it very hard to keep track of all those issues if you're mashing into one.

No, i didin´t mean, that i can't upload pictures in my gallery. I mean that i cant't upload pictures here in this forum because the file is to big.

My problem is a little bit crazy, so i explain it again. When i go to the main page of the Gallery. In the titel tag of the Browser stands " - Gallery - Galerie - Microsoft Internet Explorer". That is so because i write " - Gallery" in the gallery description. When i write "" in the Galerie description then there stands in the titel tag of the Browser " - Galerie - Microsoft Internet Explorer". But "Galerie" in the titel tag onlx stands there when i am on the main page. I want that "Gallery" stands there and not "Galerie", so i write " - Gallery" in the gallery description. When i am in a categorie or in a album their stands something like that:" - Gallery - Drew Fuller/Chris Perry" that ist what i want and on the main page too!
So i only must know how can i delete the "Galerie" word of the titel tag.
I hope you understand me.


Comment out this line in include/

$BREADCRUMB_TEXTS[0] = $lang_list_categories['home'];


//$BREADCRUMB_TEXTS[0] = $lang_list_categories['home'];

Joachim Müller

Quote from: World-Charmed on February 01, 2006, 07:58:11 PM
No, i didin´t mean, that i can't upload pictures in my gallery. I mean that i cant't upload pictures here in this forum because the file is to big.
Well, then you should resize it before uploading, simple as that.


Very nice. Thanks Nippler.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: World-Charmed on February 03, 2006, 09:43:57 PM
Very nice. Thanks Nippler.
Hehe, I guess you didn't know, as your first language isn't English, but I suggest to quote names properly, especially in Nibbler's case: "nipple" and "nibble" have different meanings in English ;)