No ecard ... or ... No ecard ... or ...


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No ecard ... or ...

Started by maj, February 15, 2006, 02:04:40 PM

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I got problem whit sending e-card.
when i send a e-card to myself i dont resive it.
i got no erroe or somthing.

i have send 25 e-card to myself and to anohter email but only one is comming, and that was a e-card to my self.

where is the res going to?

Joachim Müller

more details needed, like a link, non-admin test user account and particularly wether you're using sendmail or SMTP. Refer to the docs for details.


link :

testperson :
bruger : test
pass : test2

in the config page the field smtp is emty.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: maj on February 16, 2006, 12:19:59 PM
in the config page the field smtp is emty.
That doesn't answer my question: you need to find out (by asking your webhost) if you can send emails from your server using sendmail (i.e. does it run on Lunix) or if you have to use SMTP (i.e. does your server run on Windows). There's no way coppermine can find this out for you, nor can we.
When leaving the SMTP field empty, Coppermine will use sendmail, or rather PHP's mail()-function (which is fine in most cases when running on Lunix).
If your server doesn't send emails at all, it's likely that you can't use sendmail and that you will have to use SMTP instead, however you can't make the SMTP data up - you have to find it out (again, only your webhost can tell you).


ok, but is'ent strange that i have sendt 25 e-cart to my self and i have only got 2 of them ?

that will say that it can send e-cart out whit sendmail , becurce why do I els get 2 of them?

and what happens to the other 23 who not make it truoh ?

Joachim Müller

OK, then I got you wrong - I thought you did receive 0 ecards. If you received just a couple of them, then review the path the email is taking: there might be spam filters or similar that block it. Try sending ecards to another recipient.


it seems that you are right .

thats it a bad littel thing.

is there a way taht i can se and maby change so thar the filtr not are eating up the e-card?

Joachim Müller

Option 1) Edit your ecard template - make it not send the pic along, and show the url in plain text
Option 2) Edit your ecard template, remove all surplus html stuff, leaving plain text only
Option 3) Edit coppermine's source code to make it send ecards as plain text emails only instead of using html mails
Option 4) Disable the ecards option completely - for your kind of gallery, nobody needs an ecard feature imo (recommended method)