Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image. Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.


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Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.

Started by benj, February 18, 2006, 01:49:35 PM

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i keep getting this when im uploading pictures in bulk now any silly mistakes on my part that could rectify this problem ?


Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


i get this with batch add
    [ID] => 2b34fb2b9c6572c8c3790294455bfd8a
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => english
    [liv] => Array


    [user_id] => 1
    [user_name] => benj
    [groups] => Array
  • => 1

        [disk_max] => 0
        [disk_min] => 0
        [can_rate_pictures] => 1
        [can_send_ecards] => 1
        [ufc_max] => 3
        [ufc_min] => 3
        [custom_user_upload] => 0
        [num_file_upload] => 5
        [num_URI_upload] => 1
        [can_post_comments] => 1
        [can_upload_pictures] => 1
        [can_create_albums] => 0
        [has_admin_access] => 1
        [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
        [priv_upl_need_approval] => 0
        [group_name] => Administrators
        [upload_form_config] => 3
        [group_quota] => 0
        [can_see_all_albums] => 1
        [group_id] => 1

  • => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg143_filetypes; (0s)
        [1] => select * from cpg143_plugins order by priority asc; (0s)
        [2] => delete from `studentfootwear`.cpg143_sessions where time<1140295127 and remember=0; (0s)
        [3] => delete from `studentfootwear`.cpg143_sessions where time<1139089127; (0s)
        [4] => select user_id from `studentfootwear`.cpg143_sessions where session_id=md5("bc5231c26fe5f39a17e56e25d9079d026a185940eb43b7f3295475d3385e7897"); (0s)
        [5] => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `studentfootwear`.cpg143_users where user_id=1 (0s)
        [6] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, u.user_password AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `studentfootwear`.cpg143_users AS u INNER JOIN `studentfootwear`.cpg143_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='1' (0s)
        [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `studentfootwear`.cpg143_users AS u WHERE user_id='1' and user_group_list <> ''; (0s)
        [8] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) as disk_max, MIN(group_quota) as disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) as can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) as can_send_ecards, MAX(upload_form_config) as ufc_max, MIN(upload_form_config) as ufc_min, MAX(custom_user_upload) as custom_user_upload, MAX(num_file_upload) as num_file_upload, MAX(num_URI_upload) as num_URI_upload, MAX(can_post_comments) as can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) as can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) as can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) as has_admin_access, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) as pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) as  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0s)
        [9] => SELECT group_name FROM  cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0s)
        [10] => update `studentfootwear`.cpg143_sessions set time='1140298727' where session_id=md5('bc5231c26fe5f39a17e56e25d9079d026a185940eb43b7f3295475d3385e7897'); (0s)
        [11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg143_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0s)
        [12] => DELETE FROM cpg143_banned WHERE expiry < '2006-02-18 21:38:47' (0s)
        [13] => SELECT * FROM cpg143_banned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR ip_addr='' OR user_id=1) AND brute_force=0 (0s)
        [14] => SELECT aid, title FROM cpg143_albums WHERE 1 (0s)
        [15] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0s)

    GET :
        [insert] => 1

    POST :
        [d0000] => 6
        [album_lb_id_i0000] => d0000
        [picfile_i0000] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC9UaHVtYnMuZGI=
        [pics] => Array
  • => i0001
                [1] => i0002
                [2] => i0003
                [3] => i0004
                [4] => i0005
                [5] => i0006
                [6] => i0007
                [7] => i0008
                [8] => i0009
                [9] => i0010
                [10] => i0011
                [11] => i0012
                [12] => i0013
                [13] => i0014
                [14] => i0015
                [15] => i0016
                [16] => i0017
                [17] => i0018
                [18] => i0019
                [19] => i0020
                [20] => i0021
                [21] => i0022
                [22] => i0023
                [23] => i0024

        [album_lb_id_i0001] => d0000
        [picfile_i0001] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nMVd1V3VoTTdUSzZQdzZSUWZHUmxKVVprUUdERi1fQjF0SExZcVR5WTlycWx0M0loYlhNZzJEN0xpZlQteXczYks4MjVadlZnSUNqRkk2eWNCVXIwdnhEYlMzNWtVQTlpZ2x0THR6TVZ2WncuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0002] => d0000
        [picfile_i0002] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nMmVRVDh1VzV0SzF1SDc2QkJuVmU1c1owcHkyUy1zQ3RLQzFHWk9NQllhWnhXSUtLSXkwTk1lMzRSNmczcXp0YzN4eS1RbDdQWmQzSE1VTnhtamRJQ05abER4RWRlZDJxVUtOdzJUT2RrZFEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0003] => d0000
        [picfile_i0003] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nMnRPUVMwZk0tRXZNcThfTlpDNnV5amNHSzlzVDF1Q1JfX29iRlFtU1FiaFNyZHNrVEZXMjRFeE4tTm45MFdDTDhxcUVNRlNUUXU2X2VBdmpKd3hVQU8yV0RNTm5xRjdWeHdvTVI3bU5yR1EuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0004] => d0000
        [picfile_i0004] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nMndxdlJjUDV2Nm1jaHJYRE9fVE95VktYNG1lLThmWHRTVlBidnNtdEZDVU1hTXF3TXZENTU5RW9ScXRpbUhBRTY3QUZwczZycjJfbFFIcnJxLXlINjBBbGZWRzVmbGxpNHFrZ0ItaWVwX2cuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0005] => d0000
        [picfile_i0005] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nQWNYNVU3QzBHVEVqTW12M2NIQjFPVE9CemtBVktQZFEtLVRPY1hYUk9vWU1BTG43blF5SjN5eGw4djV6N2w4Zm9vcWdmcWZYUVFIV0Y3ZTN6SFVETm54aFNteVE4TmRNNUpfUUhlNUJFcXcuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0006] => d0000
        [picfile_i0006] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nQm1OWUtJRy1CcURHZnZ5dzhwWTlVdTF3ZFFObjdiNmVPMXBaR3JtTlk2a3RqOVpydDVpR2RuOTlwMEs3SFN2T2tGY25haVBBMTU0ZVluc0gzdEZRelVFUnBJeTdieWxOZWlCQVc2WWFndkEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0007] => d0000
        [picfile_i0007] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nbWh6TnZrTjZvTXFLdVRoZE1EX0ZUNmxQaWdPLV9kNENmVHF2azM5MkV1WDE3SGhwR0JPMnBWR25sY0FkYjRiZXA0N0JaT1dhcV8zdDdPSGNfcHpocVFtU2VXbWVHbTR5TnZVbUdzclJuRWcuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0008] => d0000
        [picfile_i0008] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9nUThzNmliNU1ndHFnQVMtVnVwS3RmdldVQVc3NzVDVkdEOVFSY1pBdk1Rd2pxWG9uU0tyM21Jd1Y3X3pvVVVKcWx5WlNxMVBOdjI5V3N2aEJjNTB2azZ2WGhHUDFpNG5Yc1NDbW8yVGZnQWcuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0009] => d0000
        [picfile_i0009] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9oLWpGQy1DZmc1UVY2M19ZcjZEQUE5bEh2ZUNGU3o3RFVGNVdmMmFPcmpsQk9VRWRmWlBQeEFEcUh3dzJpXzdJLU5nNmJnTEtDTFlkSFVqTnZNbUtzeWM5ZjVWd2VqMHdsVlVRX1pLUVJ5UEEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0010] => d0000
        [picfile_i0010] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9oNG92RVJSM2dVcFFQWm1xT1FBM1dtYl9tcUVnTjY1UnY5WUFBODFTRTVWai1oQkJtYkdTaldCa2xodW42XzBxTVp1OWc0UEV1ZEZGWFpVbWx0Nk5nc2ZjYjZqMmFjNHFpVlpOZkJaZGhCa2cuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0011] => d0000
        [picfile_i0011] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9oZGNPOWpqNUluY3Q0X0lmeTNPSUptaEF2MjBlSld1UTI1alVZNi1qQVNHRVlheXYyM3ZzYmctLVVieWUtYy12NER5OWFNZ21vODBpeGhlUjhjLWFjOFAyZzBnLVhUa0Y5QVUyck9JR1hUaHcuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0012] => d0000
        [picfile_i0012] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9oSURfaDRuZFl6N0lkWmZfMmJDY1ZLcl95TjdBY29UQml3TTlXWll1Wk1UNExGQWh5d1RyNVp3OEI0UHphQmdmMHhVRmRTaVhmZFlTeERPVW5FQVhKYmxOYkVJWHhQejVqejhkLVBjR3E3ZGcuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0013] => d0000
        [picfile_i0013] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9ocEQ0MmVrOXRmMkE4M2ltX2M3QXZDM1JFTE1zZzZ6cjFHYjdtZEU5SXI5cDVHd3p2bnlySTllRlNmc3VLbVpqODJmTFZJNWxtczFGRHhiSzk3NnViZHZrMkhMRjhleEVYVHJYWGxMMENCMVEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0014] => d0000
        [picfile_i0014] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9oUmNKWU5NTlFnQ21oUjZUaDNZR1FmNmRpUWh0cGt0NEplWXhyeHF6a2licHdETVg2MTNCakdjb3dlVmhuQ0FJcE9TcFNDemprTmp2SS1XR01CdE5CR2wyRGktQWtIMFZyMnc4WEo1UC1ZQVEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0015] => d0000
        [picfile_i0015] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9oc2NoMDc2WmljRFMtNWdrWjNvSmVFMkJyZHoxQkpnQzRiOVhzWVF3RjVCamowb0dVNVpiSFdIbEU2NXJqR05BcWgxbm9ZQVdYWjVZSjlET0ZLbVl3djhqM3hJTnlJRXVHakVXWnFTX2dYTncuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0016] => d0000
        [picfile_i0016] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9oVDRQeWxQQjRVZ1RMMDY4YW9MMnJHQ25DcnQwYXowUzdJVG5HZFpONktlVjJRUzZXSHFtckg3S0RBNVhSaVZjQzJ2Zm9PemhvZnVSNEtiRkJ3aHotZVdmNHAwQWNmbzRqQ2QtNmtBUXpFM0EuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0017] => d0000
        [picfile_i0017] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9pMGc2aWNPNHdudkdrTVNUZktsVGZ2NFN4ZE9oT0ctdHgyNG4tcFRCdHQ1T0VXbW13aElpTXUtdks0Rm5vQm1saDdRUlAzMy1Xczg4S1l5V3EtclE1VjRWUHY0ZEtQbkdwVEdvcG1SSDl1eVEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0018] => d0000
        [picfile_i0018] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9pQ3haS0dtZ05fd1JQUGpLTVo5MWp5NkJoN2xmNnJZVUhxUG5jZEpxdF82eF8wOXVjVEpQUlVwdTgzTDRGamlVVk9Ucm9EbFljWFFucUUyalF6NmF4V2dSR21WYnJTbDZvUmV6ZnZEV2hmTXcuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0019] => d0000
        [picfile_i0019] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9pSmRTQV9UVVR3NlpRUzFsU3hzSEM1T1NndF9hWWtzWmZPNGJvSU80TC0zdEFOVnlGbmpFS0tZX1Jfckxvem1vcTYyYkNLaE9WMWMxa1dPN3Y3RHJUOTRqUXBDdjd5b2hyVG1IdVZ6VXpVNVEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0020] => d0000
        [picfile_i0020] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9pSldhbl92MmR6aVRtSUR3MG1hcFpuRDJidVVrUWNkU3pLOXR1UWhQQkltTEx3ZG5CN0JMWG90WHdBN2NtdF9xVHYyMTBxVTFRLVFTaDlaQndvT0lJNmN3WnNGT3IyR25GcEIyQUxnUlFHZHcuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0021] => d0000
        [picfile_i0021] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9qMm0zU0JPalhQTTdsREp6OC1fQnpERWtyZHVSei0taTFZNjR2SlRIMzdXbVZIXzctMzhIaURLQjVtWTdNLUc2NWI5RTdvVFdoZWRTcWRzd254c2tGNWhHRU4xWDdwUlFtWThDLUxVWHB3ZkEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0022] => d0000
        [picfile_i0022] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9qNVc2N052WlBFYUFuZjZlbm5OWXdLS29qM2dwVXcwcmJfa3VqeTYtdVY1OXZjbzVVenpyRVZvYzcwNTFtSklrd2RHYmtJUkprdVU3X3dMNFVSb1U4YV9FM3VHekkzS3AwRzlOSlkwdFhDeUEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0023] => d0000
        [picfile_i0023] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9qbW5aaDZBOTJhTTBrcTNpNmp1S0NoRFdwUU1WdmVCQ2xvUmNoQUlOa0k1dHJkV2V6QlN1d1Jjby1TVERRd2tmUElKLW82UFAwX0lHMVpXdGhtMkk1R0l6U1hjNjJob3ZtbDI4Z0k4ZW10bUEuanBn
        [album_lb_id_i0024] => d0000
        [picfile_i0024] => d29ya19jYXJkaWZmX25pZ2h0X291dC94MXBLb3VONG5abWJYMlNTcU9KX0x5ZWVSWWFfenp0OGQyNGZWb1owY1FGem9qdzE2VVphTDZfOHpSWElDSFE5MUd4Y3l1c09faEJrTV85a0Y2SDlhRThwVEEzMDBVcXBPVERMamJUSHp2aElMblhSYXY4ZWtNVHAwMHQ0S3E1WjVlRlFWOWdnOWRYZUZpcEFWT2gxUmFpYWcuanBn
        [insert] => Insert selected files

    PHP version: 4.4.2-1 - OK
    mySQL version: 4.1.15-Debian_1-log
    Coppermine version: 1.4.3(stable)
    Module: GD
    GD Version: 2.0 or higher
    FreeType Support: 1
    FreeType Linkage: with freetype
    T1Lib Support: 1
    GIF Read Support: 1
    GIF Create Support: 1
    JPG Support: 1
    PNG Support: 1
    WBMP Support: 1
    XBM Support:
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support:

    Module: mysql
    MySQL Supportenabled
    Active Persistent Links 0
    Active Links 1
    Client API version 5.0.16
    MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external
    MYSQL_SOCKET /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql
    MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient 
    Module: zlib
    ZLib Support enabled
    Compiled Version 1.2.3
    Linked Version 1.2.3
    Server restrictions (safe mode)?
    Directive | Local Value | Master Value
    safe_mode | Off | Off
    safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value
    safe_mode_gid | Off | Off
    safe_mode_include_dir | no value | no value
    safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value
    sql.safe_mode | Off | Off
    disable_functions | no value | no value
    file_uploads | On | On
    include_path | .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear | .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear
    open_basedir | no value | no value
    Directive | Local Value | Master Value
    sendmail_from | no value | no value
    sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i  | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    SMTP | localhost | localhost
    smtp_port | 25 | 25
    Size and Time
    Directive | Local Value | Master Value
    max_execution_time | 30 | 30
    max_input_time | 60 | 60
    upload_max_filesize | 2M | 2M
    post_max_size | 8M | 8M
    Page generated in 0.445 seconds - 16 queries in 0 seconds - Album set : ; Meta set: ;


If you don't follow the troubleshooting link, we can't help you.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


theres no option for single file uploads only No. of boxes


This is why we have different support boards for different versions. You have 1.4 so don't use the 1.3 support board when requesting support, you will get the wrong information. The instructions for 1.4 are http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#upload_trouble


I followed the tutorial, but after, I get this message..

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'cpgpluginapi' in /home/zacefron/public_html/gallery/include/picmgmt.inc.php on line 128

Joachim Müller

you haven't followed the tutorial. If you had, you'd know what you need to post if you need help ::)


I have had the same issues and have gone over the forums..I did a fresh install of 1.4 last night...do you think a reinstall might do it??

I have switched directories to 777
gone through my groups and albums
ran the debug- can have it if needed

this what I get on my admin and tester accts

The file 'albums/userpics/10001/IMG_1336.JPG' can't be inserted in the album

Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.

File: /home/cponygo2/public_html/gallery/db_input.php - Line: 391

My site is www.cponygo.com/gallery

sign as tester/123456

I have read the troble shooting docs as well...I may be missing something easy..I am newbie with a little experiance...Had Coppermine before and loved it. Awesome gallery..TIA for any direction



Thanks for the info Nibbler..

I found said line and replaced it and updated and no worky...

I went back and had another looksee at the file and saw another identical line in gd2 so I reset my file to original and replaced the line there-updated and nothing..

then I tried replacing both lines and updating- still same error method.

Been searching the forums and this is the closest I have come to a fix...

any other direction I may take buddy..


all infor for site and tester/pw is in my previous post..thanks


What version of PHP are you running?  Is this your own local server (running on your personal computer) or do you have a host?  Are you using GD or ImageMagick to resize your images?
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Your last question was the clincher....

Thank you very much..I had to change my config to GD2...whew...LOL

awesome work guys,,,many koudos to you all who do this for a living...


If ImageMagick suffers from the same PHP 4.4.1 safemode issue, I may have to modify the workaround.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Has anyone come up with a fix for the following error? 
The file 'albums/userpics/10001/ussbadger_shoulder_patch~0.jpg' can't be inserted in the album

Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.

File: /web/ussbadger-1071.org/gallery/db_input.php - Line: 391

I have applied all of the recommendations listed in the database thus far to no avail.

My server runs PHP Version 4.3.10.

Just for sport I tried the code workaround mentioned in earlier posts for the  PHP 4.4.1 bug - didn't work.
I do not use ImageMagick or GD.

Any help would be most appreciated..

PS: I have been using Coopermine for close to 2 years without any problems and am currently running 1.4.4 from a clean install.


@lrade - if you don't use ImageMagick or GD, how do you create intermediate images?  ???
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Hmmmm, I guess that is a good question.. I don't know.  I re-checked my config and "method for resizing images" is set to ImageMagick and the
Path to ImageMagick 'convert' utility (example /usr/bin/X11/) is blank, therefore unused.. Is that correct?    :-\  To be absolutely honest and accurate the only settings I changed in the config file is the general settings and the skin theme.