Bridge with SMF 1.0.6 questions Bridge with SMF 1.0.6 questions


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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Bridge with SMF 1.0.6 questions

Started by MrTeck, February 24, 2006, 11:58:12 AM

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Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.3 patched
Forum version: SMF 1.0.6 + Tinyportal

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../
Use post-based groups?:  1 

Hi all :)
I don't know how really works the bridge with SMF, but I'm looking that if anyone register in SMF, the user is not created in the cpg database. All work good, the user can upload, and comment, but I want know if have any way to create the user in the cpg database.
I'm thinking that if I want dissable the bridge... I will loss all the users?

Well, really I see that because I'm using cpmfetch for show the last image uploaded. I had some users before the integration, and the cpmfetch only shows the last image of this users, and not from all users (including the users registered after integration).
After see that problem, I was searching the "new users (users registered after integration)" in the cpg database and no exist! So, if any day I dissable the integration, I will loss this "new users" no?

Well, I want know if is possible that apart of the actual way of work of the bridge, could be possible create the new smf users into the cpg database.

Tnx in advantage.
PD: Sorry if I not explain very well, my english are not too good ;)


That's teh way the bridges work... they use the forums member table. If you had members before bridging... then they are in the cpg user table that won't get used anymore. If you undo the bridge... then you use CPG user table again. Of course you can write a script that can import users from SMF

Search the mods board, I've written one the other way round (import CPG users to SMF member table)


Tnx Stramm.
I was searching but not found the post  :-\

Anyway, I will continue searching and I will try do manually because I don't know PHP, but could be a sugestion for a new version of the bridge... something like:
Do you want to copy the SMF users and groups into your CPG database? (not used if bridged but usseful for when dissable integration)

That could be a nice opcion for check when somebody wants dissable the integration and no loss their users. I love SMF but I don't know how many time I will use it ;)
