Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 3 Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 3


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Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools

Started by Stramm, March 31, 2006, 03:33:15 PM

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(New install of cpg 1.4.8 )

Everything is working great...except one thing.
The intermediate image has the watermark on it. But when I click on the intermediate image a window (javascript?) opens up with the large image and the watermark is not there. This larger window seems to be getting the originally uploaded image.

View here:

In config I have set "Which files to watermark" to Both and I've checked file and folder permissions.

These are the images:
blueskies.jpg - uploaded file (no watermark)
normal_blueskies.jpg - has the watermark
orig_blueskies.jpg - no watermark
thumb_blueskies.jpg - no watermark

Have I missed something in config or do I need to hack the javascript?


usually that's file/ folder permissions. If you batch upload you'll have to make sure your folder 'skies' has the recommended permissions (777 or 755) and the file itself is chmodded 644 or 666 (depending on your server settings). Happens when the apache/ php user isn't the user or in the group who uploaded the  pic and therefore hasn't rights to change that file but has rights to make a copy and


That was it. The FTP program I was using on WinXP said the uploaded file was 666. I ssh'd into the site on my Linux machine and did an ls-al and it was really 644. I changed it there and batched added the file and now it works.

That's what I get for using WS-FTP and WinXP :P

Many thanks for your help!


How can I watermark the pictures which are already on the site automatically ?


admin tools
check - Update thumbs and/or resized photos (1)
check - Both resized and full sized (if a orig copy is available)
check - Auto refresh (no need to click continue button anymore)
set Number of processed images per click to 5

scroll down, in the dropdown select 'All albums'

click 'submit


Hi Stramm,

thank you for the great mod. But I've got a problem with the "mod for the mod": My watermark image (60 x 456 pixel) won't be resized on the intermediate images:

I still made the changes in sql/update.sql, lang/english.php abd language specific lang/german.php, copied the from your mod-pack into the include-directory, uploaded the watermark image into the images-directory and ran the update.php.

In my config I also changed the option "Downsize watermark if width of an picture is smaller than entered value. That is the 100% reference point. Resizing of the watermark is linear (0 to disable)" to the "50" - is this value the percentage to resize the watermark image?

What's wrong - Could you help me please?

Regards, Andreas


Sorry for my inconvenience - I've reading the explanation
QuoteDownsize watermark if width of an picture is smaller than entered value. That is the 100% reference point. Resizing of the watermark is linear (0 to disable)" to the "50"
again and now everything is clear. The Downsizing-Mod works great!



If it's not too hard, can you make an option in the config — watermark padding (in pixels)? I think it's important feature ;)


you can hardcode that into
if you use ImageMagick it's –geometry widthxheight

if you use GD2 you look for
    $pos = $CONFIG['where_put_watermark'];
if ($pos == "northwest") {

and below you change all '5' to the offset you'd prefer


Why doesnt it save my settings in Config?

Works for all other settings accept the Watermark Settings, it does not save them for some reason!




probably you haven't run update.php as mentioned in the first post


Quote from: Stramm on July 09, 2006, 08:39:36 PM
probably you haven't run update.php as mentioned in the first post

I have run it, it just doesnt save



if it doesn't save you have made a mistake applying the mod. Usually the sql is missing


Quote from: Stramm on July 09, 2006, 09:36:41 PM
if it doesn't save you have made a mistake applying the mod. Usually the sql is missing

Okay so any idea how to correct this? Just apply the sql straight into the Database? will that work?


what did you do? Maybe others can profit from your experience too


It was an sql problem, forgot to upload the sql file

Another Problem

the watermark works for new uploads that i do now, but i update the images using Admin Tools and it does not update the older images with Watermarks!

These were all FTP'd then Batch Added if this is any help



yes, the FTP and batch add hint is helpful. You'll need to chmod them... I'd say the files to 666, folders 777. Depending on the server setup
if you know how to use the shell and if you have a lot of files/ folders here are two commands you can use
find . -type f -exec chmod 0666 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 0777 {} \;

the first will chmod all files in a dir and all its subdirs 666
the second is for folders


when i check yes to Watermark Image in the config area, it is not saving that setting.

the "Which file to use for watermark" is blank also.

what do i have to do after i install this?