BatchUpload via crontab ? BatchUpload via crontab ?


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BatchUpload via crontab ?

Started by htilly, April 12, 2006, 01:04:39 PM

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Hi !

First my simple question:
Is it possible to make crontab import all pictures in a given directory to a predefined album?
If so, where can I read how to do this or could someone help me out?

What I want to do is to automatically import MMS pictures sent from my mobile phone to coppermine.
I'm 90% done. I.e. - I send an MMS from my phone to, let say I then have a script picking up the attached picture in the MMS mail and store it in a directory.

The only thing left right now is to get the picture imported into coppermine.

So, I want to have a cronjob that takes all the *.jpg in a given dir and import them to a specific album.

Is this possible in any way ?



Hi again,

I browsed thru the forum some more and noticed that quit some few also tried / did some hacks to get MMS/mail upload working.
So I thought I should share the script that Im using to DL the pictures from email sent by a mobile phone.

For the record, I will take no credit for the script since I haven't written it. I used it a long time ago with another album app called "" but I have forgotten who wrote it in the first place  .

EDIT: I found the original link for the old album:
Credits goes to: pcarter

Anyhow.. here is the perl script used for fetching .jpg files in mail.
Ps. It is supposed to fix the URL spring problem as well..


use Mail::POP3Client;
use MIME::Parser;
use LWP::UserAgent;

# Configuration

#Mail Config
my $pop_user='userid'; # Mailbox UserID
my $pop_pass='password'; # MailBox Password
my $pop_host=''; # MailBox Pop3 Server Address
my $mail_address=''; # Expected MailTo Address

# File Config
my $picpath='C:/WEB_ROOT/PHOTOS/Phone Pics/'; # Where to store retrieved images
my $logfile='C:/pcspics.log'; # Log File Name/Location
my $desc='descriptions.txt'; # Name of file for Description Text
my $tempdir='C:/Temp';

# Known From Addresses
my %senders = ( '' => 'UserName1',
'' => 'UserName2',
'' => 'UserName3',
'' => 'UserName4',

my $sprint = '';
my $sprintnew = '';

# Main

# Open Logfile...
open LogFile, ">>$logfile"||die "cannot open: $!";
print LogFile "==== Started ".localtime()." ====\n";

# Connect to Pop3 Server
$pop = new Mail::POP3Client(USER     => $pop_user,
PASSWORD => $pop_pass,
HOST     => $pop_host );
#Verify Connection
if ($pop->Count() == -1) {
print LogFile "**\nERROR: POP Connection Error\n**\n";
Exit -1;

#Loop Through Messages
for ($msg = 1; $msg <= $pop->Count(); $msg++) {

# Check for Mail Address in To: Headers
if ( $pop->Head( $msg ) =~ m/^To:.*$mail_address/im) {
    print LogFile "** Accepted Message # $msg:\n";
    # Get From Addy from Header
    foreach ( $pop->Head( $msg ) ) {
  if ( /^From: .*/i ) {
        print LogFile $from_address, "\n";
    #Check provider from From Address..
    if ( $from_address =~/.*$sprint/i ||$from_address =~/.*$sprintnew/i ) {
    print LogFile "Sprint Message\n";
    else {
    print LogFile "Non-Sprint - assuming MIME.\n";
# End Cleanup
print LogFile "==== Ended ".localtime()."   ====\n";
close LogFile;
if ($pop) {$pop->Close;}
if ($entity) {$entity->purge;}
if ($parser) {$parser->filer->purge;}


#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #

sub getSprintPix {
#Loop through message lines to find Line with URL
foreach ( $pop->Body($msg) ) {
#if ( /.*\/\/shareImage/i ) {
#if ( /.*\/shareImage/i ) {
if ( /.*\/mi/i ) {
#Get the URL
$start = index($_, '<img src="');
$start = $start+10;
$end = index($_,'"',$start);
$picurl=~s/&amp;/&/; #parse out the http encoding back to norm
#$picurl=~s/_235/_640/; #change the image max size from 235 to 640 (in URL)
print LogFile "Found URL: $picurl\n";

#Request PIC from web
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua ->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1');
$accept='text/html, text/plain, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*';

$response = $ua->get($picurl,'Accept'=>$accept);
    if ($response->is_success) {
        print LogFile "Successfully retrieved image from web.\n";
    else {
        print LogFile "ERROR: ", $response->status_line, "\n";
$picdata = $response->content;
elsif ( /.*&lt;messageText&gt;/i ) {
$start = index($_, 'messageText&gt;');
$start = $start+15;
$end = index($_,'&lt;',$start);
print LogFile "Found MessageText: $messagetext \n";

sub getMimePix {
# Get Message
$message = $pop->Retrieve($msg);
# Setup Mime Parser
    my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
    # $parser->output_under($tempdir);
    $entity = $parser->parse_data($message);
#$entity->dump_skeleton;          # for debugging

#Loop through Mime Entities in Message
for ($i=0;$i<$entity->parts;$i++) {
$mimetype = $entity->parts($i)->effective_type;
print LogFile "Found Mime Type: $mimetype\n";

if ($mimetype eq 'image/jpeg') {
#$msgbody = $entity->parts($i)->bodyhandle;
#$picdata = $msgbody->as_string
$picdata = $entity->parts($i)->bodyhandle->as_string;

sub writePicFile {
if ($picdata) {
$picname = localtime() . ".jpg";
$picname =~s/://g;
print LogFile "Attempting to write file: $picpath$picname\n";
open (picfile,">$picpath$picname")|| die "cannot open: $!";
binmode (picfile);
print picfile $picdata;
close (picfile);
else {
print LogFile "No Valid MimeTypes Found. Skipping Message.\n";


sub parseSender {
chomp $from_address;
@addy = split(' ' ,$from_address);

foreach $add(@addy) {
if ($add =~m/.+\@.+\.\D{3,}/) {
$sender =~s/[<,>]//g;
$sender =$senders{$sender} if exists $senders{$sender};


sub writeDesc {
## Write Sender info to description
open (DescFile,">>$picpath$desc")|| die "cannot open: $1";
print DescFile "~\n";
print DescFile "$picname\n";
print DescFile "$picname\n";
print DescFile "<p><center><small><small>";
print DescFile "from: $sender<BR> $messagetext";
print DescFile "</small></small></center>\n";
close DescFile;

sub deleteMail {
print LogFile "Deleting message $msg from Inbox.\n";


BR Tilly