Eyeball Theme problem, see picture Eyeball Theme problem, see picture


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Eyeball Theme problem, see picture

Started by Penguin Pete, April 12, 2006, 01:11:42 PM

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Penguin Pete

picture here

http://www.penguinpetes.com/images/Coppermine_Problem.jpg  THIS is the picture - why is the link going to microsoft.com? (fixed URL - Thu)

So, viewing the gallery in Firefox, I use the web developer toolbar to display element information - it's highlighting the box in red, which is the only way I discovered it, after weeks of racking my brain trying to figure out how to make the header information expand to fill the space. What I want to do is remove the box, and allow the paragraph of text on the left to expand and fill this space. The other thing I'd like to do is move the gallery thumbnail over, enlarge it, and wrap some text around it explaining what it's for.

I posted here a while back asking what was wrong with my visitor traffic - I think I've found out. It's all well and good to display 8 random images and 8 recent ones, but the only way to view the whole gallery is to click the tiny text link squeezed against the far left side, or the tiniest image on the page in the same column. Neither link has instructions or clues on it. This explains why my gallery is getting hundreds of hits, but the individual images don't seem to get viewed, voted on, commented on, etc: people are getting to the index, are confused out of their minds as to how to proceed, and leaving.

Even though I learned the "mystery box" name (.thumbnail) and dimensions (left 476 top 147 width 441 height 73) and have even copied all three files found under /themes/eyeball/ (style.css, template.html, theme.php) and searched them, I have been unable to find any style element called ".thumbnail" with a sized/positioned attribute or even indeed the numbers!

So, where to look, what to do, how to do it?

And by the way, is there a "Coppermine light" out there? A slimmed-down version? All I need is one gallery and one user - 90% of the features here are overkill for my needs. Truly, I don't even need an admin interface - I can just upload the images directly to my site's folder and be done with it. For example, on my home page http://www.penguinpetes.com/ (THIS is the home page link), I wrote simple PHP code to display random images from my gallery folder at each refresh. Add to that simply generating 25 per page in order instead of randomly, make the pages link, and have it generate a seperate page for each image if it's clicked (or hey! - just have it hyperlink to the image in the folder, even?) and I'll have everything I need for now - window dressing like comments and smilies can come later, if at all. International language support is nice, but really, isn't a picture the same in every language? The code to do the random image display on my home page is only 14 lines. That compared to the apparently dozens of files in the Coppermine system, is what I mean when I ask for "simple".


Quote from: Penguin Pete on April 12, 2006, 01:11:42 PMwhy is the link going to microsoft.com?
Because this was the URL you were using: http://'http://www.penguinpetes.com/images/Coppermine_Problem.jpg'

Notice the first http. If you enter only http into the address bar, it will go to MS.

Penguin Pete

OK, the http thing is one down (it seems to be a side effect of using quotes - forgot BBcode doesn't use em). Any further wisdow regarding the rest of the puzzles?

Penguin Pete

Still nothing, huh? Well, I hate to be sour grapes, but I think I'm just going to have a go at building my own. While I really would have prefferred to stay with Coppermine and perhaps contribute my efforts here, it looks like it is just so elephantine that I wouldn't know where to start, and it looks like it's overwhealming the development team as well. It looks pretty and works stably, but it is just so locked into somebody's idea of what it's supposed to do. I've had it for a month, I *still* haven't figured out how to do the simplest, most basic thing, and I read in these forums where I'm not the only one having these problems. Compare to the blogging software, b2evolution, I've had that for the same amount of time and I've practically re-invented it by now. It's accessible; it's silly putty. Coppermine is an iron box.

I would say I'd try other programs, but this is the *third* gallery I've tried, and none of them worked like what I had in mind. What I have in mind would be less than 500 lines of code. Get picture, show picture, some basic visitor interaction; done. We need something that the Joe Sixpacks like me can understand in one sitting. (Not to mention one *without* the possibility of developing security risks like with relocate_server.php, because it would not try to monkey with that kind of stuff in the first place.)

Joachim Müller

I didn't understand the initial question in the first place. If you need a gallery app with less features, go for another app. Coppermine has a lot of features, that's why there's a lot of code.