Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api) - Page 11 Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api) - Page 11


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Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api)

Started by Tranz, May 07, 2006, 10:05:44 AM

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I just tried now without the google analytics javascript code on my template and removing the code in codebase.php...everything looks the same!!

Also comented out this line
Quote//   $uacct='NN-NNNNNN-N';

I thing there's a problem with my master template...Its ok to change the code AFTER the installation or should I tried BEFORE installing it??
Im completely Lost here!! If you can thing on something else please let me know.

Also just to make sure: Does the host need an extra feature installed?? Im running the site on a free host...



definetely I thing the problem is with the Master Template wich may be in conflict with another of the plugins I have installed in the site as the following line doesn't show up neither:

in codebase.php
Quote<a href=""><img src="plugins/master_template/images/mycoppermine.png" width="300" height="64" border="0" alt="Coppermine Logo" /></a>

I can't find this line in the generated page ( no pic displayed ) so it might be another pluging interfering with the functionality of the Master Template

What do you think?? Someone realized if there's a pluging wich causes problems with the Master Template v 1.2??

I uninstalled few plugs wich I no longer need but I would like to keep the following ones:

Master_Template v1.2     --> In order to make this beauty working
Movie Download Link Plugin v1.0    
Display Fields v1.02    
HighSlide v2.3    
Custom FilmStrip v1.0    
CPG MiniCMS v1.6    
Loginform v1.1    
Login info v1.3.1    
Advanced Thumbnail Captions v1.01    
Calendar v1.0    
Keywords_add v1.0    
Album List v1.0    
Photo Summary v2.1    
OpenSearch v1.0    
Picture annotation v1.0    
Multiline comments v1.1    
Remove Crop and Rotate v1.1    
Keyword List v2.0    
Engine Friendly URLs v1.1    
Author Coppermine Development Team
CAPTCHA v2.0    
Contact v1.3    
FileMove v1.0.1    
Extra Anycontent v1.0    
Orderable Category List v1.1    
Name Multilingual texts v1.0

If someone have one of them installed and causing Master Template not working as supposed to do please let me know, I really want Tranz's awesome mod working   :P

Thank you all  ;)


Quote from: rubenix on December 14, 2007, 05:35:05 PM
Thanks for your quick reply!! wasn't expecting it that fast.

for clarification: I do have the master templated installed see attached pic, and yes you are right I can't find the code you mentioned on my map.

Could this happen because I have a plugin or javascrit conflict??

I'm using the Google Analytics so I left the code without commenting out the line:

$uacct='NN-NNNNNN-N'; is that right??

I dunno what else try...I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions

Thanks again!!

Sorry, I misunderstood since you had written that you tried to skip having the template, I didn't realize that you were using it at the time that I looked at it.

If you are using Google Analytics, have you tried entering your analytics code in place of the placeholder Ns? Edit that file, then upload and install the plugin.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for your help but didn't make the mod working; I replaced the n's from the codebase with my code numbers from analytics.
Anyway, the prob is not with the master template as I thought. Made few tests and everything works fine with the MT plugin.

I made sure the following code in codebase.php was placed in order:


// Add a filter

As these lines injects the javascript code before the body tag so the map can be shown (as you explained before).

Reviewed few times and everything placed as instructed but remains the problem as I cannot find in the generated code line:
<script src=" so no map shown

Can you please have a look?? What else can I try?? I don't understand, can this be a plugin conflict issue?? Im lost  :'(
Thinking now about having a javascript conflict coz I dunno what else I can check...



thank you Tranz!!

I made seem stupid now as the problem was even more easy than will have to slap me!! For some reason there was no body tag on my template file Do'h ( probably coz I deleted it by mistake ).

Just one little question: how can I delete the Album name and owner name from the ballon once you press in the marker??

I'm a happy man!! thanks Tranz and sorry for my stupidity: I learn the lesson: Just check, check & re-check TF code!!!  :o

Thanks!! Luv this beauty!! I will start marking my map  ;)


Quote from: rubenix on December 15, 2007, 11:59:38 AM

thank you Tranz!!

I made seem stupid now as the problem was even more easy than will have to slap me!! For some reason there was no body tag on my template file Do'h ( probably coz I deleted it by mistake ).

Just one little question: how can I delete the Album name and owner name from the ballon once you press in the marker??

I'm a happy man!! thanks Tranz and sorry for my stupidity: I learn the lesson: Just check, check & re-check TF code!!!  :o

Thanks!! Luv this beauty!! I will start marking my map  ;)

I'm glad you were able to figure out. Since master template looks for the body tag, that would explain why it failed earlier.

To edit the balloon text as you requested:

$details = "<a href=\"" . $thumb_link . '"><img src="' . $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].$thumb_url . '" class="image";></a><br/><b>' . $thumb_title . '</b><br/>' . $thumb_caption . '<br/><br/>' . addslashes($lang_picinfo['Album name']) . ': <a href="' . $album_link . '" title="' . $album_link_title . '">' . $album_title . "</a></i><br/>" .
$lang_adv_opts['owner_name'] . ': <a href="' . $owner_link . '" title="' . $profile_link_title . '">' . $owner_name . '</a>';

Replace with:

$details = "<a href=\"" . $thumb_link . '"><img src="' . $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].$thumb_url . '" class="image";></a><br/><b>' . $thumb_title . '</b><br/>' . $thumb_caption;


Thanks so much for the info. I just updated the ballon tip and deleted the owner name as I'm the only registered user and no one else can registrate and upload their own pictures to the gallery...I'm using CPG as per personal gallery, so no need to show the username...

Cool I'm going to mark a few files; Everything looks great; I really appreciated your HARD code-work, it must be kind of difficult and you must be very patient to read all the google API documentation in order to achieve that lovely mod!!

I just realized that the sidebar don't show properly in IE; the scrollbars don't even apear...Ah well, I'm FF user and most of the visitors use FF as well, so nevermind, IM VERY HAPPY AS IT IS...Thanks, thanks & Million Thanks!!  :P


Quote from: rubenix on December 15, 2007, 04:27:27 PM
Thanks so much for the info. I just updated the ballon tip and deleted the owner name as I'm the only registered user and no one else can registrate and upload their own pictures to the gallery...I'm using CPG as per personal gallery, so no need to show the username...

Cool I'm going to mark a few files; Everything looks great; I really appreciated your HARD code-work, it must be kind of difficult and you must be very patient to read all the google API documentation in order to achieve that lovely mod!!

I just realized that the sidebar don't show properly in IE; the scrollbars don't even apear...Ah well, I'm FF user and most of the visitors use FF as well, so nevermind, IM VERY HAPPY AS IT IS...Thanks, thanks & Million Thanks!!  :P
You're welcome. :)

I think there's an issue with your theme, then. The scrollbars show up in IE for my map page.


OK, I will look into it; Any way Im quite happy how it looks now; also I don't even care that much about not showing the scrollbars while browsing with IE... I have always encouraged people to switch to FF as have lots of capabilities and most important thing: Its Free!!

Thank you again!!


Hello ,

I want to replace the photograph (in displayimage.php) by google map.
I have a lot search but, I don't succeed in finding.

Can you help me?

sorry for my bad english!

[Edit GauGau] Replaced hotlinked image with attachment [/Edit]



Sorry, Xavier. It seems like an interesting idea but I don't have the time to put into it. Perhaps someone who is good with knowing where things are in displayimage.php could easily point you to where you need to look to put the map where you want.


Ok TranzNDance  ;)

no problems; Happy New Year !

Xavier  :)


Hello TranzNDance,

Thank you for this Mod. Very cool.

Maybe I missed it in this thread but here it is anyway: is there a way to link the maps generated by this MOD, to the same location on Google Maps? That is if a viewer wants to explore the area of the map a bit more afterwards.

Thank you!



It would be possible. This mod generates a permalink that works within the map you installed. You would just need to create a version of the permalink (or edit the existing permalink) url to point to google maps instead of your own.


Quote from: TranzNDance on December 28, 2007, 04:51:37 PM
It would be possible. This mod generates a permalink that works within the map you installed. You would just need to create a version of the permalink (or edit the existing permalink) url to point to google maps instead of your own.

Thank you TranzNDance.

I will try that.


Maybe it has already been told, but i couldnt find it (i've used the search button)  ;)

But, i've followed all the steps mentioned in this topic, to get the 'Goolge Earth' map, but the map wont show up  :-\

I can fill all i want, but i see he want to connect to ... and then stops! (i have a correct api-key), so on this moment i'am clueless (all the steps went just fine, but NO map!) .. So maybe one off you're folks has an idea !?  8)

Thanks already!  ;D


It might be how you're entering the lat/long data. The javascript error console directed my attention to an issue with an illegal character in this line:

   gmap.setCenter(new GLatLng(52�12'58.73"N,5�57'52.64"E), 1, G_SATELLITE_MAP);

The illegal one is the one that showed up as '?', at least on my system. Convert the values to decimal values. For example, this is how it would look like from my own map:
           gmap.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.70120736474139,-118.67431640625), 6, G_HYBRID_MAP);


So, what is the correct notation for: 52°12'58.73"N, 5°57'52.64"E

I get this info directly from the google earth progam  ???


Oke .. i've found the trick ;)

It's not 100% right now, but atleast, i get a google earth map on my screen!  ;D