Bridging with phpbb 2.0.20 (Redux) Bridging with phpbb 2.0.20 (Redux)


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Bridging with phpbb 2.0.20 (Redux)

Started by M3g4d37h, June 02, 2006, 07:34:51 AM

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I too have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and phpbb:

I have ran the bridging wizard.  Everything was fine, until I did a routine cache cleaning in Firefox, and now I can no longer log into the coppermine gallery.

While in the gallery I click on login, and the gallery forwards me to the phpbb login page, even though the page i'm forwarded to (the PHPBB login page) says I am already logged in.  Whether I log out/back in, or just return to the gallery, I keep getting the same routine and messages, im not logged in, nor can I re-log in to the gallery. As a result, I have NO access to my coppermine admin account, so it seems i'm royally screwed.

As an aside, I am certainly no web guru -- I can get by though.  I have read the docs extensively, but looking at them from an outsider's view, they seem ambiguous and unclear in regards to this issue.  This is not intended to be criticical -- This is fine software, and I truly appreciate the effort, and any support I get.. but hopefully this will be addressed from the programming side and the documentation side in a future release,  as I've seen several users here with the same issue.  I think we're all in the same boat guys, and we are looking at this from the viewpoint of someone unfamiliar with CPG's  quirks, as opposed to the guys who know it intimately.

Coppermine version: cpg1.4.6
(installed manually the "Maintenance release CPG1.4.6 that protects against Apache's .rar vulnerability" patch as well)
Forum version: phpBB2 2.0.20


User: Test_User
Pass: Test_User

Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/
Use post-based groups?:  1

Thanks for your time.



Joachim Müller

Quote from: M3g4d37h on June 02, 2006, 07:34:51 AM
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.6
(installed manually the "Maintenance release CPG1.4.6 that protects against Apache's .rar vulnerability" patch as well)
You do not have cpg1.4.6, but cpg1.4.4. Applying the hotfix doesn't make your version become up-to-date. There are tons of smaller (non-critical) fixes that have gone into cpg1.4.5 and subsequently cpg1.4.6, compared to cpg1.4.4, as discussed in the sticky announcement threads. Upgrade!


Okay GauGau, I decided to start fresh -- I removed the old variables from my DB, and reinstalled a fresh copy. (1.4.6)

I realize now that I had inadvertently installed the previous version..   :o

I am going to set everything else up atm, and for the sake of best practice, are there any additional steps that I should take before running the bridge?

Hopefully this will go smoothly.  I will chronicle my steps, so hopefully others (especially those new to this, like myself) can avoid the missteps that I and several other folks have fallen prey to.

Thanks very much for your patience, GauGau.




Make sure your phpbb cookies are properly setup, that means the path is valid (normally '/'), the domain is valid (.yourdomain.tld) and the name is valid (normal characters only, no spaces).

Joachim Müller

...and make sure your Coppermine gallery is set up properly and working as expected standalone before starting to bridge.


Okay.. I reinstalled CPG 1.4.6.  I ran the database update, and got these messages -- Please note that anything omitted was marked as "Already Done".

QuotePerforming Database Updates

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpg143_sessions ( session_id varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', user_id int(11) default '0', time int(11) default NULL, remember int(1) default '0', PRIMARY KEY (session_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store sessions'  OK
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpg143_filetypes ( extension char(7) NOT NULL default '', mime char(30) default NULL, content char(15) default NULL, KEY extension (extension) ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store the file extensions'  OK
UPDATE cpg143_config SET value='ALL' WHERE name='allowed_img_types'  OK
UPDATE cpg143_filetypes SET player='WMP' WHERE extension IN ('asf','asx','mpg','mpeg','wmv','avi','mp3','midi','mid','wma','wav')  OK
UPDATE cpg143_filetypes SET player='QT' WHERE extension IN ('mov')  OK
UPDATE cpg143_filetypes SET player='RMP' WHERE extension IN ('ra','ram','rm')  OK
UPDATE cpg143_filetypes SET player='SWF' WHERE extension IN ('swc','swf')  OK
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cpg143_temp_data` ( `unique_ID` CHAR( 8 ) NOT NULL , `encoded_string` BLOB NOT NULL , `timestamp` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `unique_ID` ) ) TYPE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'Holds temporary file data for multiple file uploads'  OK
UPDATE `cpg143_config` SET value='classic' WHERE (name='theme' AND value='default')  OK
DELETE FROM `cpg143_filetypes` WHERE mime='text/html'  OK
UPDATE `cpg143_config` SET value='$/\\\\:*?"\'<>|` &' WHERE name='forbiden_fname_char'  OK
ALTER TABLE cpg143_pictures DROP INDEX `owner_id`  OK
ALTER TABLE cpg143_pictures ADD INDEX owner_id( `owner_id` )  OK
ALTER TABLE `cpg143_users` CHANGE `user_password` `user_password` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL  OK
ALTER TABLE `cpg143_users` CHANGE `user_profile6` `user_profile6` TEXT NOT NULL  OK
DELETE FROM cpg143_config WHERE `name` = 'comment_email_notification'  OK
DELETE FROM cpg143_config WHERE `name` = 'hide_admin_uploader'  OK
DELETE FROM cpg143_config WHERE `name` = 'admin_activate'  OK
ALTER TABLE cpg143_pictures CHANGE `mtime` `mtime` DATETIME  OK
DELETE FROM cpg143_exif  OK
DELETE FROM cpg143_config WHERE `name` = 'randpos_interval'  OK
ALTER TABLE `cpg143_pictures` CHANGE `mtime` `mtime` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'  OK
ALTER TABLE `cpg143_albums` CHANGE `description` `description` TEXT NOT NULL default ''  OK

Upgrade completed

Here is more pertinent information:

CPG Cookie info:

PHPBB Cookie Info:

Is this acceptable?

Secondly, Do I need to update any files from the DEV site? 

If so, which files (specifically) should I upgrade?

Once I get the word from you guys (and do as instructed), I will run the bridge.



Joachim Müller

Just run the bridge, you can savely disable it if things go wrong - nothing will break. You have to understand that we can't hold every user's hand when he's doing Coppermine stuff.


Okay, done.. Would you be so kind as to try the test account ?



Joachim Müller


Thanks very much for your help and your time, GauGau & Nibbler.

<-- Happy Webmaster. :)

